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"So last night, I suddenly got this impulse to get some Silly Putty! I haven't played with it in years! The cool thing about adulthood is that I can take myself to the Dollar Store, bu..."
"best flow you've ever heard..1st one, Jedi Mind Tricks, Speech CobrasMr. Lif&rbr;I'm the fire bearerHolder of the sunThe Earth and the universe combined as oneAn everlasting energy taki..."
"I've noticed, being an active member of a couple different fire troupes, that whenever I am around one or the other I tend to pick up certain stylistic tendencies that reflect the group..."
"I just got this sent to me by a friend of mine. I don't know if this story is true or not, but the message clear and it is a good one. Apparently it's national friendship week somewhere..."
"WHAT ??? you online, princess ???????????????????????????????????????we missed you here !!!! &lbr; 19 June 2002, 19:58: Message edited by: Cassandra &rbr;"
"Just finished reading a pretty hard-core book (euuuugh! not that kinda hard-core) called The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler. It's taken me ages. What a slog. Anyway, it was a challenge & t..."
"its true,...i really cant think of another message board like this one, where so many people come together (well...i do actually have a film on my computer where lots of people....ooh....."
"I heard this lovely story on the radio this morning and I wanted to share it.In africa there was a woman who's job it was to walk the three mile round trip to the water hole to fetch wa..."
"Ok, so I just learned what my schedule for next year's rotations will be. In case anyone cares, here's the breakdown.July, August, and September: Obstetrics/Gynecology and then Pediatr..."
"Woohoo! I actually won this month's draw for poi equipment. Been entering in it for quite a long time now, so it is neat that it finally worked out. I'm so happy! No..."
"(i will let this thread go tomorrow or next time i'm on, but heres my pissed off rant - sympathy needed!)there are probably other people feeling the same now!!!there were 2 gigs i HAD t..."
"I dont know if this should go into the war forum or here but i thought it is only kinda connected with war...The point is read this article BBC News It made me so angry! Have people no..."
"if u have to ask who RATM is or who zach is you shouldnt be here...for any others...who thinks tom,brad,and Y tim K need to quit audislave and get zach back..whos with me RATM!!!!! ..."
"no..not really, i just love this song...if you sit and listen to the words (or read them) they can actually affect you.Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen By Baz Lurman Ladies and gentle..."
"Whilst wandering aimlessly through the internet I happened across this example of unfair treatment and harsh imprisonmentFrankly I'm shocked. Is there not enough cruelty in the world al..."
"I am just curios to know how all of ya feel whan you are "playing with fire" and why you do it in the first place. Do you feel ?Do you feel ?Do you feel ?Do you feel ?Do you..."
"Myself and Santana have an upcoming event in a couple weeks, and would like to do a very dramatic, very tribal tattoo paint pattern for the show. I have a book with several examples of..."
"hello hello It's been an awfully long time so I'm entirely unsure how many of you will remember me, but hey, it's me, xaeda.....I'm alive and reasonably well. All rumours of me being..."
"Help!!!!!I'm finding myself in the most stressful place i've ever been in at work.Any helpful tips out there?I usually can handle things pretty well but I'm really losing it at times la..."
"G'day Mate !oops... sorry ... am being Ozified here hello beautiful peopleI just wanted to share a realization with you and am really curious to hear your opinion.so far I have always..."
"I have not been doing poi at all since last november when my dad almost killed himself by pouring my fuel directly into a fire. When that happened I just put it away and hadn't touched ..."
"Not sure about the validity of this article, if it was actually serious or if she was just messin. Still, this is kinda scary if you really think about it. http://www.cnn.com/2003/EDUC..."
"So today I was driving to pick up PWB. It was a nice day and my windows were down. My hair all windblown, no make-up, looking pretty trouncey to be sure.This truck of two guys comes aro..."
"Just wondering what the reasoning behind your votes are. I voted for self simply because without looking after ones self all the other values in the poll are sacrificed."
"Hello!It's my last day at Uni today before a whole month off!I declare this month the OFFICIAL (if that's OK) Home Of Poi Members Lazy Student Skive Month So even productive members of ..."
"online radio, yo! this one's blowing my mind right now, check out "the Dream Factory", especially dj morlack! HBR1 and this one has loads of great new school breaks: nubreaks for mo..."
"Other Axis of Evil Wannabees, by John CleeseBitter after being snubbed for membership in the “Axis of Evil”, Libya, China and Syria today announced that they had formed the ..."
"Has anyone got any good sites to recommend with poi vids to download or any galleries!Ive been on the obvious ones, has anyone got their own site???? Would love to have a look!. "
"Well, as everyone seems to be getting very introspective at the moment thinking about the future and past etc, I'd thought I'd ask a simple question:What's the most defining decision yo..."
"So I'm cleaning my apartment and listening to Madonna's "Justify My Love" (flashback, I know) and of course I get distracted by a pair of poi and get my groove on...What are some other ..."
"tomorrow the students at my university had planned to "take" the university for one night(don't know the specific term in english...anyone?), but as it is going to stay closed until som..."
"Last night I woke up for the second time in a couple of weeks crying from my dreams!!First one a Friday night a couple of weeks ago. I woke up bawling cause I dreamt my brother had died..."
"hey yall, i was searching for india dance styles and ran across this site:http://dance.meetup.com/anyone checked it out before? i went ahead and registered so we'll see. apparently it'..."
"im having a dilema. i really want to get something nice for my mum this year, something that shows how much i loove her and appreciate her . i usually make a card but im pretty unima..."
" did you know that you need 23 hugs a day to keep you happy and emotionally stable, i found it out today in my psychology class. aparently hugs give off hormones in your brain that mak..."
"I'm an idiot...since i'm a DJ at the local skating rink i had to break up this cat fight...it wasn't pretty...these chix were like Xena,..both of them...big macho girls...anyway i ran u..."
"four days to go to huuuuge show...and left hand in bandage indefinitely(should be less than four days, but no rehearsal for me....)damn construction materials must look on bright sid..."
"2^x=ygiven y, how do you find x?My actual problem is:2 ^ &lbr;( X - 16384) / 128&rbr; * 4.4 = YI know Y. I need to figure out how to reverse the formula and get X. I know I did this sor..."
"I have been fire twirling for about 5 years now. i have busked the last two summers but know there is more dollar to be made out there. what is the best way to get work? anyone know any..."
"I have no hangoverI got paid yesterdayI am getting a free tv from the office todayIts halfway to the weekendThe sun is shiningThe coffee is freshDamn fine day Have a good one. Rememb..."
"I was just wondering how we could use the chatroom better any idea's ?. Eg have your name light up a different colour when you have entered the chat room . For when people see ?"
"****Down temporarily****Or for those of you familar with IRC it's on irc.newnet.net #HomeofPoiEveryone gets ops, the only rules are common sense. I will probably be there fairly often ..."