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"you know, after posting my weave topic i figured it might be a good idea to introduce myself to you all asking for help is only a fragment of what this boards all about. i know, cause..."
"oh my GOD i just spun fire for the first time. it was absolutely amazing.. and -loud-. lots louder than i'd thought it would be. i did the butterfly, alternating, overhead, mexican wave..."
"To all who may read these words look down at the keypad below, do you see the mystical thing that will never let poi go away from our harts. Thats rite I've lost the plot, no no look cl..."
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH HOP!!!!!!!!!!!!I ll tell you whats wrong. we the people of fire and burnt hair are going through more phases that a person that listens to top 50 and hair styles chan..."
"Well, as i was out of town for my b-day over the weekend, my parents just gave me a card today...the front of it shows two people who look like they've just been through some sort of bl..."
"do any of our Swedish contingency know my friend Saga she's a bubbly lady of light met her in Thailand 94/95'ish ?also anyone goiung to the European juggling convention ?- i'll need..."
"Those of you who don't live in the midwest USA may or may not have heard about the fires we've been having around here lately. A pretty severe drought has dried out the ground here in C..."
"Just a idea ive never seen at HOP. The idea of it is to carry on with the story from where the person before stopped (are you following?). You are limited to one sentence each! This sto..."
"Daily Telegraph,Monday 29/7/2002,Picture ClippingThe text on this picture of a lass doing poi, reads: "Whirl of a time: festivalgoer Tanya Osmond puts on a show of her own at Womad with..."
"Hiya PeopleI was just wondering where people most enjoy to practice poi or whatever they do? I guess for me, my back garden is obviously one, but the beach is great fun practicing! Also..."
"hear ye, oh my bretheren! as i lay recumbent upon my bespanglements of pillows, surrounded therein by whores of babylon in their evil carnal ways, and various chemicals the antichrist o..."
"ive been reading a couple of the threads listed in the poi section and keep on comming across referals to THE BASSMANwho is this poi legendary figure?apparently he is ace at colour chan..."
"Well after watching COL3 i must say me and draco are deeply embarrised that the clip of us on the vid was truly a poo representation of us.So before you all fob us off as completely rub..."
"Heh 2 alland especially those that went 2 Big Green GatheringWot a splendilishous time i had theretanx 2 those i did fire wiv - i being the dreaded dancer withe the rope poi (i try 2 da..."
"to who ever. how long did it take yall to learn the art of poi, glowsticking, and liquid to do ti and know ow to do it well enough in front of people at raves "
"So I'm wondering...what else are people into? I mean, besides their work. And nutella/marmuck/vegemush. So, for example, I'm a competitive swimmer. I started swimming at age 8. Swa..."
"yo peeps,Im just starting out busking and I wonder if anyone has any advice. especially to do with one man shows and stuff. Is is better to have a drummer or sommit, a hat girl?Have pea..."
"Hey folks...I've been experimenting with double poi recently (two poi in each hand)Have any of you lot experimented with this?Want to swap ideas?awoooga"
"I did a show at the weekend.It was quite good.Last weekend for the Bristol Harbourside Festival me and 2 of my friends organised something rather special.We decorated a Fire Boat (one t..."
"after peoples advice/opinion/whatever you have to say. im heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps smitten for this chick. she knows i like her and i know she likes me.. am i wrong to not want a relationship..."
"Hi....left a msg in here a few days ago about a firewalk I am organising in August (it got moved to Events/Perormances&Gatherings......go check it out if you wanna join in)Im really loo..."
"so anyone here going to fusion fest? c'mon bay area spinners, some of ya gotta be going. I mean, ITS FUSION FEST!!!"if we didn't eat cheesy poofs, weeeeeee'd beee laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.""
"lol... this is pretty funny... Go to this link and take the personality test... very funny...Im classed as an artist...(they told me to stop writing poetry NOW!!) lol.... I also took th..."
" sorry to spoil the very strange thread??!!but i did my first fire performance last night at a friends b/day party.it was wicked everyone loved it,so i was buzzing off them.i ..."
"Just sorting some photos 4 here but in the mean time theres some stuff here http://photos.yahoo.com/rampton_no1glastonbury promo, benporn lights & fire.enjoy I do !luv u xx"
"Well... I just have to say that I am fully loving the band George right now..If you aint an aussie you Have to check out this site... www.george.net.au and check out the single Breath..."
"As some of you may know, I am a member of a political party out here in Australia. Right now it is imploding rather spectacularly, with leadership fighting & bickering. I think my fav..."
"Hello All,I'm very new to poi and getting frustrated by my lack of co-ordination! Can anyone suggest/recommend classes in Melbourne that are good? I've had trouble tracking one down tha..."
"I was sat making yet another pair of practise poi and my mum came up and asked to have a go.I was really shocked by this since no-one in my family has shown any interest in having a go ..."
"hehe just thought i would share...this morning my toast got stuck and as i'm tring to skillfully wrest it out of the clutches of the toaster i kept burning my fingers a little and yelpi..."
"Ok. Before you say it, I have tried to use the Meet Others section. So there .The problem is that unless you live in the US or Canada, you can't do a search at county level.Since I'..."
"After reading quite a few posts , alot of you seem to be from the U.S.A who lives in the UK?? ahhhhh wait wow , kent , London , Bristol , And good o'l BATH !!! Mark P i live nr Bath..."
"The other night when I was at a gig with splat and michelle and the Goobles, (awsome costumes Jody, you rock!)... we were half way through a show when this chick came up and puked right..."
"I have had to trawl through over 1000 photos online 2 find these so please enjoy !Other photos on the way I'm just waiting 2 c the others !love u all xx berlin love parade pics 4 u xxx ..."
"I found Fluuf for sale the other day and had it on toast this morning. This is the bestest thing ever. Neone who has tried looking for it in Canada it is called Marshmallow cream"
"it seems like months ago we were begging for each others cast off clothing.... and while i am still waiting yet for mine to arrive *grizzle*whinge* i would love to hear any happy safely..."
"Just wondering if anyone (especially from the toronto thread) made it to the Z1035 summer rush last nite...I must say it was incredible...Ian Van Dahl and Do from DJ Sammy are the most ..."
"So, this is going to be sheer opinionated commentary here but....I have noticed lately, not only on this board but in email discussions, icq discussions and with some of the people I ha..."
"http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/2002/07/07-24-02tdc/07-24-02dnews-fphoto-01.aspDon't you love being on a front page? I'm famous on campus! Yay! *counts the 15 minutes*where else..."
"Hi eveybody im very very new to poi and to this website , i just bought my first pois yesterday at the Trowbridge pump festival and the bloke who sold me them told me about this sit..."
"Last night after I'd finnish all the clean up and I was all packed and ready to go... I felt like something was missing :???: but I new there was nothing left there to take home.... But..."