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33 posts
Location: Leeming, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, worl...

hey all

there was an email going around alittle while ago and it gave me this idea.
any ways its a game called in my pants, for those familliar cool and thoes not think of a name of a song i.e Friends by led zeppling (doenst have to be zepplin any band will do) then put in my pants after, so it will turn out as Friends in my pants

i got a few good 1ns.

don't matter if your black or white in my pants
gallows pole in my pants
lose your self in my pants

have u got any good 1ns id love to hear them

tambo. biggrin

"Shine on you crazy diamond"

JaqueDarkBRONZE Member
55 posts
Location: Liverpool England

Wherever You Will Go In My Pants (The Calling)
Fatal Tragedy In My Pants (Dream Theater)
What's Going On In My Pants (Four Non Blondes)
Come Cover Me In My Pants (Nightwish)
Tarantula In My Pants (Pendulum)
Nancy Boy In My Pants (Placebo)
What Do I Have To Do In My Pants (Stabbing Westward)

AurinkoBRONZE Member
1,034 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

No one in my pant (Alicia Keys)
Volcano in my pants (Damien Rice)
The blower's daughter in my pants (Damien Rice) redface lolsign
Ocean of noise in my pants (Arcade Fire)
Me, my yoke and I in my pants (Damien Rice)
No cars go in my pants (Arcade Fire)
The Well And The Lighthouse in my pants (Arcade Fire)

a swapped test-playboy, set free by NOn, idolizing the tea fairy; Dragosani spiritual freedom agreement reached 18th Sept 2006

bodhisattvaSILVER Member
my body is a tattooed temple
366 posts
Location: halifax, United Kingdom

better together in my pants ( jack johnson )

do what you want to do in my pants (adema)

drink the water in my pants ( jack johnson)

shock the monkey in my pants ( coal chamber)

do it for the kids in my pants (velvet revolver)

sportin' a woody in mypants ( dangerous toys)

keep it up in my pants ( soul asylum)

i need something in my pants (newton faulkner)

what have you done in my pants ( within temptation)

meet the creeper in my pants ( rob zombie)

saturday night cockfight in my pants ( wasp)

get on the snake in my pants ( soundgarden)

the stain remains in my pants ( life of agony)

makin' a mess in my pants ( skid row)

whats going on in my pants (cyndi lauper)

when the body is happy the mind smiles

to live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred without hearing such teaching

and everything is measured by the hole it leaves behind

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Bob's party time lounge in my pants (Primus)
Harold of the rocks in my pants (Primus)
Spegetti western in my pants (Primus)
nature Boy in my pants (Primus)
Welcome to this world in my pants (Primus)
Grandad's little ditty in my pants (Primus)
Wynona's big brown beaver in my pants (Primus)
Mr. krinkle in my pants (Primus)


Owned by Mynci!

bodhisattvaSILVER Member
my body is a tattooed temple
366 posts
Location: halifax, United Kingdom

there is a light that never goes out in my pants ( the smiths )

when the body is happy the mind smiles

to live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred without hearing such teaching

and everything is measured by the hole it leaves behind

the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

meat sandwich in my pants (GWAR)

moist vagina in my pants (sonic youth)

that smell in my pants (lynrd skynrd)

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


WirewoodGOLD Member
90 posts
Location: Perth, West Australia

I just read this thread then got a good laugh going through my playlist, here's a small sample:

Hate to Feel in my pants - Alice in Chains
Commited to Life in my pants - Asian Dub Foundation
Thunder Clap in my pants - Augustus Pablo
Something Happened in my pants - Bluey
Extrusion Zone in my pants - Bluey
The Levee's Gonna Break in my pants - Bob Dylan
Time Passes Slowly in my pants - Bob Dylan
Everything is Broken in my pants - Bob Dylan
What was it you Wanted in my pants - Bob Dylan
False Advertising in my pants - Bright Eyes
No Surprises in my pants - Radiohead
Look What You've Done in my pants - Epsilon Blue
Trascendental Object at the End of Time in my pants - Epsilon Blue
Wandering Eye in my pants - Fat Freddy's Drop
No Parking in my pants - Fat Freddy's Drop
I'm Not the Only One in my pants - Filter
Do the Headless Chicken in my pants - Headless Chickens
How do you Fix a Broken Part in my pants - Iggy Pop
I Need More in my pants - Iggy Pop
Lost Someone in my pants - James Brown
It's a Man's Man's Man's World in my pants - James Brown

I almost had to CHANGE my pants when I got to my Australian Bird Calls (e.g. Red-Capped Robin, Golden Whistler, Purple-Crowned Lorikeet - and so many more).

"What drives life is...a little electric current kept up by the sunshine." Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Love is better than a warm trombone in my pants - Gomez

Panik Panik in my pants - Manu Chao

You never wash up after yourself in my pants - Radiohead

everyone's unique except me

LynxLynxSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Slovenia

 Written by

Umbrella in my pants (Rihanna) (Is that an umbrella in your pants, or...?)

... are you just happy to see me? Is the right? do I get a prize?

I found this one funny:

The escapist in my pants (Nightwish)

Other from Nightwish:

Sahara in my pants
The poet and the pendulum in my pants ("pendulum"*girly giggle* *straight face*)
Dark chest of wonders in my pants
Wishmaker in my pants
Dead gardens in my pants

and lots more ...

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Australia in my pants. (Shins)

Love me like I love you in my pants. (Bay City Rollers)

Not Guilty in my pants (The Beatles)

I want you in my pants (Bob Dylan)

I feel fine in my pants (The Beatles)

damn, had to add one more....

Weird divide in my pants (The shins)
EDITED_BY: Mother_Natures_Son (1215989910)


30 posts
Location: Wales

Battle Metal in my pants (Turisas)
Crazy Bitch in my pants (Buckcherry)
Witching hour in my pants (Venom)
Island in the Sun in my pants (Weezer)
Goat Horns in my pants (Nokturnal Mortem)
Nowhere Inbetween in my pants (Voodoo Johnson)
With Every Heartbeat in my pants (Robyn)
Prison Sex in my pants (Tool)
Smells Like Teen Spirit in my pants (Tori Amos)
The Wanderer in my pants (Emperor)
Lai Lai Hei in my pants (Ensiferum)

I think that's enough for now. Haha. I love Tool song titles. =D

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

43 posts
Location: Fareham

Get It Up in my pants (MSI)
My Ass Is On Fire in my pants (Mr. Bungle)
Slither in my pants (Velvet Revolver)
Totem in my pants (Tomahawk)
Woodpecker From Mars in my pants (Faith No More)


No philosophical signatures for me. I hate those things. But I do like biscuits.

11 posts

Lonesome Organist Rapes Page-Turner in my pants
Coin-Operated Boy in my pants

Cheers, Dresden Dolls! biggrin

Also, I can kill you with my brain.

11 posts

Red Rain in my pants (peter gabriel)


Also, I can kill you with my brain.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

The girls of porn in my pants (Mr. Bungle)


Owned by Mynci!

43 posts
Location: Fareham

Slowly Growing Deaf in my pants
The Bends in my pants
Egg in my pants
Love Is A Fist in my pants
Backstrokin' in my pants
Golem II: The Bionic Vapour Boy in my pants
(Mr. Bungle)

When Good Dogs Do Bad Things in my pants (Patton/Dillinger Escape Plan)

Smaller and Smaller in my pants
Kindergarten in my pants
The Real Thing in my pants
The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies in my pants
(Faith No More)

Five Seconds in my pants (Peeping Tom)

...not that I love everything Mike Patton's done vocals on or anything...

No philosophical signatures for me. I hate those things. But I do like biscuits.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Hey, I mean he is pretty much a god...

on that note....

My God in my Pants - Pennywise


Owned by Mynci!

43 posts
Location: Fareham

 Written by :Poje

Hey, I mean he is pretty much a god...

yes, yes he is biggrin

I love this place already tongue

Pressure in my pants (Skindred)

No philosophical signatures for me. I hate those things. But I do like biscuits.

harasuSILVER Member
51 posts
Location: that cute valley in the south, Slovenia

Only Women Bleed in my pants (Alice Cooper)
Radio Ga Ga in my pants (Queen)
I'm So Excited in my pants hehe (Pointer Sisters)
What a Feeling in my pants (dunno who)
There You'll Be in my pants (Faith Hill -?-)

Commander Schutz: Strange, and I thought you were an Aryan.
Jewish Barber: No, I'm a vegetarian.

Zub_ZubSILVER Member
6 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Five Long Years in my pants- Eric Clapton
I need a man in my pants- Eurythmics
That's the way in my pants- Led Zeppelin
My Hero in my pants- Foo Fighters

Plus a song by Electric six but its not very appropriate.

If you notice this notice, you will notice its not worth noticing.

bodhisattvaSILVER Member
my body is a tattooed temple
366 posts
Location: halifax, United Kingdom

unbound (the wild ride )in my pants
dear god in my pants
the wicked end in my pants
to end the rapture in my pants
we come out at night in my pants
thick and thin in my pants
and all things will end in my pants
all by avenged sevenfold

when the body is happy the mind smiles

to live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred without hearing such teaching

and everything is measured by the hole it leaves behind

WildThingmiss beelzeboss
41 posts
Location: Zagreb , Croatia =)

PanterA ftw ^^

Cowboys From Hell in my pants :P
5 Minutes Alone in my pants
Rise in my pants xD

You make my heart make everything..GROOVEY .. yeah =) xD

Man_in_the_maskBRONZE Member
specializes in the potentially insane
130 posts
Location: California, USA

hmmm. . . not sure if any of these have been done yet but
crazy bitch in my pants -buck cherry
the beautiful people in my pants - manson
jump in my pants-van halen
am i evil in my pants -metallica
sex machine in my pants- dope
wake up in my pants-dope
just a few

"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin..."

Danny_PyroFire Eater, Panda Lover, Self-Employed Ninja...
6 posts

Awake and Alive in my pants - Skillet

Psychotic Girl in my pants - The Black Keys

"The meaning of art is to ask what DOES it mean?" -Marilyn Manson

"What have we learned from this?"
"When black smoke starts coming from your finger you may want to take it out of the flame?"

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

nice bump!!

Dinoaurs will die in my pants (NoFx)
Timebomb in my pants (Rancid)

a christmas themed one - I saw mommy kissing santa claus in my pants

Not Exactly in my pants (deadmau5)
come in my pants (Lemon Jelly)
Nothing lasts.. in my pants (shpongle)
..But nothing is lost in my pants (shpongle)

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

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