SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I did a search and to my surprise I did not find another thread about this so here it is. I am trying to learn under the legs and I am having a lot of trouble as I keep doing leg wraps when they come back. Every once in a while i get a sloppy looking under the leg thing, and this is only with my right arm. Just to set a goal for myself, lets just say I want to silly walk as that would cover plenty under the legs things. Any tips for trying to learn this? I looked at Nick's video and it told me what it is, but it doesn't really help with trying to learn it.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

leospoiSILVER Member
Poi explorer
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Get those feet moving! Be light on your footing and use longer or heavier poi to slow down the rotation and have more time to do the tricks. Remember, open a space between your legs and then cross or move your legs to open an exit on the other side.

astonSILVER Member
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Another thing to remember is that which way you step will affect the way it needs to move under you. This is one of those things that is so easy to show, but horrible to describe, but here goes:

Stand in the standard leg stretch, so one foot sraight out behind you. Let us say the left one. Now shorten it so you can move more easily, to about half its length. (If you can follow karate terminology, I am talking han-zenkutsu-dachi. See the wikipedia article on stances) Now, swing the poi clock wise into the gap from behind. As it passes through, step forward, again into han-zenkutsu-dachi. If you got the timing right, as your feet come together, the poi will be passing your stomach. And as you finish the step, it will come out of the swing above your right thigh.

The important thing to realise here, which I am sure you will, is that you can enter the gap between your legs (no sniggering at the back there!) from any direction, with either hand.

Hopefully that helps at least a little. Otherwise, will try again. wink

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I think I know what you are saying, and no, I don't speak Karatenese tongue2 I guess maybe as I get better at it, I can make my legs closer and closer together making it look neater as it works with everything else.
On another note, I've seen it in a video before, but I recently saw a video of it close up. I've mostly seen in done by Nevisoul, where he puts his hands together with all of his fingers crossed like when you cross your hands, and does spiral wraps in rapid succession very fast. Does anyone know how to do this, or is it just his little secret? Because it looks cool as hell grin

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

RivesGOLD Member
Nothing but circles and smiles...
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Location: Tampa, FL USA

the best way i have found to learn utl tricks is to first master the box step.

box step is a quick pattern where your feet start next to each other about shoulder width apart, then your right(or left if your more comfortable that way) foot steps forward. the other foot then follows so your feed are once again even and shoulder width. you then move your right foot back to its original position, and your left follows to its original place, creating a "box" this sounds simple enough but can be the all important missing link in making these tricks look smooth.

Heres some links:
derek's dodging daggers lesson: split time same direction

derek's dodging daggers lesson: rvs butterfly

those are my favorites, you mentioned that you had already seen nicks video so theres no need for a link to that one. If you want to turn the dodging daggers the silly walk, just continue stepping forward instead of stepping back.

hope this helps. happy spinning

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I've seen the dodging daggers already, I thought it was awesome, so I got the same direction split time, but not butterfly yet. I figured it would help me learn the silly walk too.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

AllToreUpSILVER Member
the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away...
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Location: Santa Fe/Albuquerque, NM, USA

Originally Posted By: SpinnerofDetroitOn another note, I've seen it in a video before, but I recently saw a video of it close up. I've mostly seen in done by Nevisoul, where he puts his hands together with all of his fingers crossed like when you cross your hands, and does spiral wraps in rapid succession very fast. Does anyone know how to do this, or is it just his little secret? Because it looks cool as hell grin

Pretty sure this has been covered in another thread, but here's a few tips if you're still struggling with it.

Let the poi wrap on each wrist separately before bringing your hands together. (Learning the timing when to put your hands together is probably the hardest part of this.) When your hands come together, cross your fingers together and complete the spiral wrap. Rotate both hands together back and forth to wrap and unwrap, repeat and repeat and repeat ;p

I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I actually just figured this out, I let it wrap around 2 fingers and them around my wrist and put my hands together. It just wraps around my wrist and not my hand, but this makes no difference to me except less pain, less chance of burning to my hands, and looks the same grin

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

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