Forums > Technical Discussion > About the colecord handles...

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V_RegalGOLD Member
Lost in the Lights
101 posts
Location: BC, Canada

How do you shorten the length?

EDIT: Nevermind. Now all I have to do is figure out a way to remember how to knot it.

EDITED_BY: V_Regal (1236721820)

Risen from the Ashes
The Phoenix shall rise in his royal flaire.

LevFiredance Philosopher
79 posts
Location: Vancouver BC Canada

I'm not exactly sure either, my friend put a weird knot in mine, Regal do you mind sharing anyway just to inform people?

V_RegalGOLD Member
Lost in the Lights
101 posts
Location: BC, Canada

Well, it's all about pulling on certain parts of the original part. Just trace the part of the cord, pull on one part, and pull on the other. Hard to describe without messing up my setup. Then again... I don't like my new setup anyways: It just doesn't let me do shotguns and go into freehanding moves. >_>

Risen from the Ashes
The Phoenix shall rise in his royal flaire.

MuckySILVER Member
Rum-Swilling Combustioneer
227 posts
Location: Macungie, PA, USA

Was it a sheepshank knot? They're commonly used to shorten rope, but I imagine over time it could work its way loose with poi (it's fine as long as it's under constant tension). Or was it a daisy chain? Several overlapping knots that come undone with a tug? That one's more suited to storing rope, but I don't see why you couldn't use it for poi if you wanted to.

Or is it a kind of sliding knot so you can quickly adjust the length? I've never used HOP's Colecord handles so I'm not sure how they're set up to begin with.

Bouncing Baby Pipe!

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