Forums > Social Chat > 5 things you loved as a 5 year old

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nearly_all_goneSILVER Member
1,626 posts
Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

Pretty self-explanitory, really. Just any 5 things you loved when you were 5 (or little in general, if you can't remember that far back wink ).

1 - Dogger. My favourite book about a boy who loses his toy dog.

2 - Red. Great colour, red.

3 - Glasses. I used to sit in front of the telly with glasses-frames on, pretending I needed them. Now I do. ubblol

4 - Ham sandwiches/Jam sandwiches. Not at the same time, I hasten to add.

5 - Homework. I used to get my mum and dad to set me homework. I was a very peculiar child biggrin

Your go!

What a wonderful miracle if only we could look through each other's eyes for an instant.

alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

1. Living in papua new guinea

2. Not having to wear shoes (as a kid)

3. people on the maket knowing who i was and giving me free stuff (food and drink)

4. Our 3 dogs ALL called "sam" ubblol big sam, little sam and hairy sam biggrin

5. the trap door in my room so when i was bad and shut in my room i could still get out (the house was on stilts)

51 posts
Location: Sunshine coast, Queensland

1. Jolly Tall
2. Bertie (a straw stuffed dog on wheels that smelt funny)
3. my granddads garden
4. my secret cupboard (i actually thought my parents didn't
know about it)
5. and last but not least my calender
looking back at this im starting to find myself kind of strange

Living is loving & Loving is Living
Lying is Dying &
Dying can be Lying if you let it...

SNOOPoiCarpal \'Tunnel
3,380 posts
Location: At the bottom of the garden with the fairies...

1. Barbie

2. Secret Keepers

3. Pink (the colour)

4. Sweets

5. My Mum (Thistle)

EDITED_BY: SNOOPoi (1176717912)

Liz_Ard: Ouch!
SNOOPoi: Thats just not the sound of someone doing it right!

alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

dosen anyone remember the garbage pale kids?

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

1) being able to act the way you liked without fear of being picked on or judged because of it

2) not having the responsibility (dont get me wrong, i'm not complaining about it [much], but the amount of responsibility put on people my age is ridiculous!)

3) being able to meet somebody for the first time and be best friends with them 5 minutes later, no time wasted

4) not having to worry what your next life move would be

5) the birthday parties (i recently realised how much effort is put into organising a party for people and i really appreciate all the parties i had when i was a child now)

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

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blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
197 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

 Written by: ravehead

dosen anyone remember the garbage pale kids?

Are you kidding? They are the reason I cant go to sleep without having my feet covered (still to this day!) That crocodile kid freaked me out! ubblol

1.My poodle maggie
2.Trying to eat a fried egg with my fingers
3.Thundercats...and Webster smile
4.Eating mulberries straight off the tree, being barefoot, and getting stained purple for days.
5. Looking all round our house for the secret button my aunty told me would open the secret door, to the secret funfair in the attick.

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

1.) Warm, fresh-picked cherries and blueberries...strawberries and blackberries...and plums and apples and pears...all on our property!!!

2.) Playing in the creek in the woods behind our house and catching minnows and crawdads to take home to fish with...

3.) Being able to run around with no shirt on and not have someone tell you it's inappropriate...

4.) Summer storms that seemed to rock the whole world...and days that seemed to last forever...

5.) The simplicity of being young...

...and one collie dog, Jack...he was my best bud and followed me patiently everywhere that I went...

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

ElentariSILVER Member
8 posts
Location: Maine & Vermont, USA

1. Making forts!! (And planning MUCH more extravegant ones)
2. Pretending I lived in the "olden days"
3. Our dog, Mike. He was big, I was small, I liked to pull his ears and sit on him and stuff wink But he loved me, I was his baby!
4. Playing in the field when the grass was almost over my head.
5. Bugging my older (by 9 years) Brother, which typically ended up in me getting tossed around a bit, dangled over stairwells, etc.

Aww, I miss being 5!

"He had been 8 years upon a project for extracting sunbeams from cucumbers, which were to be put in vials, hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw inclement summers."
~Swift, Gullivers Travels

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

 Written by:

3.) Being able to run around with no shirt on and not have someone tell you it's inappropriate...

dear lord, i completely forgot that one! i mean, how much more free can you get?! lol

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

1) Watching the chipmunks whilst eating fudge chocolate bars
2) having vegetable fights throwing potatoes etc at our next door neighbour
3) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
4) Going to my grans with the huuuge garden and paddling pool and hammock and climb on lawnmower we got to ride while the grass was being cut
5)the Park

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

strugzBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,964 posts
Location: Southampton - Possibly..., United Kingdom

1 - eating an ice bun and watching superted after playskool

2 - making a den with my sister out of blankets and pegs

3 - playing with my action man, (using the tank i had as a means of transport)

4 - watching bannanaman and button moon

5 - going to pick my sister up from school on the go-kart, used to be at the top of a hill just round the corner, my mum used to pull it all the way up and i used to drive down..... ubblol

ubblove memories......

good thread cool

"...We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing......."

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

when I was 5 i won an art competition (I painted the best fire engine biggrin ) and my prize was to meet real life firemen and sit go in the fire engine!
I even got to sit on the firemen's lap as he drove the fire engine through the town!

When we got to the police station I slid down the pole, got to wear huge firemen's uniform, and using the hose, spray it into the air to make rainbows in the sunshine.

That is my favourite memory of being 5. biggrin

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Sparklygreenfire*Green Spirit*
201 posts
Location: Southampton, England

* Playing with my fave teddy (a naked second-hand paddington that my Mum got from a jumble)My mums drunk friend named him 'wino', and he's still with me!! biggrin (Altho, slightly worse for wear!!)

* Going to visit Grampy Harold cos he used to give us a ride on the back of his trike, and feed us nothing but sweets!!RIP Gramps

* Summer holidays!! Spending hours building things in the sand at the beach with my Dad...a speedboat sticks in mind.

* Driving up into the mountains for the first time ever in lakedistrict and being totally amazed that the houses looked like ants.

* my fave has to be xmas eve. My Dad put me to bed and as I went we looked out the window...and we saw a light moving across the sky. He told me that was father xmas and that when I'm asleep...he'll be on his way back. I was so happy that I'd seen santa


Are you a robot...or an alien?

meltingBRONZE Member
76 posts
Location: newcastle, Australia

1. my grandad teaching me how to read.
2.not getting out of bed till my mum made me a hot milo and toast.
3.having a huge bush tree like thing in the paddock behind my house. i would take furniture food and clothes to the bush like it was my house. mum hated it.
4. my pink bike. my nephew who is a year older than me threw it off the stairs and broke it.
5.i had a babysitter. who was acually nice.

are you gonna drink that?

shocked_prawnSILVER Member
old hand
865 posts
Location: Sunderland, UK

1. my cats
2. digging in the garden
3. climbing trees
4. fighting with sticks (im sure this where my staff addiction comes from!)
5. painting

Proud Co-Owner of PoiBoi
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FireblitzSILVER Member
186 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

1. My little pony
2. Wexford (in southern Ireland, went there every summer)
3. Barbie
4. My best friends Fiona and Sarah-Jane
5. My poodle.

You can only be young once but you can always be immature.

JonnyRokBRONZE Member
Look! I'm Darth Bunny!
446 posts
Location: Sunny South Africa

1. Cake
2. Birthday parties
3. Teenage mutant ninja turtles
4. Water (playing in it)
5. Playing with my bro

Do what you want coz a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!
Yo ho fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want coz a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

- My best friend Gregor who lived accross the street.
- Going to my grandparents for holidays. (oh, I miss them...tears in my eyes now frown
- Playing in the street without having to worry about cars.
-St Nicholas.
-Watching cartoons on Wednesday afternoons.

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.

so_breadBRONZE Member
24 posts
Location: england

1.) My 5th bday cake (mum made it look like a hedgehog sitting in green jelly grass!)
2.) looking for fairies at the bottom of the garden with my fisher price binoculars
3) my disney vidoes
4.) Animals of farthing wood!
5.) Helping my grandad in the garden with my mini gardening tools (i felt really grown up!)

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

1. Popple

2. Robin Hood

3. Peter Pan

4. The Chronicles of Narnia

5. Rocky and Bullwinkle

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

SunnySammySILVER Member
Watching the Sky
453 posts
Location: Cambridge(ish)/Bath Spa Uni, United Kingdom

1. Danger Mouse

2. The apple tree in our back garden. at the time we lived in enfield, so an apple tree was special! biggrin

3. Our amazing space hopper!

3. Grandad Jack and Nana - most legendary grandparents!

4. Paying in the street - we lived on a no through road.

5. That hippy that presented CITV

I jumped into the river, what did i see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me. wink

BrennPLATINUM Member
Will carpal your tunnel in a minute.
3,286 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

1. Ninja Turtles

2. Star Wars

3. Sega Master System

4. My Grandparents

5. Barbecue shapes biggrin


Owner of burningoftheclavey smile
Owned by Lost83spy

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

I love this thread it sends such memories rushing through the mind

1. My stuffed panda, which I still have and sleep with to this day!

2. Milo Sandwiches

3. Living near the bush and being able to go exploring it

4. My mind, I used to have the most active imagination, always making up stories in my head and acting them out (usually while exploring said bush above!)

5. Reading, could read from a young age and loved curling up with new books and letting my mind slip into the world which the book was talking about. (actually I still do that!)

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

1. being able to get away with stuff cus i still had curly blonde hair. now its more like this guys--> lolsign

2. Running round naked/nearly naked and it not being a problem.

3. Mud, Sooooooooo much better than toys.

4. Samurai pizza cats ( i think i'm the only person alive who watched that show)

5. Being too young to understand when things were going horribly wrong and smiling an laughing cus at that age a hug an a lollypop does still actually make everything all better.

MMMmmm Lollypops.

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.


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