32 posts
Location: Montreal

All are welcome to participate in Cicatricular - a informal fire festival/gathering in Mid August in Montreal. Possible perfomances may include but not be limited to: glo poi/fire poi/staff spinningfireplayfire breathingfire fingers(drumming, dance and sundry related activities)The only requirement to participate is a willingness to have your performance filmed for eventual broadcast on the Canadian cable TV station Showcase - if you prefer not to be identifiable (i.e. not have your face shown), this can, of course, be arranged. Limited lodging available for out of town participants. Hope you can join us; it'll be

'share and enjoy'

32 posts
Location: Montreal

it's just too depressing checking this thread every day and being overwhelmed with the flood of responses. I'm posting this so that it's not at 0 anymore. I realise that this is a flippiant use of resources, I'm sorry about that, I just can't take seeing that cipher.

'share and enjoy'

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Could i suggest a little bit more exact info on the event itself?

The exact location, expected numbers (yeah i know, hard to guess but put it in anyway), and then, most important of all, the BENEFIT for those who attend...

how about somthing like

We've got a whole bunch of crazy fire people gathering in Montreal, mid august.

If you want to have a great time spinning fire, and socialising, as well as possibly being shown on Canadian TV, then email me on the email box above for more info...
or something. the other thing is to go into the Meet Otters directory and contact people on an individual basis too...

Best of luck

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

32 posts
Location: Montreal

yeah, the second part I've done...but thanks very much, I'll take the rest of your advice into serious consideration.
Honestly I think my main problem with this thread is that a)there are very few people here in Montreal who spin and
b)most of those who do are francophone and don't come on this site
But I'll keep trying. Unfortunately a lot of the info that you suggest I include is wildly dependent on who I can get interested in participating - if I have 5 or more people it'll be a much bigger event than if I have 2, which is about where it's at now.
I'm sure it will all work out. And then I'll post pix and everyone will be jealous that they weren't there.
At least it's consistent - not like more than a couple of people even responded to my introduction thread. *sigh* I guess I came off as obnoxious or something.

'share and enjoy'

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