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We have a wide selection of Juggling Balls for all types of jugglers and lovers of balls.
Benefits of Juggling
In addition to being fun and entertaining, learning to Juggle is actually healthy for the mind and body. The challenge of Juggling improves eye-hand co-ordination, motor skills, and physical fitness for both children and adults.
3rd June, 2010 Single The Beginners Juggling Book by Mr Babache Have you got balls? "Reasons why you should BUY THIS BOOK: 1) Lots of pictures and very simple explanations for each and every of tricks it contains - and there is enough of those to get you started and make you carry on! 2) It is small enough so that you can carry it everywhere yet big enough so that you see the pictures clearly if you put it on the ground. 3) It is so cheap you can give it away anytime you meet anyone you would like to get started!" Laethe, Czech. Republic. [Verified Buyer] DIAMOND Member since Sep 2008
5th August, 2009 Single The Beginners Juggling Book by Mr Babache Great for beginners! "Marvellous little idiot-proof juggling book...and I *am* the idiot it needs to be proofed against! Simple explanations with concise well thought out diagrams and not intimidating at all for the complete juggling beginner. And of course HOP's legendary service- NZ to UK in five days? Wowee!" Beverley, England (UK). [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Jul 2009
24th June, 2009 Single The Beginners Juggling Book by Mr Babache Good start "A very nice booklet containing juggling basics for 3 and for balls and some basic three ball tricks and passing for two persons. Definitely worth the money. A lot for the price. Recomended as a starting book.." Rundhovde, Sweden. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since May 2009
11th February, 2008 Single The Beginners Juggling Book by Mr Babache I'm not a juggler "Or at least I wasn't a juggler until I got this book. It wasn't expensive so I purchased it with a large order I've been juggling for about 3 days now and I surprise even myself. I only practiced about a half an hour each night but 3 balls are already pretty easy. This book is worth more than the trivial price you guys put it up for." Gallagher, USA. [Verified Buyer] GOLD Member since Feb 2008