onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Drug Free Spinning.

Over the years I've noticed that a lot of people associate spinning with drugs and clubbing; recently I've had a few discussions with spinners who, like me, don't take drugs or go to clubs.

They have said pretty much the same thing, that a lot of the spinners they encounter seem to assume that they're into drugs and clubs.

I wanted to post this thread to open up some kind of discussion on 'clean spinning', primarily so spinners who are drug free, or thinking of becoming so can be made aware that there are plenty of us out there who don't feel the need to take drugs.

When you're young or a student, as many who are attracted to poi are, it's very easy to find yourself in an environment where drug taking is seen as the norm and where to be clean is associated with being dull, unadventurous, fearful or boring.

Drugs are, by their nature, far easier to get into than to get out of, not just because of the addictive nature of the substances, but also because of the social groups that become based around the aquisition and consumption of the substances.

From experience I know that drug taking is like a maze with very few exits; even when you know that you no longer want to be inside it, it can take years of searching until you find your way out.

Here I'm talking about all drugs, including tobacco.

I wanted to raise this subject in the hope that those of us who are ex/non drug takers can post their opinions and offer hope to others who are in a dilema.

I have tried to not put down drug users in this post because I don't want it to turn into a pro/cons of drug taking thread; Malcolm has made it quite clear that he doesn't want illegal drugs promoted on this site.

So, if you are of the opinion that drugs are good, please don't ruin this thread by posting pro drug arguments.

Similarly, if you despise drugs, please don't post opinions that are likely to incite pro druggists to respond.

However, if you are an ex drug taker who has, like me, discovered that a life without drugs is not only bearable, but infinitly richer than a life with them, or if you are someone who hates what you are putting into your body but feel that you can't escape; then feel free to post your experiences/advice.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

50 posts
Location: Australia qld

well i had my first sober spin today and i ended up burning my hair i still enjoyed it the same as i would if i was drunk i never do it after to many drinks other wise i would spend more time on my arse then spinning.

i dont think it really matters if you do it drunk, high or sober as long as you know your limits and you have fun while doing it... i personlly couldn't do it stoned because i would end up on fire and running around crazy wondering why its so hot .

but it seems it would be alot more safer to spin while sober but i can see how some people just may not find it fun while sober as i can relate to doing alot of other things in life...

*note this is just my view im not trying to say "this is how it is!"

29 posts
Location: England

I've just read through this whole thread and I can sa yit doesn't look like there is much real discrimnation coming off any of you. Maybe some of you don't quite understand why some of us do Class A (harder) drugs, and maybe some of even wish we (or at least your own friends) woukdn't.

Personable I have dabbled in a fair varity of drugs, abd am glad of it. But I have also bee to two day parties with nothing (excep the occasional offered spliff) and been asked what I am on, to which I have replyed nothing. But I can also remember being on the other side and asking somebody what they have done and being surprised when they said nothing.

As to spinning on drugs. Well that depends on a lot of thing. I think being drunk is very bad because you loose your co-ordination, but a single beer can help you relax. Hallucinogenics can make you see ways of doing things you just wouldn't work ou otherwise, but can either be very scary or very cool with fire. Who knows whats in a pill to comment nowadays?! Ketamine or the like is just a big NO NO, IMHO anyway.

I remember I was at a party some time last year, spinning away and not really managing to get into it. A friend of mine comes up and gives me a baby lil snort of MDMA off his thumb and I did a couple of the best spins I had done in a long time, and everybody around said so too so it's not just cos the way I felt.

I hope this isn't too pro-druggist for a "everybody, it's fine to be straight" thread.


29 posts
Location: England

As to people asking you in clubs, out if you know where to score. I personally don't think it's as much to do with stereotyping spinners than the fact that a performer is more easy to approach than you average Joe. They also appear to be less likely the Old Bill. Plus there is the chance they are there cos they know the organiser, most of which do something they shouldn't

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by frostypaw:
It does sound all rather evangelical

I wouldn't say that it's evangelical as that is a religious term. However if you're refering to a joyous spreading of news then maybe so, and it's no bad thing.

After all, people who take pills regularly are prone to get excited at the prospect of some new variation that they believe will give them an evenings pleasure at the cost of £15, a comedown of unpredictable character and the risk of a bad trip.

What we're talking about with this thread is something that is totally free, will last the rest of your life, has no bad side effects and produce better and longer lasting highs than any chemical; it should be no surprise if those who have experienced it are going to get enthusiastic.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

I want to go on record as saying that FIRE AND MIND-ALTERING DRUGS DO NOT MIX WELL.

Spin your glow/beaming/tennis ball/sock/cannon ball poi while drunk/high/tripping/speeding/rolling/twisted/altered all you like.

But if you are using fire, you are not only responsible for your safety, but for the safety of those miles around. Every large fire in history started with a small fire. You AND your spotter(s) have a duty to the community at large and to responsible fire performers to use fire only while sober.

Wack yourself in the head with beamers all you like, but if anyone here burns down a neighborhood because they were spinning fire on any mind-altering drug, I will personally assemble a small army and we will find you and kick your butt.

Hugs and kisses!


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

PyrolificBRONZE Member
Returning to a unique state of Equilibrium
3,289 posts
Location: Adelaide, South Australia

I dunno, there isnt much music written by stone cold sober tea totallers that I actually enjoy very much...and for that matter most writers...I think twirling is a bit like poetry, and not quite as much like tennis.

That said, Alcohol doesnt seem to help me, but some ppl can twirl very well while really drunk so I guess that rule doesnt quite apply either.

So yeah, I guess it all comes down to what works for you, as long as you dont hurt anyone else. Always have a fire safety nearby.

I think an innebriated experienced twirler is a hell of a lot safer than a stone cold sober newbie, but thats just my opinion.


Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!

1,359 posts
Location: London/ Surrey

This is why most people don't or shouldn't use fire when still newbies.

The optimist claims that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears this is true.

Always make time to play in the snow.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by Josh:
I dunno, there isnt much music written by stone cold sober tea totallers that I actually enjoy very much...and for that matter most writers...I think twirling is a bit like poetry, and not quite as much like tennis.

A lot of creative individuals take drugs and this can lead to the belief that drugs enhance creativity.

My take on this is that creative individuals are simply more likely to get into drugs (possible reasons: - they tend to be individualistic, feel outcast, prone to depression etc).

So drugs aren't the source of their creativity, rather, creativity is the source of their desire for drugs.

Just a theory, but as it accounts for the facts just as well as the alternative I think it's important to present it as I myself, being a creative individual, fell for the belief that drugs enhanced creativity.

Thankfully, 3 years of drug free existence has shown me that creativity comes from within, and, the fact that I am far more clear headed and confident in myself ensures that my creative impulses actually tend to result in an outcome rahter than remaining empty dreams as they used to.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Originally posted by onewheeldave:
After all, people who take pills regularly are prone to get excited at the prospect of some new variation that they believe will give them an evenings pleasure at the cost of £15, a comedown of unpredictable character and the risk of a bad trip.
Bit of a generalisation isn't it?

"Moo," said the happy cow.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

It may be, but is it founded in truth?

Note the "take pills regularly"...this is not referring to MaryJane, it is referred to something made soley with chemicals by some unknown person (usually anyway).

In my opnion, to take recreational drugs in pill form is to risk exactly what OneWheel Dave has said.

You don't know what's in it, you don't know what's been cut with it, just because the last ten were 'great' (and I use that term very loosely!!!), doesn't mean this one hasn't got boric acid in it.

I am not speaking from my personal experience wiht people who use pills reguarly, but merely from a reasonable knowledge of the manufacturing process and how that process may be deliberately or accidentelly varied or modified giving quite scarey results.

In my opnion, it's just like fire, though even more so, as there is no, pill-spotter watching youmlike a hawk to see if anything is going wrong.

Please forget the perosnal defense that may come up form reading this, read it again a few times, and try to see form a pure manufactoring point of view...

Suddenly pills become much more scarey, IMHO...

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

29 posts
Location: England

I have been taking mind-bending substances for a fair few years now, although I take breaks (normally without even planning to) and I read your statement just as you wanted first time round.

IMO anybody who didn't read it thus should not be taking drugs, because they obviously havn't educated themselves on the subject before hand.

ALWAYS make sure you know as much as possible about what you are getting into beforehand. This doesn't only apply to rugz. It's like learning to spin before you set your chosen toy on fire. Knowing what sort of job it is before going to an interview. Did anybody apply for university without finding out about the courses and cities where their chosen course was available.

Educate yourselves, you can't expect anybody else to do it. But most will be willing to converse or answer any questions if they can help.

14 posts
Location: England (N.E. lincs)

drugs aint good and they aint bad their neither, or what some say a pass time, a hoby or social things to others like many hav said, its diffrent for diffrent ppl but we shouldnt look down or otherwise at ppl coz we do or dont do something, i really means everyone knows their own favourite taste of gravy dont we?

[_ [] 5 t K @ (_) s E

squarefishSILVER Member
(...trusty steed of the rodeo midget...)
403 posts
Location: the state of flux, Ireland

Lots of views here, so heres my take on the whole sober/not issue. (and a little safety story)

During the weekend at the start of august I was away camping on island off the west of Ireland (very nice)and decided to do a little fire spinning in the huge open area at the center of the site. Looked great + lots of applause from the instant crowd that appeared.

I don't do hard drugs and only have the occasional toke from a buddy so the only poison I'd normally have is alcohol, and I don't have a terribly high tolerance even for that.

Had a couple of beers and kept on spinning, but the thing about alcohol see, is that it messes with your sense of judgement.

Didnt cause any damage (pure luck) and it was only because one of my best friends borrowed my chains to have a go that there wasn't a serious incident. Thanks Helen of the links hoding on the fire heads had begun to open out.....

I was lucky, thats all, just pure luck that all I had to deal with the next day was a nuclear powered hangover and the hard looks from my pal who said, quite rightly, that I was AN IDIOT AND THAT I SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!

Fire spinning from now on will be a non poison event, at least for me.

JinXmushroom collector
208 posts
Location: JHB, South Africa

just a comment,

my first try in poi was fire, did the figure 8. wicked got me hooked but also got me burnt pretty bad.

i dont do drugs, when i spin losses the real feeling of pure adrenaline

JinX : If it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger

The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earth worms dizzy.
It will however make cats dizzy and cats throw up twice their bodyweight when dizzy.

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia


I love that this thread, started so that people who have had NonDrug related amazing spinning experiences, could share them in a positive enviroment, has YET AGAIN become a "well, y'know, its all about my personal choice and I choose to take drugs and thats just fine" statement.

good for you.

I'm not trying to be evangalistic or preach or say that taking drugs is wrong.

I am trying to say that, I dont take drugs and I have an amazing time. Thats all and I think that was the point of this thread. We saw WAY too many "I had a trippy spinning experience" threads, and I just think its lovely we have one that is about spinning 'influence' free.

Currently on the right side up of the world.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by Flynt:

I love that this thread, started so that people who have had NonDrug related amazing spinning experiences, could share them in a positive enviroment, has YET AGAIN become a "well, y'know, its all about my personal choice and I choose to take drugs and thats just fine" statement.

good for you.

I'm not trying to be evangalistic or preach or say that taking drugs is wrong.

I am trying to say that, I dont take drugs and I have an amazing time. Thats all and I think that was the point of this thread. We saw WAY too many "I had a trippy spinning experience" threads, and I just think its lovely we have one that is about spinning 'influence' free.

It was intended as a discussion place for spinners to share their drug free experiences and also to make it apparent that there are plenty of spinners who don't use drugs.

Overall I think there's been a fair amount of respect shown in that it's not turned into a pro/con drug war zone.

I think we should stress that it's not soley about drug free spinning experiences but about drug free like in general i.e. that some of us feel our whole lives have benefited a lot by stopping using drugs or by never taking them in the first place.

I know what you're saying about the 'trippy spinning experience' threads though, my perception of this forum was that there was a lot of that and that it probably didn't accurately represent the true state of affairs, as those of us who have a great time without drugs are unlikely to post about it.

I do feel that there is an imbalance there in that someone who takes something and has a wicked time will tend to attribute it to the substance and then communicate that experience either through speech or posting.

I see so much pro drug stuff in our society with drinks promotions, pro cannabis stuff and the general attitude that being straight is uncool and boring; so much pressure on the next generation to take substances which are not necessary for a happy life.

In my opinion, there's no point in getting into arguments or putting down drugs, what would be good is for those of us who have great experiences without drugs to be as vocal as many pro druggists are.

I have felt the need to show a lot of restraint since starting this thread, there are things I wanted to say about drugs that I haven't because they could have provoked the pro/con drugs arguments.

An example is the matter of 'personal choice' which has been brought up a few times. Given the addictive/habit forming nature of many drugs I think there are some interesting issues to explore about choice in relation to drug taking.

It now occurs to me that such things can easily be posted as new threads which will serve the purpose of keeping this one as a more supportive and non argumentative thread.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

Kyle McLeanBRONZE Member
Living it up
363 posts
Location: Brisbane/Berlin, Australia

As many folks seem to be starting their replies with their drug 'status' I'll do the same. I don't drink at all, and I don't do drugs- once in a blue moon I'll have a hit of oral caffeine (he he that makes it sound a bit more scary eh?) or pick and eat a specimen 'o' fungus. Each to their own and all that. Here in Brisyland we are lucky enough to have some really cool events and meets that have no emphasis on drugs whatsoever.

As a young, dreadlocked, fire performer I am very used to folks coming up and wanting to score drugs. I find it funny and am often learning new slang words ("hey man do u have any, like, Slag?").

I just wanted to say that I think it's worth taking a step back and looking at drugs in a larger context; ie not just in the twirling sub culture and indeed not just in our own culture but more of a global picture. I'm just wondering if when people say things about drugs being bad full stop, if they have any awareness of the role that they play in many cultures other then our own. I think the fact that a very high percentage of the drug use around us might be seen as unhealthy or unbalanced can lead to a bit of a skewed view. I personally believe that in some parts of the world drugs have had and still do have very constructive uses. However this is just my view and I would not feel comfortable to pass judgment on these (often very very old) traditions. Just my two cents worth... (ONO)
Love and Stuff,

Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

Kyle McLeanBRONZE Member
Living it up
363 posts
Location: Brisbane/Berlin, Australia

Sorry if that was headed a bit OT...
Yep I have had some really great non-drugy twirling. For me it is also Meditation (no I don't think that's your butt doing the talking there KristalWave). I think I'd love it if their were more twirlers that would do it simply for the joy it creates. Some times it seems like egos get in the way a bit. I guess none of this is specific to twirling though. Playing music is my other main love and is filled with the same issues.
He he I get asked for drugs a lot doing that as well...

Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

Originally posted by onewheeldave:

I know what you're saying about the 'trippy spinning experience' threads though, my perception of this forum was that there was a lot of that and that it probably didn't accurately represent the true state of affairs, as those of us who have a great time without drugs are unlikely to post about it.

Indeed. Hence the reason I have never posted about this issue before, but feel quite comfortable posting here. Thanks for starting this thread onewheeldave!

Currently on the right side up of the world.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

*wondering who Josh is reading or listening to???*

There are so many amazing talents in the world, so much creation that goes on, that to generalize to the statements of only enjoying things created by those who imbibe is really just as limiting.

"Oh, he wasn't drunk so I don't want to read it" is really the attitude that I "heard" in that post. And what a sad thing that is.

I have sat around with people who thought they were being intellectual, creative, really incredibly artistic when under the influence and I laughed my arse off because they sounded really stupid and didn't even realize it.
Yes there have been the geniouses..Poe, Dylan, Thomas, etc... but they were also very creative when they were not under the influence and not everything they did was inspired by such.

I have also witnessed many, many spinners who would say "I am so much better when I am _____. I am not so careful or reserved and it just flows." What has happened *every time* is that they hit themselves more. They get caught up or tangled. The trip over their own feet. My how others were impressed by that creativity!

If creativity lies within the spirit, it is there whether or not you had water, coffee (addictive drug, btw), beer or something more. To do it under influence is not genius. It is the one who finds that creative spot within themselves and hones it sober...facing their demons (as such is the case with many who create under the influence) and learning to see from new perspectives without that alteration is where the true genius comes in. Those people have such a greater fount to draw from.

When it comes to my life and my personal existence I am quite the control freak, and so I choose not to partake. I have and did not enjoy it. I felt it rather left me out of senses and out of focus rather than sharpening my vision. For me what I do is my release, my meditation, my joy. I do not need any substance to let me know that.
There is of course a professional responsibility ethic here in the form of not endangering the audience, etc. that I whole heartedly believe it.

I have to say, however, that those people whom I have encountered did not automatically assume I partake. They ask or offer. (sometimes they ask if I carry, but when I say no they shrug and that is it). The spinning culture is an artistic fringe, and anything like that needs to be explained by mass society, because the understanding of why people do any sort of side show/circus type thing, most can not understand. Therefore an easy way to explain it, especially fire play, is that it is part of the neo-hippy drug culture. Also it is/was a very visual part to the rave movement and so became a real media hot point, which made it more widely associated as well. The partakers I have come across have *never* been disrespectful or pushy in their offerings/asking and have never shunned me because I do not. It has always been a very accepting environment which I have luckily been exposed to.
I just wanted to say that as well.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by frostypaw:
I know what you're saying about the 'trippy spinning experience' threads though
the same feelings/sensations happen stone cold sober though - it's a state of mind deal not "some wierd drug thing". just that's a familiar term by which to describe it...

That illustrates one of the points I was concerned about- a state of mind which can and is achieved independently of drugs, yet it's referred to as a drug thing.
I think that if such a state of mind is produced by spinning then it's good to use language which reflects that, rather than speak in such a way that the credit goes to drugs.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Well, I for one, Frosty, ahve taken a number of those statements to mean that.

Just because you don't agree with what OneWheelDave is saying, doesn't mean that others can't take it the way he is taking it, as I do...

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

279 posts
Location: Bath, UK

There is not a single state of mind that you can reach with drugs that you can't reach on your own.

Drugs are a cheat, and they come at a price.

That is all.

Magnus... pay it forward

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by frostypaw:
I know what you're saying about the 'trippy spinning experience' threads though
the same feelings/sensations happen stone cold sober though - it's a state of mind deal not "some wierd drug thing". just that's a familiar term by which to describe it.


I'm not sure anyone would take that as the credit going to drugs!

I certainly don't

Have a look at the artwork of Bridget Riley - it's trippy... it's credit doesn't go to drugs, it's just trippy

We've all had flu's etc, people know what it means, i'm not sure it's taken as any kind of "big up" for drugs by anyone issit?

I a little confused here and may have misunderstood what you were saying?

To me if someone refers to a spinning experience high as being due to 'some weird drug thing' then I would expect listeners to believe you are attributing the experience to drugs.

Regardless though, I have certainly encountered a lot of threads that do attribute spinning experiences to drugs (or that they've been enhanced by drugs).

When I was a newcomer to this forum my impression was that most of its members took a fair amount of drugs. I now see that many don't, and that the reason I formed the original assumption was that many drug takers were posting their opinions/experiences, whilst the straight spinners didn't.

I think we're all agreed that spinning in itself can produce some good states of mind and that it's important that outsiders understand that spinners are happy cos they spin rather than cos they take drugs.

Lastly, what does "flu's" mean?

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

29 posts
Location: England

Hmmm. I'm pretty new to this forum and I havn;t as of yet seen a single thread that I think glorifies drug use, or says "wow that was exciting" because of something the poster had taken.

My chosen weekend activity is to go to a free party where there are no restraints and you are generally free to do what you want. Preferably in the middle of a field or wood somewhere and as far away from crack-fueled London warehouses as possible.

Now this means that most people around you are going be on something. But not everybody is. I know I'm not everytime. In fact I will happily stay straight all night if I don't think there is a source I would trust. I much prefer not doing anything (except a couple of beer and a little toke) then buying something and finding out it is (IMHO) "nasty." I will admit that most people I know who go arn't like this and they will happily throw anything down their necks in a hope of producing the desired effect. I just say to myself each to their own.

But that is not at all what I was meaning to write when I clicked on reply. Weoird how some rants seem to happen all on their own.

Now I would feel pretty confident in saying that just about everybody practices at some point sober. Now I would ask these people if they get any less of a feeling of euphoria and releif when accomplishing a new trick without being in an altered state? If the feeling really is that noticably different I think I would be a little worried for what you have slowly done to yourself. If your senses are becoming deadened when you don't use iit is obvious you are abusing.

BOLLOX. I keep on trying to say stuff with out getting into the pro/con argument. Preacing mode. etc. But it's not working.

But one of the main points I did want to make was that, IMO, it is fine to do drugs and spin if you want. AS LONG as your not doing a "performance" and that you have plenty of space around you (like in the middle of a field at a free party) and you always have eyes on the look out for idiots trying to walk into you (preferably more than just your own). Believe me it always happens. I think ****ed people just see this pretty spinning stuff and want to get as close as possible.

Anyway, rany over and sorry it kept on going OT. Should of eddited it but am far too lazy.

FrodoBRONZE Member
old hand
1,092 posts
Location: In a van, United Kingdom

Im a complete T Toatler..

I dont Drink nor take drugs, yet still seem to enjoy myself.. and i have dreads!!

Live how you wanna live!! you can have just as much fun on natural adreniline..!! Most of my bestest friends (Strugz/2bags) love it all... and i respect them for what they want to do.


passing through, this world still lives.

munkypunksGOLD Member
enthusiast, but not enthusiastic
367 posts
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said, but just thought it might be good to add another voice.

My background is that I do not do drugs, except on 4 specific [past] occasions, but many of my friends enjoy hallucinogens, and I drink socially. I'm way older than the avg spinner and not really into the club scene. I never partake in alcohol in connection with spinning, due to safety issues (when I started I thought about practicing drunk - sort of like pool - your pool game will improve after a couple of pints if you're used to that mindset - but it seemed like a lot of effort for an unnecessary payoff). And it doesn't seem like the people I've spun with do either. Once, in contemplating having a drink after a spin with fire, I felt it would be a buzzkill (speaking of the natural rush that comes with fire) so didn't do it.

People frequently assume that I'm on something when I'm not. One of my trademark phrases is 'this is why I don't do drugs. I'm like this already.' I don't mind people making assumptions, except to the extent that I would like people to understand that I really am this free and open and not attribute it to drugs. But I sort of wish that there wouldn't be this stereotype, because for a long time I kept an entire aspect of my life secret from many of my family and friends because of the potential backlash.

Now I've gotten to the point that I don't care if people know and realized that if the stereotype is going to change, we have to put the truth out there. The truth is that some people do, some don't, some people occasionally do, and none of us are bad people because of it, and most of us don't define ourselves by whether or not we do. A lot of bankers shoot heroin and snort coke, but it doesn't define the banking community. So it should be with the more alternative lifestyles.

Steps off soap box.......

You can't fall off the floor, but sometimes you need a chair to reach the cookie jar.

503 posts
Location: bristol

'So, if you are of the opinion that drugs are good, please don't ruin this thread by posting pro drug arguments.'

let me check: you want free, informed discussion of [specifically] drug-free spinning. not spinning in general, but particularly spinning without drugs.

'There is not a single state of mind that you can reach with drugs that you can't reach on your own.

Drugs are a cheat, and they come at a price.

That is all. '

well . . . without wanting to sound cynical, I'm not convinced that 'drug-free' spinning, as a subject of discussion, makes much sense without discussion of what 'drugged-up' spinning is. you need to know what's special about the subject you're talking about.

Magnus' suggestion is that there's nothing special about it; that you can get into the same states of mind either way, so 'drug-free' spinning can be just like 'drug' spinning except without the drugs.

I suspect that Magnus has never experimented, or at least not particularly widely; it's just downright implausible to suppose that you can intentionally do the same things to your brain as, say, LSD or 2c-i does. But nevermind.

My worry is this: you can't talk sensibly about 'drug-free spinning' without some idea of what's special about 'drugged' spinning, but you want to rule out discussion of anything which might be good about drugs. And that makes for a lame discussion.

I'm not suggesting that drugs are good: on the whole, I think they're generally bad, toxic, prone to making people incompetent, and more trouble than they're worth. But I'm also not ruling out the possibility that there might be aspects to recreational drug use which are tempting - that is, positive aspects.

Incidentally, my drug-free spinning is my best. Drugs make me inept, and often lead to me doing stupidly dangerous things for no particularly good reason. But spinning makes me feel good.

It can be hard to get through creative blocks when you're spinning drug-free, though; sometimes I reach an impasse which I'll take ages to break through in the absence of some altered state smile


ture na sig

VixenSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,276 posts
Location: Oxfordshire/Wiltshire, United Kingdom

I am aware at meets that there are alot of drugs that often go round, but while people do do the polite thing and offer, i have never accepted and never felt pressured to by any HoP member! xxx

tHeReS gOoD aNd EvIl iN EaCh InDiViDuAl fIrE, iDeNtIfIeS nEeDs AnD fEeDs OuR dEsIrEs.

SeraphireHoP's Original Smelly-Hippie-Scum-Bag
270 posts
Location: Under your stairs

I've got nothing against anyone taking drugs and spinning. If is with socks, or flags, a set of Devil-Sticks or a staff or anything its alright, and a bit funny to watch if they think their "in the zone" and its blatently not so. But if they're going to be doing it with fire then I won't get involved or even join in. Anyone off their rocker or drunk as hell can say that they're really working with it, but its just a stupid dangerous liability. The threat that anyone watching, or even to themselves is just idiotic. Personally I find that just listening to the music and being with people who are "clean" in a really friendly environment, whether it be at a club or outside somewhere will enhance the good vibes and feelings many times over. It's that sense of moving with the music and realising that you've just had an amzing session which is more valuable than tripping out.

Music gives Soul to the Universe, Wings to the Mind, Flight to the Imagination and Life to Everything.

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE! hug Stop The Arms Trade!


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