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Posted: I asked for some more information. They say that it's free(accommodation, transportation and food). I hope it's all correct and I'm considering taking part. They also asked for photograph for festival pass or something. There should be workshops and maybe some small twirling in town and it ends with some festival event. If anyone knows anything more - please let others know
Posted: We are going, some three people from Estonia. Unfortunately there's not anything to add to the information above. The organizers seem to be with frozen brains, they do not reply to e-mails and such and such and it really sucks.... But what the heck, we're just going. I think it will be for free though. And they will pay for your train or bus ticket to Joensuu from anywhere in Finland. And there is a bus going at 10am Sept.7 from Helsinki. Where from in Helsinki, they did not concider necessarry to mention.
Some people hate me... Just because I eat little kids?! Whatta crazy world.
Posted: Well, some more info about it. To say it as shortly as possible- yes it's taking place, and yes the organizers suffer from Down syndrome!
I contacted the boss of Ilias- the publishing company that is one of the organizers and sponsors of the event. And he said that yes, offcourse it's taking place, and that there are nice hotels waiting for us there!!
But the feeling in my belly forces me to refrain from any further communication with these people. It's just not for me.
Would you go to a "rock-festival" if someone invited you? I mean an event with NO NAME!!!
I'll skip but for the rest of you I wish good luck making your mind up about it. After all it could be fun for you, go find out!!
Some people hate me... Just because I eat little kids?! Whatta crazy world.
Posted: YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! only this morning recieved the message from Finland full of excuses. Hope that this party will be allright. Let You know after one week. M.