Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

I was watching a programme i recorded the other day, and on it, a monk asked a man, "Who are you?"

The man couldn't answer straight away. (infact he never answered). At first i was thinking, that's a simple enough question why isn't he answering?. Then i thought about it myself; who am i?
Of course, the obvious biological answer came to mind, i am a product of my mum and dad, and also I am a product of my upbringing.
But i didn't think that's what he meant.

How would you interpret the question? How would you answer it? Is it answerable?

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
2,676 posts
Location: The countryside, Australia

I would answer it with profound observations about myself like...

I would go off in a poetic description about myself. I would answer something like this:

"I am a woman. I am a man. I am the children and I am the old. I am a being of strength and beauty, with tolerance and generosity and love for everyone" etc.


You know all the enlightning traditional Buddhist proverbs and sayings? To desribe the good of man and love of one another...

I don't mean to sound ignorant, but do you know what I mean? I love buddhist sayings.

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

MiGGOLD Member
Self-Flagellation Expert
3,414 posts
Location: Bogged at CG, Australia

i really don't know...

I think if we knew the answer to who we were, truly, we'd know a lot more about life, the universe, and everything else

"beg beg grovel beg grovel"

"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"

_Aimée_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,172 posts
Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

I would say 'I am me'
Simple as.

.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

If you like questions like this read Sophies World by Jostien Gaarder.....its fantastic, although makes you think wayyy too much and i always end up with a spinning head!

I have no idea who i am! ubbloco

3,149 posts
Location: London

i'd say
"who's asking?"

"Switching between different kinds of chuu chuu sometimes gives this "urgh wtf?" effect because it's giving people the phi phenomenon."

DragonFuryBRONZE Member
Draco Iracundia
784 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

to you, i am what you think i am
to me, i am what i think i am
but to those important, i am love.

Do we sleep when we die?

Sir a liability
899 posts
Location: playing with traffic

Who am I? I'm a liability is who I am. I wouldn't trust me with a pair of safety scissors, or any other relatively sharp objects.

I always manage to bounce back after putting myself in to the stupidest of situations on my self-destructive rampage that is my life. I shouldn't be allowed to marry or breed because let's face it, as far as role models go, I can't even look after myself let alone guide an innocent, down the same twisted path.

Apart from that, I'm a pretty nice guy biggrin

Pull my pin out, roll me in to a room and see what happens ubbloco

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

i'm oli smile

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

I'd say

Who? Im more interested in what!

Love is the law.

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

It depends on the context in which that question is asked.

If I was in a club, pub or a I'd give friendly sort of answer, and probabaly ask the same question back.

If I was asked by a member of the London Metropolitan Police, I would give my name and address (or perhaps someone elses wink )

If a monk asked me then I would think very hard about for hours (while adopting this pose):

Non-Https Image Link

ed209Ed: geek, staffer, past participle
122 posts
Location: London, UK

Taking pink's biological answer to its extreme:

When my parents did the naughty fandango and came up with me, their genes could have come together in any number of ways. The vast majority of those would have produced someone that was probably very much like me, but not exactly me. And the probability that the exact set of events which set my parents up together is also pretty low. The probability of their genes producing exactly them is similarly low, etc, etc, If we extend this past my parents and their parents, past humans, past mammals and in fact, right back till the dawn of time, I can conclude that the probability that I exist at all is so close to zero that it might as well be.

So in answer to the question 'Who are you?', my preferred answer is that I am a very, very, very, very......, very big fluke.

I actually find that kind of cool and inspiring.

Or perhaps I'm just pretentious. A better answer may be 'Ed'.

SethisBRONZE Member
1,762 posts
Location: York University, United Kingdom

My name is Anton Ross Gilbert.

I *know* who and what I am. This knowledge is my greatest gift, and most terrible burden.

You cannot know me, so the act of asking the question shows that you yourself are not ready to understand the answer. When you yourself know who YOU are, then I will know you understand.

After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

EpsilonKiasNote to self... Fur + Fire = Hurt.
107 posts
Location: Bloomfield Indiana. USA

I once could have been a stain in my fathers sock drawer >_>

But I am not and thus I am me, myself, And I. And nobody will ever change that

yoniGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,099 posts
Location: Bideford and Bath, United Kingdom

i'm still trying to figure that one out myself if anyone has any insight please tell me.
guese i'll just have to try more meditation meditate

UCOF "evolution: Poi -> stick -> hoops -> devil stick -> juggling club -> juggling ball -> crayons."

In other words, it's the thumps bump

jemima (jem)SILVER Member
1,750 posts
Location: london, United Kingdom

er jem? who are YOU?

Never assume
Always Acknowledge

179 posts
Location: Oxford

Well, taking the view that nothing is permanent, everything is in a contiual state of flux- always changing, then I would conclude that there is no 'me'. if everthing's always changing then how can I say 'oh that bit there is me'? I am entirely empty of any 'own being'... (this is great, revsion for my philosophy and buddhism exam next week!)

There's a story about Master Bodhidharma, who first took Buddhism to China. After telling the emperor Wu that Buddhsim was just "vast emptiness, and nothing holy in it", Wu, confused, asked him "who are you?", and Boddhidharma simply anwered "I don't know"...

But probably, I would actually just say, 'I'm Anna'

Practice as if your hair was on fire...

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I am a mother, a lover, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a teacher, a student, a child, a warrior, and will someday strive to be a sage. I am a diva and a goddess, both in my own right, but also a pauper and a servant.
I am the culmination of all that has been good and bad in my life.
I am an intelligent carbon based life form.
I am a creature of habit, of mood, and of the elements.
I am a creative force, and while not always perfectly focussed, I am still a vibrant contender.
I am sooo much more than the sum of my physical parts. wink

I am woman, hear me roar....


Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

I am whatever you want me to be smile

(Or so UCOF tells me)

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

The Tea FairySILVER Member
old hand
853 posts
Location: Behind you...

This thread reminds me of a poem about Mother Nature I have with my tarot deck...

I am that which
emanates beauty
and all manner of life;
sun, moon, dancing stars,
abundant earth,
ocean's depth to match my heart.
I pierce the void and multiply
variety innumerable.
I am love without condition
for I am all that is;
every act of love
celebrates my spirit.
I am guidance, sanctuary,
your Highest Self;
I am the way home.
Hear my call and come to me
for we have been separate
only in dreams...

I like reciting it in my head before I enter meditation. I don't know who I am, but i'd like to think a part of me is what this poem talks about. smile

Idolized by Aurinoko

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind....

Bob Dylan

384 posts
Location: West LA

Written by: DragonFury

to you, i am what you think i am
to me, i am what i think i am
but to those important, i am love.



To learn - read. To know - write. To master - teach . . .

404 posts
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands

I am the one

so you think Im not a newbie? Ok I'll be the King of the newbies. Nucleon the king of all noobs

polaritySILVER Member
1,228 posts
Location: on the wrong planet, United Kingdom

Who am I?

I am not my body.
I am not my posessions.
I am not my friends or the place I live.
I am not what I hope or dream about.
I am not even the things I have done, or those that I remember.

I am nothing.
An emptiness that yearns to be filled.
A potential that needs to be satisfied.
A fragment of that one total nothingness,
from which all things have come.

For that is love, a place so empty,
that all will be accepted within.

You aren't thinking or really existing unless you're willing to risk even your own sanity in the judgment of your existence.

Green peppers, lime pickle and whole-grain mustard = best sandwich filling.

The FadeSILVER Member
fading happily....
212 posts
Location: melbournia australia

a lot of people seem to take the word "who" as "what"... interesting. can there be a distrinction? or is who you are just what you are?

i am nobody (at least on good days.)

We walk light
Down the wires
Higher than weather baloons
Empty hearts on fire...

=Flashpoint=SILVER Member
Pasta of Muppets
2,722 posts
Location: in the interwebs..., United Kingdom

I am a product of biological processes over hundreds of milennia that have eventually made this bag of flesh and bone aware of itself and it's environment.

I see, I hear, I taste, I touch, I smell.

From these interpretations of the world around itself, the creature known as "I" starts to question. I believe the one thing that makes me "me" and makes us different from the rest of the world, is the questioning, and ulimately the question "Why?"

I am.


Boo_BunnyBRONZE Member
Sparkely arty Mormon rainbow fairy
933 posts
Location: infront of you, United Kingdom

I am a human being.
I am so complex, yet so simple
I am a creator, and a distroyer
I am perfect, but i am flawed
I have so much to give, yet give little
I can touch the stars, and hold a hand
I can love and be loved, yet hate and be hated
I can think immense thoughts, yet have so much to learn
I can make the world a better place, or make the world more corupt
I can change, or i can stay the same

I am a human being

Property of Fine_Rabid_Dog

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
2,676 posts
Location: The countryside, Australia

Pele, Polarity and Boo_Bunny have the same idea as what I was trying to say. I'm not poetic or good with words enough to back up my answer.

So yeah, I'm like what they said smile

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

ShuBRONZE Member
Retro Fyre Wizzard
538 posts
Location: Pietermaritzburg (KZN), South Africa

I am me
nothing more
nothing less!

Regards hug

(Ice-E FyreStorm - Group Manager & Performer)

You know those people your parentals warned you about?... I'M ONE OF THEM! ubbloco
Yes, i do bite!!

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

I had this conversation with a Taxi driver in Copenhagen (dead serious!).

I was waiting for him and he showed up and I asked "who are you?" and he said "well, that's quite a question, isn't it? If I answer with my name that doesn't help you one bit because you don't know it and don't care. I could also tell you all about my life and my parents and my wife and that doesn't matter. I think the answer you want is 'I'm the taxi driver.'"

The answer to "who are you?" depends on the context. It is such a vague question in isolation because without a context, it makes no sense.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

=Flashpoint=SILVER Member
Pasta of Muppets
2,722 posts
Location: in the interwebs..., United Kingdom

Forget everything I said, I had just had a baked potato...


IcerSILVER Member
just a shadow of my former self...
205 posts
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

its interesting to note that alot (but not all) use the outside world, their interactions with it, the particular context their in, to define 'who' they are. the question is not 'who are you indifferent contextx?' but more simply 'who are you?' its asking about the part of 'you' that is present in EVERY situation and most ppl, if not ALL ppl will never be able to answer. it requires a huge degree of introspection, whether its thru meditation, inttospective prayer, psycho-therapy or wotever. i dont know who I AM, and im glad, b/c i have done alot things im not proud of and would rather forget, but i think to know explicitly who you are, u will need to confront everything you have done and reconcile these things. im not ready to do that yet, but i hope one day i am.

It took a while, but once their numbers dropped from 50 down to 8, the other dwarves started to suspect Hungry.


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