Forums > Social Chat > Should Children be allowed to spin socks?

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newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Having followed the progress of a number of [Old link] controversies, I have been forced into reassessing some of my basic assumptions about life, intelligence, human development and common sense. Leading me to the non-burning question: should children be allowed to spin socks? (or 'sox', for those in the USA)

Based on two primary axioms: the known addictiveness of spinning ANYTHING, and the apparent lack of logical brain structures in anyone under (what's the latest...56? 21? 18??) here are my reasons why, NO, Children Should Not be Allowed to Spin Socks.

1. Danger of RSI from small repetitive movements especially in developing ligaments.

2.Addictiveness: inevitability of ending up on the hard stuff (garters, fishnet tights)

3. Fumes (particularly applies to teenage boys or the offspring of people who apparently spin burning rubber tyres up to 23 hours a day)

4. Children confusing socks with shoes: possibility of concussion. Particularly as they are drawn towards steel capped boots when trying to look hard (normally difficult when spinning socks...)

5 Addictiveness: child being unable to dress themselves for school unsupervised in case they start spinning and miss the bus

6. Repeated missing school leading to career and associated lifetime disaster

7 Children murdering each other for their socks (well, it's already happened with trainers....)

8 Children getting involved younger and younger, eventually robbing babies of their booties

9 Possibility of being sued by the parents of murdered children or robbed babies for breaching duty of care (or even duty of scare)

10 Lifelong confusion of appropriate placement of footwear: could end up going to the school prom wearing elbow length satin sox

11 Given the similarities of sock spinning and certain behaviours generally associated with psychotic illness (compulsive meaningless behaviours, vacant expressions, confusing psytrance with music), involvement of school psychiatric teams could lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate therapies including electroshock treatment and psychotropic drugs

12 Developing a taste for electroshock treatment and psychotropic drugs leading to involvement in rave culture ubbloco including glowstringing and associated semantics

13 As no adult, let alone a child, is able to understand what is really happening in the middle of a hyperloop, close peering while trying to work it out could lead to a child's nose being pinched, squints or other facial injury. How are you going to explain to an 8 year old that they are scarred for life? ( ref to # 6 career, social disaster)

14 Underage sox leading to confusion of boundaries and promiscuity. A lifetime of having indiscriminate and compulsive sox with strangers at juggle jams, parties and festivals.

15 Having peaked too early leading to dangerous experimentation eg sock breathing

16 Eventually discovering HoP and then spending 100 times longer on the internet than they other wise would have. Varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis from sitting still too long. Could also happen while attempting 'London' style spinning (from standing in the one place too long)

I'm sure you can all think of plenty more.

My 14 year old daughter (who saw her brother start to spin eek fire at her age and subsequently develop into a world travelling professional; and who is therefore well acquainted with the *knoxious* lifestyle early exposure to the 'manipulative arts' can produce) thinks this is such a serious issue that we should pool our resources for an international campaign to eliminate children from having any contact with socks at all. She thinks that billions of kids getting blisters is worth it, so long as one child is protected from these dangers. If they object that the adults are able to wear socks she said to tell them it's for their own good. We're adults and can think straight.

They have to wait until they turn 18 (...21... 56?) when their brain structures switch on and it will all be OK

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

59 posts
Location: Eugene, Oregon

Why? They are learning faster than me. And by REAL I mean chains, straps, and quick links. With SOFT PRACTICE balls on the endz. How irreponsable do you think I am?? Wait don't answer that.

I thought I waz just dreammin'?!!??!!??!! Dis place can't really be real.

.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

sock poi are real poi

59 posts
Location: Eugene, Oregon

I would have to say that socks are socks and poi are poi and kids are yummy to eat (after you cook them) but "real" poi are only found in New Zealand unless you smuggle some out and then you better not advertize cuz the Mauri are a warrior people and they got boats and can travel to find ya.

I thought I waz just dreammin'?!!??!!??!! Dis place can't really be real.

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

real poi sock poi OH no!! ubbtickled ubbtickled ubbtickled

I should rename this thread :
[Old link]

Maori had 50 words for rain ubbtickled ubbtickled

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Written by: MurfdaSmurf

Why? They are learning faster than me. And by REAL I mean chains, straps, and quick links. With SOFT PRACTICE balls on the endz. How irreponsable do you think I am?? Wait don't answer that.

oooh, Murfdadmurf,
I think this is a cultcha thang... dem UK types use lotsa socks, lotsa lotsa lotsa socks cos a lot of the style they do involves wraps and tangles that you just can't really do with chains and heads and all. I think it comes from that they all live in tiny hobbit holes where they can;t move around a lot without bumping into the ornaments wink

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

59 posts
Location: Eugene, Oregon

Yeah they do seem a little defensive 'bout the sock thing.

But to really answer the topic.

I think kids should spin if they want to. I would never force a kid, but I think that encouaging them is great. Most kids I know who have parents that spin want to try it also. It helps build coordination in kids. Gives them a possitive creative outlet. Gets them away from TV. It is a good form of exercise, to get rid of that fat that sitting in front of TV and eating junk food build. It can be a huge boost to the kids ego. Most of all it gives the kids something to do with the parent. It helps the kid feel involved with the parents hobbie.

I thought I waz just dreammin'?!!??!!??!! Dis place can't really be real.

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Yep I totally agree

Funny this discussion has ended up here though cos this was originally a parody of that *other* thread (about should kids spin with devil eek)

and was all about how BAD it is for them!! wink

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Written by: newgabe

I think it comes from that they all live in tiny hobbit holes where they can;t move around a lot without bumping into the ornaments wink

At least our houses have an upstairs. Not like most Nostralians tongue or noo zealanders for that matter.

and we can built them out of bricks biggrin



newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Hey Cantus chill puppy ubblol

My house got Upstairs and Downstairs and everyting!!

it's even got Bricks!!!! (and a bloody huge swimming pool and trees) and a giant dirt patch in the middle of the lawn from all dem spinners weavesmiley who ran outside to avoid the ornaments

And specially for you, there's ROCKS (and a guinea pig who lives Wild and Free at the bottom of the garden...)

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....


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