DeimosBRONZE Member
Cinnamon Girl
191 posts
Location: Hfx, NS, Canada

Anyone going to Evolve this year? It's my first time going, it would be cool to meet up with some HOPpers.
I know that it's kind of in the middle- or even on the egde of nowhere but from what I've heard people come from all over Canada for it, and there's usually a lot of fire spinning going on.


1 post

I'm going to Evolve. My very first (and only direct) exposure to Poi was at last year's festival. This beautiful girl gave a workshop and planted the idea in my head that I should be a fire spinner. I've been trying to teach myself ever since.

I don't know about there being lots of *fire* spinning at Evolve, though. It's held in a big, dry field and the security people were very anti-fire. They even made my friends stub out their sage smudge. Rightfully so, actually. I had to stomp out a fire left by a carelessly discarded cig. I also saw security go up to someone carrying an unlit fire staff and explain to them that they could not use it. So probably NO fire spinning there, not LOTS.

Was still a very fun time, lots of hula hoops and some glow poi amongst the raver set. Definately recommend anyone even relatively close by to check it out if they can.

1 post
Location: Valencia, California

NS! I wish I could go. Toronto is a bit too far from Nova Scotia. Have fun though!

drawing + reading + poi spinning = healthy animator.

DeimosBRONZE Member
Cinnamon Girl
191 posts
Location: Hfx, NS, Canada

Well, it's come and gone. And surprisingly there was a lot of fire spinning, we had it in a big dirt-ground area away from all the stages and tents, there were quite a few people that spun there, it was unreal.


OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

Sorry frown didn't have $100 to spare >.<'

Maybe another year! biggrin

~ Bobo

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