Phuhzzzie Wuhzzzie the Pumpkin Kingmember
141 posts
Location: Melbourne, the new Land of Nod

When I grow up, well next year I want to get into NICA (National Institute of Circus Arts) I was hoping that at least one person on this board goes there, Anyways, what does the audition entail?
I heard that part of it is, hold a handstand for 30 seconds, juggle with at least 4 balls and be able to climb up and down a ladder no legs. prefrence to special skills and gymnasts and dancers.
What else?

A wise man once said to me, Hey! You! Get out of my wardrobe! and in a way, I guess he was right.

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

well.... you are the first person i have met who has ever heard of nica! anyway, i went there for just a week long course and learnt heaps of cool stuff. (if you look on page six of the autumn 2002 newsletter you can see me doing acrobatics!)im aiming to get there after year twelve too. i have a list of audition requirements somewhere, ill have a look around for you but in the meantime you could go to and see what you can find. from what i can remember you have to do a 20 second press handstand, three way splits and some manipulation (juggling). I'll let you know if i find my stuff, let me know how you're going!

42 posts
Location: Melbourne

LoL, i go to swinburne, and i didn't even know what NICA was, imagine that...

Q:Whay do you keep hiting yourself in the head with that hammer?A:Cos, it just feels so good when i stop...

Flame Of Fluffymember
3 posts
Location: Melbourne

Ha i go 2 the same campus of swinburne that nica is on, howeva i dont go 2 nica, but its still god 2 know that there is son fellow twirlers that might b comin round that area!!

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

ok so heres what i found...

physical assessment:
as a guide, applicants should demonstrate a general level of competency in three of the following four areas, and a high level of competency in at least one area.
flexibility - including three way splits
handstand balancing - including free handstand (min 20 sec), press up
tumbling - including roundoff flip, roundoff flip/backflip saults
manipulation - simple juggling up to four clubs or balls

applicants will also be assessed on:
upper body strength - web climbing, chinups, tuck jumps, stomach folding
posture requirements - spinal, shoulder, hips, limbs alignment

performance assessment:
applicants will participate in a drama workshop exploring improvisation, movement and other performance forms. Applicants will the be asked to demonstrate an individual act, comic routine, dance routine, monologue or 'hidden talent' not demonstrated through the workshop." POIPOIPOI

i have a whole page on the application process if you want it, email me at if you need that or any other info. ciao!

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Nica make awesome batteries@@@ they just keep on coming back for more!!!! sweet!!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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