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286 posts

Hi all, you might not know me, but I have something to say. I'm sick and tired of people walking all over me, of my government deciding how I live, and how I am seen by the rest of the world. I want to put an end to racism, sexism, poverty, and all of societies ills. I want to take the power back from the ones who are abusing it. lofty goals you may say, but it CAN be done. This is the time RIGHT NOW, while your reading this. Here are some quotes from some a friend of mine:
Does it seem to you like there's a lot going on in the world right now? That feeling has been building here and strange things are popping up in many peoples lives? Have you noticed anything like that?
I bet you have.
I'm starting to see a massive imbalance in the distribution of wealth over the planet lately so in the end the important thing is, I believe that I (and most of the oppressive western world) have way too much shit, and things are only useful when they're being used anyway. So fuck the stagnation of accumulation on bring on the rest of life!
this is only one person I talked to today about this. I've been having these discussions ever since the millenium, when I thought the world was going to end, but it didn't. ever since then, I have felt SOMETHING building. and this is it. This earth has existed for a VERY long time, and will continue to exist for a long time. Humanity as a whole has went downhill in the last few years, and we have allowed ourselves to be placated by "the man", governments, the media, the mainstream, the establishment, whatever you want to call it. We have allowed them to tell us what to eat, what to wear, what to do, what to buy, how to live, even what our religions are. But, the balance of power is swinging back to the people now. All nations, all cultures, all religions, realize that it's all one in the same. There is no god, no buddha, no allah. It's all the same thing. Nature and technology, theology and science, they are all part of the same thing. Everything I hear through "them", says we are all different. But when I talk to individuals, we all get it, and feel the same way. The time has come for us to take this back. To make these changes. To take actions and send out the message of universal peace throughout the globe. To send a clear message to them that we will no longer take their shit shoved down our throats, and we will exist above them. Right now is a time of transition, and you must be on the side of the good, or you will regret it very soon. We must prepare for the battle ahead friend. Let everyone know, do not be complacent, or lazy, or take the easy way out. Stand up for what you belive. January 1st 2012, is when the traditional(out of sync) 12 month calendar, and the real 13 month calenday(in sync with the moon) will converge. At this point, the people on the good side will make the switch. We will be about 32 years old by then. We will have the power, the baby boomers long dead relics. We can change this world, make it better, stop wars and hunger and hatred and religious squabbles. But it will take the dedication of hundreds of thousands of people, starting right NOW with me telling you. Some are leaders. I am no leader, but I will do my part. I'm going to devote a website to this, it's been taking shape in my head for a few years now. Which side are you on? I have some ideas, let's hear yours, how can we make this world a better place? you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. prove it. email me at if you want to help.

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Who'll be 32 by then?I'll be 38 mate.


PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Yupper..I'm with Cantus...I will be 38.So where does that leave us?Instead of part of the revolution will we just be revolting? winkCareful RL, on two prolly have a government file started on you now (if not already) and I think Hitler started the same way!Good Luck is a loafty and good hearted aspiration.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

286 posts

Sorry guys, when I said well be 32, I meant me and my friends, which is where I cut and pasted from. let them compile a profile on me..I will take them down..even as I sit here sick as a dog.

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I've been doing this for years mate. I was younger than you when i got into it.Anarchosyndicalist to the core.There's always something to rage against. Try not to get settled in a comfy life.And always keep your face covered.This coat my royal gownA stolen hand-me-downNo need to scrape and bowWe can be heroes nowFor more than just one dayHere's how:Look both ways when crossing roadsDont wear slippers til you're oldNever do what you are told,Never do what you are told!------------------C@ntus


DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

"FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Braveheart

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

115 posts
Location: UK

power to the people, brother.dont get too sucked in to the End of the World properganda tho (yes the next official one being 2012)- dont waste your time living in fear (thats what 'they' want). The 'end of the world's are just times of great spiritual change, look forward to them.we r all one - even the establishment - they r disconnected and we have to help them find a way back. the way to win is through love.

155 posts
Location: Oxford, UK

I've been reading an interpretation of the Baghavarta (don't know how to spell it but it's an ancient Asian/Indian text) and there are some distinctly profound things said that relate to what you're saying.Basically the main passage that came to mind when reading your post was about how we can work towards a true and pure system of governing the masses...Essentially the government should be made up of the people and act for the people. It is therefore safe to assume that if the people are corrupt, the government they elect will also be corrupt.The point I'm getting at here is even if you feel you can't make a massive impact on the global control system, even ensuring your own life circle is free of corruption will have a knock on effect. If all people can do this then the system will cease to be corrupt.All sounds very simple and I have no idea why the thought had not ocurred to me before. So, I pledge to keep my life circle free of corruption in the hope the knock on effects will gain speed....My first act in this is to find out which punk stole my baccy this morning at work!------------------"The tincture of night began to suffuse the soup of the afternoon. He considered the sentence, and found it good. He liked 'tincture' particularly. Tincture. Tincture. It was a distinguished word, and pleasantly countered by the flatness of 'soup'. The soup of the afternoon. Yes. In which may be found the croutons of teatime."

---------------------With a bit of luck, his life was ruined; always thinking that just behind some narrow door, in his favourite bars, men in red woolen suits are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know.

286 posts

Keep it coming guys..I really like that quote:
we r all one - even the establishment - they r disconnected and we have to help them find a way back. the way to win is through love.
yes, love is the answer. unfortunately, george bush is not going to listen if you walk up to him, and tell him you love him, and ask him to stop bombing afghanistan. we have to force him. not with violence, please do not think I am some militant cult leader. but in a message of solidarity from all the worlds people.and this one:
Essentially the government should be made up of the people and act for the people. It is therefore safe to assume that if the people are corrupt, the government they elect will also be corrupt.
This is my plan. An organization above governments, above countries and religions. essentially a worldwide club for peaceful people. a sort of global ethics committe. where EVERYONE has equal say. you put forth suggestions, and people vote on them. once a decision is made, everyone tries to enforce it. with hundreds of thousands of people speaking as one, we can beat them! the governments and established leaders are few, we are many.The most important thing is to live your life in a peaceful manner. the process is already started.[This message has been edited by RavingLunatic (edited 07 November 2001).]

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

115 posts
Location: UK

Agreed, G Bush would not listen if u walk up to him and tell him u love him but dont forget your power - if we unite in love, the force of this energy will have its effects. There is a spiritual reality as well as a physical one. However, I do aacknowledge that we all have to do our part - as long as we approach every situation with love in your heart. Look at the amazing acheivements of Martin Luther King.

286 posts

Exactly! MLK was great man. people called him a fool, ridiculed him. but he got the job done, because he believed in what he spoke, and he showed people the way.Mother Theresa, Rosa Parks, Gandhi, and many others, followed the same path, and look what they accomplished!Now, I'm not saying I'm on par with those people, not by any means. but I revere them as people who stood up for what they believe in..and I am trying to do the same thing here.

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

In this endevor I would supreamely love to take part, though it does seem a bit lofty, I do not wish to deflate your perspective but I heard a quote once."The only true revolution will come from the barrel of the gun."I want what you guys what, but how? We talk and talk about unity through love and respect for one another but history shows us that Naked Force has been the greatest instument of change in our world.Ask the people of Japan about the cause of change after WW2, or better yet, ask a world of Americans about their patriotic spirit before september 11th, and then ask them Now. All you people in the states, especially the ones in NY know what I'm talking about, I have seen more American flags in the past two months than I have in all the years of my life...Now, a little disclaimer here, I would love to have a world that was just peaceful and accepting of everyone and everything, but I'm trying to see this with some degree of reality.Who would enforce the rules this organization put forth? Where would you meet and how would you communicate? You can't use violence to stop violent people or you've already contradicted yourself. How do you make the violent people stop? You can't just tell a Muslim Fundamentalist that he's gotta love America now. It won't work.And believe me I wish everyday that it were that easy.You will never be free of Hate.For if there was not Hate here would be no Love, for what would you compare love too?One can only hope that there will be more love than hate, more light than dark. Sadly, The human race will never be unified until religion, class, race, creed, and gender are no longer an issue. Not until are we threatened as a species will there ever be a unification.The plan you have RL is a good one, but it needs work. In its present form that type of change would take hundreds of years, not ten. If you want to change the world in ten years well, like I said-"The only true revolution will come from the barrel of a gun."But if you find a way to proove me wrong, I'll be the first to sign up.One Love.N8.------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

286 posts

I see your point N8, it is not as easy as just telling everyone to be peaceful.but I don't think revolutions come out of barrel of a gun plan is to communicate across the internet. this is a medium which NO other time has ever had. someone has to try it sometime..there need not be any central place of gathering, only a realization by all involved that they are one and the same.

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

KatincaSee my vest.... see my vest...
693 posts
Location: Adelaide - South Australia

Coming from a strong Pharmaceutical background, both in study and "recreationally" I have always thought they should make a "chill" bomb, where instead of dropping biotoxic stuff etc.. on people they should just drop a bomb that just chills everybody out. I think people would get along much better then. Of course it wouldn't be ethical, and you couldn't work out doses for each person ........or how many people it would effect... ...or the potential consequences of it to future generations.....hmmm well it was just an idea.------------------ ~*~ Katinca ~*~

Love and Light

~*~ Katinca ~*~

286 posts

a chill bomb, I like that..I had a similar idea, localized to my highschool. i was going to put about a pound of pot in the main heating ducts so it would circulate around the school..I never did though, that's a lot of pot!

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

well - I think on the whole RL is heading in the right direction. I think most human conflict has been to do with mis-communication, irresponsbility and a lack of respect. I think if every person in all the armed forces in the world decided they werent going to hurt anyone, then the wars going on around the place would be wars no longer. The revolution RL is talking about is a revolution of the mind. Individuals need to understand they have to take responsibility for their actions, both on an individual level and as part of a collective. Of course, this isnt going to work if the individual is mis-led by a power hungry leadership which is why the current lack of accountability / and communication from the powers that be must be dismantled (after all, how can you take responsibility for the consequences of your actions if you dont know what the effects are?)I think the events of Sept11 demonstrate that most effectively. But to avoid getting into a Josh vs HOP USA4eva flamewar I'm not going to express my views here. If anyone cares or would like to discuss my views, contact me privately. My email addy is;corrupt_foriegnpolicy@unpopularviews.comJosh

286 posts

LMAO at the email address! smile

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

70 posts
Location: brisbane, QLD

apparently sometime in december? i think it's december 2012 a series of sunspots are going to send of some dangerous magnetic fields towards earth caausing continents to shifts, volcanoes to erupt, tornadoes to suck up cows, giraffes to end up in poland and ther'll be lots of missing car keys all over the world. this is supposed to be the end of the fourth age as the Mayans would have it.but don't let that rain on your parade... ...the revolution will not be televised...

fading away
how could these stimulants lead us astray?

214 posts
Location: Melbourne Australia

I really like your idea RL, although u've set yourself a hard task.Getting other people thinking along the same lines as u do can be difficult, and as people are being bombarded with information in this age it becomes more difficult for people to take in a particular piece of info that they read, and incorporate it into their "Sense of Truth" which is essentially what u want to do, in order to change their perspectives which will then hopefully spread acxross their circle - then eventually the world creating a peaceful collective conciousness. Yes?keep up the hard work and good luck with your goals, I will do my best to play a part in what I have long thought is a noble cause.And as for the chill bombs, I heard that it would only take a briefcase full of LSD to incapacitate an entire army when distributed over them evenly.Maybe if U combined some E with it? Peaceful, happy, cuddly, enlightened taliban troops who can now see the error of their ways? smile

Trying to play the Akashic records,
but my turntables not compatible.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Sorry, but this all seems a bit pretentious to me.Yeah, the worlds messed up and Globalisation isn't fair. Nothing new or revolutionary there, but I don't think that people wandering round saying "the people should take back the power from the government" is in any way constructive. The government do not decide how you live, you do. They just decide and manage the climate in which you live. If anything you should count yourself lucky to be in a position where you can take a step back and look at the wrongs of the world. It's a very priviliged place to be in. For every corrupt or mis-guided (Or just thick in the case of G W Bush) president there is an equally corruptable/mis-lead person waiting to take their place. The government aren't responsible for racism,sexism,poverty etc it's just history. Many of you might say that's passing the buck, or avoiding the issue. But face it, sexism and racism have existed since modern man began. Tribal/Racial war-fare caused an entire race of humans (Homo-sapiens) to be nearly wiped out in neolithic times by another race of humans (Sorry, I forget their name) and we're their ancestors. Some people will always be racist, either because of their society, their upbringing or simply fear of the different. Some people deal with differences in different ways to others. No revolution will change the nature of a persons mind."I want to take the power back from the ones who are abusing it" - Bollocks. Who says you aren't going to abuse your power? Not all politicians think to themselves "I know, I'll get into power and exploit people to get rich". Power to the people? Never, EVER going to work. Yes in a Utopian society, where everyone is working for the good of the whole, everyone can be equal. But no human is perfect. We are naturally selfish - we are after all just animals - survival of the fittest and all that - there will always be people who look to rise above others by fair means or foul. "We have allowed them to tell us what to eat....even what our religions are" ???? When? No government dictates what you believe. A few try to get their citizens to be bound to a religion but nothing can force a person to accept something they don't want to. People may feign alligance to a religion, but usually out of self-preservation, or fear of being different. Again, look at our (the human race's) history. People have always been persecuted for their belief, whether a lack of, or difference in. I'm not saying it's right but, it's the way the world is. Now I'm not saying we shouldn't try and help the less fortunate of the world, we're all in a position where we are able to at least make a donation or whatever. But to be honest, a Utopian soceity is an un-acheivable myth. Instead of blaming Governments and progress for the wrongs of the world and planning some world-wide revolution, remember; it's the little changes that make a difference. You can't change the mindset of a people who have been moulded, wrongly or not, in to what we are today. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.Governments don't corrupt the world, people are already corrupted.Sorry if this offends anyone - right of free speech and all...

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Raving Lunatic. Forget all you have ever known about religion, or the way it has affected the world. Forget that mostly what Americans know about religion is slanted fundamentalist views. Clear your head of pre-conceived notions, or anything that would keep you from having an open mind for just long enough to research something for me, ok? Do a search for 'The Baha'i Faith.' I am honestly not trying to shove beliefs down your throat, because right now I don't really claim a religion in my life, but from my experience, this might_honestly_be the start to some kind of solution to your Dilemma. If you have any Questions about any of this, please feel free to e-mail me @ , and I will do my best to explain what information I have gleamed about this.PLUR(RE) ---J---

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

286 posts

Thanks for the responses guys..glowshow, I have heard of the Baha'i faith, but don't know much about it..could you email me some more info..geetarplayer@hotmail.comDurbs: thanks for the post, this is exactly the sort of discussion I hoped to generate. I don't have time to respond to your post right now (i'm at work) but it's percolating through my brain and I will have a response for you soon enough.------------------~whoosh whoosh whoosh~[This message has been edited by RavingLunatic (edited 09 November 2001).]

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

78 posts
Location: Birmingham UK

I recommend that everybody converts to Bokonon (a totally fictitious religion which continually contradicts itself, and doesn't really say anything). It should then be made illegal, thereby adding credibility to it, punishment being death, approx 1 sacrifice a year (this can be faked).On the plus side, there is the foot thing, where walking about is making love to the earth, and sole to sole contact is ecstatic (and free!). The teachings can be provided in the form of passed down handwritten books - to be kept hidden from the authorities, and some shoddy and incomplete printed copy (the founder will be giving talks irregularly and hence the incompleteness).All we need is some token dictator to enforce the ban (he must convert as well), a renegade founder/leader, living in exile, and Bob's your uncle, an improved sense of community.What do ye reckon? It's one of the better ones I've found.

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Word, Pr!m@te! I'm down. It has to include an idol or a symbol to gather around, too. How about a mobius strip? Something that can't possibly exist in the real world?

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

286 posts

tsk tsk.

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

19 posts
Location: San Jose California

Try this. If we separate the governing agencies such as the IRS, Social services and the handful of truly usful agencies from law enforcement, there is a chance for balance. Here's how it works: Right now you are using one of the most poiwerful forms of law enforcement potential in the world. Instead of letting our oppressors decide the fates of those found to be outside of "Society's Will", Continue passing laws and post the offenders name, Face, and address online. If the people truly feel the the persons actions warrant punishment, then punishment they will have. Hmmmmm?------------------ Ribbons of color twining and flux, open tomorrow for me

Ribbons of color twining and flux, open tomorrow for me

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

These are dangerous times we liveI heard a man once say,If you're prone to flights of fancyYour dreams can fly awaySee the sight around youOf breakdown and decayWrought by the greed for a better lifefor which you have to pay.------------------C@ntusWe are old, we are young, we are in this together, vagabonds and children, we're prisoners forever, with pulses raging and eyes full of wonder, Kicking out behind us again.


286 posts

Nice Poetry cantus..did you write that yourself?do you mind if I use it on the site I am building?

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

42 posts
Location: Lubbock,TX

i am going to have to agree with the realists on this one, a perfect society would be great but you may be better off trying to start it as a small town or area. when people form this great society of good and caring, the people who you were working against from the start will only smile because their prey is more trusting and vulnerable. in order for a materialistic society (the world...mostly) to be a utopia there must be no want, so when you come up with unlimited resources give me a ring. even then we will most likely come up with something else to kill for.

If you had a friend that was a tightrope walker, and you were walking down the street and he just fell over......that would be unacceptable.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

UMMM.. Glowshow... (looks emabrassed)... re MOIBUS STRIPS CAN'T POSSIBLY EXIST IN THE REAL WORLDumm, I just made a moibus strip right now. It's sitting in my hand.I took a strip of paper, gave it a half-twist and selotaped the ends together.Moibus strips were invented well before the mathematical version of explaining them came about...And you can make big ones out of conrete and stuff, except you also need a few pillars and other support structures to prevent it collapsing...------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

286 posts

Yeah, I knew that, thought the exact same thing actually..but eh.. c'est la vie.. voila!i wish I knew more french than that..and vous les vous fumez en jouant avec mois? smile_------------------~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~


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