Forums > Help! >!!!!(please)

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13 posts
Location: australia

hello...hello.... i have developed an interest in meteors and i was wondering if there was anybody out there who would please be able to give me advice, tips or any information on them....i have tried to find people in my local area (aus) but noone seems to be game enough to even try them let alone twirl them.....any information will be gratly appreciated......thank you.....


167 posts
Location: leicester, england

I think PK has some, there are videos of him twirling them on the PIP site...

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

13 posts
Location: australia

thanks.......for some stupid reason my computor has trouble acessing that site.....thanks antway....opps.....try that agian...thanks anyway


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