Forums > Social Chat > "online" personnality ?

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CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

This board here is the first one I ever entered on the internet and I am glad I did. Realized it yesterday cause I found myself thinking of the HOP and all the beautiful people on the board,thinking about you as I think of my friends and family (eeer... actually my friends ARE my family..) To those of you I am in touch with personnaly and those whose post i just read with great interest and pleasure without always responding though : I love you and thank you with all my soul. smilethat being said, entering the HOP I also discovered a whole new "online" world and vocabulary (apart from the foreign language issue) and the most surprising one to me was "ONLINE PERSONNALITY"wowI know my personnality has various faces : happy, sad, gentle and nice and , yes, ugly or "cheap" pretty much like anyone. Personnalities evolve of course... and also I know that when I dance with fire my body language and personnality, or should I say my "attitude" (?) are not that of an everyday work attitude... But I see it as one house with different rooms... And as i write here on the board I am "naked" (don't give me that dirty look, just dunno any better word wink ) or so I thought .... But hidden behind our computers, who are we ? I sometimes feel I am actually even more honest "online" because there is nothing to prove, but sometimes I find myself holding back from saying something and not entering a thread, whereas I probably would say what I think in flesh and bone reality... (editing this bit, cause I see how unclear my english was, thanks Super !)So what is the meaning of "online personnality" ? why "flame" someone ? is there less respect online because people feel "protected", like people behind a mask who'd dare do things they'd never do in every day life ?Don't misunderstand me, I feel warmth and respect here, but this just got me thinking in a more general aspect ... What do you think ?gee, we are all over the world and talking and sharing, isn't that amazing ? But I just can't wait to SEE you actually see the faces, the eyes and the smile that go with the words. Some of you have met here and there, lucky you smile I can't wait for that gathering in NZ in 2003 !!!Do I make sense ? I am confused myself on what exactly is my point, just wondering...Shine onCassandra[This message has been edited by cassandra (edited 08 September 2001).]

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

what is PDA ??????

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Cassandra....Public Displays of Affection=PDAAt least as I know it. smile------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I mean everything I said about Josh, and Cass - he doesn't need to pay me with money...he pays me with friendship::vomits::

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FrenzieBRONZE Member
515 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

*kicks Josh*She doesnt say stuff like that about me!!!*grumbles that Flash loves Josh more than her...*

- Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the milk crate -

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Are you getting corny, Flash ??? that would surprise me !!! winkreminds me of this stupid corny saying which people sometimes write on enveloppes "hurry up, mailman, friendship can't wait"... makes me want to puke ! Do you get that kind of shit too or is it in the french genes only ???shine oncass

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

162 posts
Location: Springfield, MA - USA

Ok, this is something I've put some thought into.... Let's see if I can write this out without it being a long boring mess... winkFirst of all, I think I tend to have a lot of Parallels to Pele. I am a very quiet and shy person by nature and not used to talking. I am one of those people that constantly gets asked to talk louder, repeat what I said, not mumble, etc.I am much more comfortable expressing myself when writing. It was interesting.. I had my evaluation for work the other day. Of course one of the areas for improvement was social skills (even though we both agreed that I've improved a lot even from when I started working earlier this year). But he was also suprised by how well I wrote for the form. I think that put me into somewhat of a different perspective in his eyes...But also sharing a similar perspective of meetings, I was a moderator for a chat room for yo-yos for several years (and still am), and have various pages with tutorials on how to do tricks (writing skills coming in handy there), and so I had a decently large reputation. Enough that people I knew online actually pooled money for tickets for me to fly over to the Nationals in California.When I got there, if it wasn't for a couple of friends determined to get me meeting people, I would have met much less of those I knew online. As it is, I barely yo-yoed while I was there...I also had the odd experiance of how people's reactions are to someone when they don't versus do know who you are. This was a big event, so it wasn't like I was introduced to everyone when I got there like I would at a small gathering. Also, while I have pictures online, had differnet glasses, had my beard a bit shorter, etc. It was enough that many people didn't know who I was.In some ways I found it kind of disconcerting and maybe a bit scary that someone who wouldn't even have noticed me or have a cautious attitude talking to you, or just a friendly talk as strangers... how it is suddenly different if then they know who you are. OH! You're Shawn... etc...Up in Vermont, it was different because while I had been posting for a bit then, it wasn't like people really knew me all that well, or that I had some sort of huge reputation or any of that. So, it was refreshing to be with a group of people that had no real preconceptions about me, who I am, my skills, etc. It was one of the best experiances that I've had... smileWhile I know you had a good time Pele, I can certainly see how the experience was vastly different for you than it was for me...In terms of online personalities... most of my real experimentation was back on a semi-local BBS (the dial-up kind). This was an interesting middle-world in that in some ways you could alter your personality, not worry as much about repercussions, and yet most of the people were at least in the same state, and your real name was listed in the list of online users next to your handle.It is this sort of middle-ground that is less often found these days. There were some common regional things to talk about in the chat room. You could remain distant, but if you wanted to you could meet face to face with someone without traveling across the country.There were several MUDs on there (and even a sort of sexual MUD game), in which a lot of people did role-playing. However, for the time that I did it, I guess I never actually did much of that. Pretty much my characters were me, even though I did go into some areas that I wouldn't usually. Probably the most memorable thing was a relationship with another character, which then spread into an OOC (out-of-character) romance which ran for a bit. Then that eventually burnt itself out, and she got involved with someone else from the BBS (who she turned out marrying later), and then I turned out meeting the two of them in person after all of that. Talk about strange rollercoasters... winkAlso one other one that went from BBS to phone to burning out... Is it a sad fact that I've never been in a relationship that started face-to-face? Maybe...heheAnyway... I do like the face that people online can communicate more by their ideas than being judged by age, sex, or race. The who a/s/l (age/sex/location) thing that is often found in AOL chatrooms is that people not used to the internet need that immediate reference point by which to communicate with other people. I think that almost everyone slips into this at least sometimes...One thing to ponder... if you are talking to someone that seems to have a very limited view of the world, is it because they are young and haven't had the chance to see much yet, or are they older and set in their straight-ahead view? If you knew the answer, how would it change how you treated this person? And should you treat this person differently?Obviously everyone has different life experiences. For instance someone watching a movie where someone is being sexually abused... Most people would probably feel sympathetic for the victim, but for someone who actually went through a similar experience, they would probably have a strong reaction. They might not even be able to watch the movie because of their personal emotions. However, someone else that has had the experience and handled it differently than the character, or perhaps who feels they had a worse experience, might even cold to the victim's plight.Knowing this about someone could help explain how they act in relation to things, and yet could also color your feelings toward them in other ways.So, basically I don't know what to think really. Sometimes knowing things about people help you to understand where they are coming from better, but it may also cause you to judge them in the wrong ways...I do think that being able to be online and experiment with your personality is probably usually a good thing. Often-times our day to day "real life" interactions are considered the side of us that is closer to reality, but we are frequently not true to ourselves then either, bowing to preconceived notions of us or not wanting to make waves, or just because that's how we are used to being...Maybe by experimenting you can find other aspects of yourself while trying to be someone else. Maybe you'll just become more sure that you really are happy with who you are and how you act and that trying to act like someone else just isn't you...Another thing is that while it is possible to lie in a very bad way online, it is also possible to lie in a way that is not at all harmful. Like being in a MUD and pretending to be the bad guy. In fact I think of that as a form of acting. Actors are paid to lie if you think of it in that way. It is ok because we know that they are, in the same way that a fictional writer is lying.I found it funny when I first discovered IRC years back and lurked in a sex chatroom for a while, that there were people that seemed obsessed that the lady they were talking to was a lady and not really a guy in real life. I could never really understand that, in that if you are going to be in that kind of environment, you have to surrender to fantasy, to the lie. If the person typing says and acts as a woman, then they are one, and nothing else really matters...The funny thing is that I never did stay involved in MUDs or any of that stuff and am mostly just how I am... Maybe it'd do me some good to branch out at some point though just to see what happens... winkWhile we are on this topic, a tv series relating somewhat to all of this has to be Serial Experiments: Lain. This is an animation from Japan which is now on 4 DVDs in the US (places like Media Play/Suncoast have them). Besides the overall strangeness of the show, one of the things it goes into is that of an online personality, and what if it gets a life of its own?I've heard some of the inspiration for the creator was the feeling of overall loss of identity in Japan, with so much influence from the west. I mean some of the kids over there now even go so far as using makeup or expensive high-powered tanning salons and perms taking hours to try to make themselves look black like their american hip-hop idols... Of course the irony is the endless facination the US has with Japan. I guess the old grass is greener mentality... winkSo anyway, I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but this is probably way too long as it is! Hope something in here was interesting... (can you feel the self-conciousness radiating out? hehe).I should re-read this and make corrections, but I am pretty tired tonight... will see how this goes...Shawn smile

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

(sorry cassandra, I didn't mean to ignore you there... must have missed this post.)Yes, PDA is "public displays of affection" like when a couple is being a bit too affectionate in public.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

129 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

hmm, this topic is interesting, and I feel like ranting.I'm always surprised when I read my posts and emails over, they look more eloquent and knowledgable than I ever am offline. I did a search for my name here a while ago, to see if I needed to reply to anything, and golly.....there were a couple of posts from people holding me up as some kind of allknowing expert....eeeek!?! Couldn't be further from the truth! In everyday life, I'm a scruffy 18 year old philosophy geek who's perpetually disorganised.....could you get any less 'expert' than that?! smile smile I keep forgetting how young I am....I moved out and started university at 16, so it's not really an issue to me.I think usually seem a bit vacant and shy. (I often see things that aren't there, so I tend to be off in my own world a lot. I always know they're not real, so I'm not crazy or anything, but they still make life kinda interesting for me). I'm not quite the classic "shy geek girl" but I do quite often find interactions to be an effort....not necessarily difficult, but still draining. I don't deal well with conversations in large groups, and I get verrry nervy if I'm forced to be in a crowd, eg at raves or bars or parties. I'm INFP for those who know about myers-briggs personality types ( It's strange though, when I'm around fire or juggling people, even offline, my confidence skyrockets. I think this is partly because they're generally a pretty accepting bunch, and partly because it's a sort of common ground, even with strangers. People who meet me through firedancing usually refuse to believe that I'm shy, until they see me withdraw and stare into space once the fires go out.The only people from here I've met are Charles and Malcom, although I think a few Dunedin people are lurkers here. I didn't really notice any clash between their online and offline personalities. Both funky people, and charles taught me his famed neck-catch-shoulder-roll which was cool. (charles - have you tried it from a kickup? I can do it now but I tried so many times my neck and foot are bruised!). hmm, why on earth to I keep getting hooked onto this board?? I'm supposed to be absent, dammit. This is what happens when I should be writing essays :-)seeyas allxaeda[This message has been edited by xaeda (edited 29 September 2001).]

the memories fire, the rhythm falls slow....

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Shawn, you are far from being a long boring mess, on the contrary ! you have actually really offered me food for thoughts. I envy people with writing and explanation skills, I am doing Ok in French but feel just so very restricted and frustrated in english. And proof is that for the second time in one single thread I am sitting here scratching my skull wondering "what the scoobidoo does MUD mean ????" and what is IRC ?? frownThis thing you say about meeting people in real life and how they treat you whether they know or don't know who you are is VERY interesting. It happens everywhere, I have terrible scorn for people who start treating me differently if they knew who i am. I'd even have far more respect for someone who started being a cold asshole to me cause he did not like me and would not change a bit just for the simple fact that someone suddenly told him that I was project manager for instance (sorry... only example I can think of right now is work)... What you say about whether one would act differently if you knew the person's identity. It is something I have been wondering about plain "real life" too. I love old people, love the contact and all that I can learn from them. But why should I automatically OWE respect to the elderly ? As much as I must say that now I see real ugly people, they'll grow old one day, will that start to excuse some things then ???? is it all but a cultural thing ? It may sound far fetched but in a way it is like asking : in order to appreciate this piece of art, do I need to know what the artist meant ? who he was ? or is the art self sufficient ? Of course both point of views can be supported , however, I must say that when it comes to humans, I cannot consider another human as a pure objective form of thinking. Knowing what is behind his words, why she gets so upset suddenly when this subject pops into the conversation is interesting to me. Maybe cause I spent years in university on an ethnology masters, so suddenly not caring about the reasons behind the act would be odd to me. But most of all because I care and am interested in people's life. Not in the meaning of being a nosy bitch wanting to interfere and know all the little secrets (allthough maybe some people might feel that this is what I do...dunno...), I would never push someone or be offended if someone would not want to talk to me, but I would not NOT give it a try if I am genuinely interested in someone's insight on life. Another metaphore comes to my mind, not sure it is completely related but anyway ... when a little kid hands you a drawing, it is not only the drawing that matters but all the story the child has to say about it... If you don't listen to the kid's reason to do this, you are missing out important things...I had often laughed at the idea and the comic representation of two people chatting about sex and lying about who they are. Has anyone seen this cmmercial with a young guy (with a nickname like "stallion" chatting with a woman and asking her to shout "yes stallion, i am yours" or something and he realizes that it is his mum)... wooo... So, well, as long as it remains strictly online and is between consenting adults, then yes, why not live the fantasy and not care about the sometimes sad truth behind or possible taboos broken... i had NEVER thought of it that way. yet I had a bad feeling about all that cause it is fake and this kind of seduction / sex would never really satisfy or just attract me (nothing against those who do like it though) but if I think about it, I have a problem about this "lying thing" probably because I was immediately imagining things that would be a bit dirtier and maybe in the pedophillic range (dirty assholes hitting on little boys and girls)... and I cannot stand the simple thought of it...Xaeda, you may be as messy as you wish, it still does not mean your twirling isn't impresive, it is ! beleive me !!! Watching your video and Flashfire's really made me want to get started with the staff. So i would refer to you if I thought of staff and I do beleive you are damn knowledgeable in this field, lady !!! The mistake people sometimes make is to project more in "experts" than just what expertise they have and find them to look allmighty... that can be impressive sometimes... But it can be easily understood cause when I am sitting here, covered in bruises due to being a newbie in staff practice and then watch the ease with which some of you do it, you all look like friggin ALIENS to me (mmm... now that I think of it .; maybe ... shhh..." they" are watching us...) winkShine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

MUD=multi-user dungeon. This is a text-based (no graphics) online role-playing game, sort of like Ultima Online or Everquest (if that means anything to you), but all done in words.IRC=Internet Relay Chat. online chatrooms, but not controlled by AOL or any big company like that.Cassandra--I know exactly what you mean about being treated differently when people learn who you are. It's a weird feeling. I've had it happen to me, but I've probably been guilty of treating people differently myself.And I also agree with your point about art being valued more highly because of the artist. It happens a lot. Reveals how shallow the art world really is.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

smileAdam you always provide me/us with rich and exact answers and infos !!! Thank you !I'm still thinking about the art / artist thing and questions are popping up in my mind... mmm... gotta think a bit further before I go with my usual "bla bla bla".Shine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

OK ... so yesterday evening I was chatting about online personnalities with Kali and I thought of that thread. I re-read it and still find that subject very interesting ... since there are so many new HOPers now , I was curious to see your feedback / opinions / input on that

shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

It is very true, we or I at least act differently pending where I am online or if I am in RL.

You can ask Kinduin and Pozee, I really aint a dick in real life.

I do not come in here just trying to piss people off, I just dont voice my opinion as much in RL I am a bit more PC in RL

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

it's scary but i have multiple personalities/characters both offline and online. comes from too many years performing with masks and fire or maybe it's all the drugs in my youth. either or. i'm always on stage. but anyway, no, i'm this wierd all the time. online i think it's harder to convey the incessant tomfoolery and insanity that is my so-called "self", but i'm not sure...i just act like whatever and don't worry about it. i'm a bit manic, or borderline, or somethin, so i vacillate from goofy to spiritual to perverted at the drop of a hat... most of my friends are used to it, at least they pretend to be...
this is the only board i write on, in fact it's pretty much the only one i've ever done, and i didn't really even know they existed until HOP. i think it's a grrreat concept, and i think it's a cool way to meet peers. the idea that someone could be "fake" about it seems kind of disturbing...even the whole idea of changing your name, so you don't get stalked, was a surprise to me... i guess i'm too naive

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

Fairy Ladymember
63 posts
Location: fairieland

I like this one Cassandra!

I personally do not "surf" the web or talk on BB or any of that. I finally jumpped into the new technology era around february when the person teaching me poi was moving too slow! (I didn't see her often enough) after serching for about 2 weeks I found this site through many links and figured it was the best for me to learn at, what with all the videos, I like pictures.

So then I started having questions and reading posts, I finally deceided after being a voyer for a while that maybe at some point I could help someone else the way you guys helpped me so I registered.

I find that I have always been a what you see is what you get sort of girl, but I feel that with the "mask" on the boards I can be even more myself. Although I do try to control myself or I would accomplish nothing at work. I enjoy the friendship you guys have and all the comraderie. I know I have not been around long, but I feel that if I have a valid question (and I already did a search ) that you guys are probably the best source.

I have started teaching other's poi in a friendly sort of way and I chant to them throughout the lessons. I said that is how I learned the basics and that you guys are a great support system for beginners.

I love this place and I am amazed at what Malcolm has done here. My husband even knows a lot of you by name. (he doesn't get on the internet at all) I tell stories at home about Pele said this or Cassandra said that and he laughs at mne cause I feel like I have talked with you guys all day at work. So I guess this long ramble is more of a thank you to you guys for creating a place where people can feel comfortable enough to be themselves.

Thank you guys for everything I really appriciate it.

Fairy Lady but you can call me Molly if you want to.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Is it hypocritical to have such different personalities on and offline? I'm a bit bias because I'm one of those people who's pretty much the same so I don't want to judge those that aren't. I agree that different media allow different sides of an individual to be displayed, and yes, we're all complex creatures. But it seems that some people invent an alterego that doesn't reflect who they are...

I guess that's fine, you can pretend to be anyone online, but in a forum like this I'd find it silly to be anyone BUT myself...

Again, maybe it's because I'm not really shy in or out of the matrix so I express myself equally well in either. Unelss everyone is speaking French... as I have found out.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

tricksenBRONZE Member
29 posts
Location: lake district,england

just been reading this thread and it got me kind of thinking about multipul personalities and what NYC said about being the same on/off line.i don't think i'm much different on/off line,maybe a little shyer online but that due to being a new HOPer(new kid at school feeling,everyone knows everyone)not having internet access at home(just work on the sly)and being abit of a technophobe.But most people have many sides to thier personalitiy,and different personalities depending on who,where act differently with your parents,boss,friends,partner, why should being online be different its just another side to you.i think its easier to talk to strangers esp faceless one,as they know nothing about you,no pre-judgements based on clothes,hairstyle,mannerisims that you make before you even talk to someone(you just make them on what you see)what do you guys think?

***********************************to find your mind you have to lose it first!!

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

My view is that I am who I am. We are always "changing" our "personalities" for new environments. My behavior at work is different than my behavior at home or when partying or when cooking. There are always common elements, of course, but there are things that change.

So it makes sense that who you guys see online is not a truly accurate representation of me. And most certainly, due to this interface (I don't normally speak in writing in person), you guys don't have a very good idea of who I am when I'm not online.

But then again, my co-workers don't see who I am when I'm not at work and my friends don't see who I am when I'm there. So who am I in real life? I'm the other side of this extension of myself that you see here.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Wow, what a topic. where to start?

I am basically the same person online & offline. But there is one thing, whether I am in a group online or offline I spend some time "reading" the group. Figuring out how people talk so I won't cause offence, figuring out what are the rules of participating.

I know some people do this, so that they can push the boundaries, and try and shock people into changing some of the rules. Me, I use it to determine whether I am happy participating or not. If I am, I begin talking. Often quietly, but I try to always be honest.

I understand the value in putting on a mask, almost like a party face, when you are online. It protects you and allows you to do and say things you wouldn't ordinarily say. Sometimes it is even a rule of participating, like in sex MUDs, it is about participating in a group fantasy of another world.

That is not what i wanted from an online community, although sometimes I think it would be fun.

My personal theory is that because we are here talking about something we do in reality, poi & staff etc, we talk more about our real selves.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I am known by a few names, but they're all still.... silly! (nee-woop!)
It is not that I have many personalities, it's just that my single behaviour is consistently

It is an oversimplification to presume that any person -however predictable- possesses a

single facet, though. To do so would be like describing a planet as just having one climate;

e.g. Mars is a desert planet, to be sure, but it still has polar ices caps, sietch

communities and spice fields.

Just as the use of fire (TWIRLIN'!) marked a significant advancement of our evolution, I

consider electronic interaction as another step in evolution. sweet people like you guys

make this step a forwards step! we have evolved to the point where a completely non-physical

interaction still allows for so much to take place. To learn a BTB move from tips from some

smelly melbournians that you've never met is made easy. We do have other means, such as

telephones, noticeboards and coconut-bearing African-European swallows, but the 'net is

quick and inexpensive.
I studied Information Systems at yewni (cue 'Animal House' music) and it was a huge revelation to me the day my dept head distinguished the internet being a humanity technology - behind the Jargon and Hardware, the internet was an enabler of human interaction. The sophistication in the socialising is often lost on the observer when nerds are belittled.
the geek shall inherit the earth!

Is shawn is still out there? you Rawk man! I'd like to share my wooT with ya over "Serial

Experiment:Lain"!! i reckon it's a profound series. Cartoons aren't always for kids with toy

budgets. For anyone who hasn't rented it yet, it's a cerebral show that raises incredibly

complex issues about online personas, electronic souls, a diefied internet, and some very

fine anime set to funky j-pop!

i like net.
i like net alot.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

184 posts
Location: London

*lol* Bender, you're good at making people laugh!

Hmm. This is a _very_ interesting topic... there are so many great topics on this board, keep it up, guys!

I've participated in a fair few BBs, although have never really chatted, and I think that the online me is a fairly honest reflection of what others see in real life, perhaps minus a little of the whimsy - unusually, I think, I'm sillier in rl than I am online.

I think it's VERY important to remember that you're speaking to real people, and sometimes quite easy to forget. I've been on a couple of boards where there has been a massive fight and the board has pretty much died... very sad, really. I think that's why I try and be as unemotional and analytical as possible in the more fiery discussions, as others are less likely to take offense, and I've seen how much damage the use of emotional language can cause, not just to the people involved, but to the board as a whole. There are a couple of really fiery discussions happening here at the moment, and I think we're handling them fairly well as a board... congratulations, guys!

I'd like to also add that I write far too much...apologies if I'm ever boring!! I am a secretary and type quite fast, so get my thoughts down as I think them. What you see is therefore pretty much what you get!

MTM MonsterMoat monster
208 posts
Location: someplace murky

Online multiple personalities - when one is tired let another out to shine - hide behind each, but let all show aspects of the whole.

We are legion. We are many.

nuff said.

A good deal of growr, some grr and quite a bit of snarl, spit and some biting. just a regular day at the office.

46 posts
Location: Toronto

To say it again - What a topic!
I'm going to have to post my thoughts for whatever there worth, not well thought out or even particually prepared but thats just the way I am, speak first then deal with the consequences after. I find if I think too much then I never say anything.
So far as multiple personalities go I know I have them, I'm different at work than at home, and I tailor myself to fit in with different groups of people. I think this is a good thing so long as each personality is allowed to influence the others since it lets you develop what is you.
I've been online for several years now participating in a variety of chat rooms and bulletin boards, never to the extent of becomming a moderator but definatly a regular in some places. I've found that when I first started my different personalities were deliberatly far more extreme and in your face than they are now but that as I've become more comfortable with online interaction creating these ficticious characters has much less appeal and now they tend to be be much closer to who I feel I am. Wether this is due to increased time online or increased age I'm not sure.
OK so I know this rambles a bit and I've contradicted myself more than once but there u go. Take it or leave it thats me.

Take care everyone

We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are. - Tobias Wolff

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

I have to say: In real life I am a whole lot more shy than I am on HoP. Occasionally (as on here) I get little bursts of courage and accept to do a dare, but online I'm a whole lot more open and comfortable.

Yes. Raymond Phule is a whole lot more... excided and... yeah in real life He's really cool. (Although I only saw him the first time he did fire poi, so that might have added onto the excided part).


Aurora (1/2 a firesister)GOLD Member
249 posts
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto

One of the coolest things about online interaction is that the communication is completely verbal. In this way it eliminates prejudices that might be generated by someones appearence. People tend to focus more on what the person is saying then on what they look like etc. This is wicked cause it tears down a lot of silly barriers that shouldn't be there in the first place .....oh and cause it's completely verbal the relationships can be deeper and better founded then some of the ones we create in real life.

On that note I find some interaction online to be somewhat impersonal....things are so often misinterpreted cause you can't see the person grinning mishchieviously...but I suppose that's why we have cute emoticons

On the whole I would say I'm as close to myself online as I am offline...except that I can't put an emoticon every time I smile cause it won't let me & I don't want to get in trouble

Om Namah Sivaya

MTM MonsterMoat monster
208 posts
Location: someplace murky

C@ntus tells me that mr Phule is nicer in real life. He also wants it known that he's argued Phule's case on more than one occasion (sorry dude but you've been offending folks).

C@ntus says that he knows "for a fact, that several HOP personalities are much nicer folks in real life.

People take on the persona that suits them or hide behind one that apeals.

Some people on here are the same in the real world - Noona, Pk, Orange, onedizzybird - what you see is what you get"

Mr C@ntus is a different person in real life. Ask anyone that's met him. He's much quieter, less "nasty"/sarcastic (Kinudin) and not so much of "a bastard" (Carrey).

C@ntus wants it said that Durbs is much shorter than you were expecting though.

A good deal of growr, some grr and quite a bit of snarl, spit and some biting. just a regular day at the office.

Aurora (1/2 a firesister)GOLD Member
249 posts
Location: Canada, Ontario, Toronto

^^^I think it's great that you listen so attentively to your friend Cantus but since we are in a discussion about "being yourself online" it would be great to hear more of what you Anonymouse have to say...

Om Namah Sivaya

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

but is he really c@ntus' friend?
i mean do we really even know?
i mean, really?

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

167 posts
Location: leicester, england

moving away from the original question slightly, I have only just realised what a great forum this is; I mean I knew it was great, but I didnt realise it was soo much better than all the others...

I have just joined a car club, and they have a UK forum. we are really struggling to be taken seriously in the UK custom scene, and everything keeps turning to 'bun fights'... I direct you to the forum...

uk lowrider forum

...have a quick read through this thread (if you have time), and while the people probably dont mean anything to you, you can see how bitchy it is...

Most of the time this forum is really helpful... sharing tips and info, spareparts and things, but on the social threads it mostly ends up like this... argument between two guys from different clubs who share the forum, and the administrator from the balr...

...keep up the good work guys, this is more like a community than a notice board to me...

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

53 posts
Location: Vancouver, Canada

Ok...well it took me ages to read through those two pages and wow did I ever learn a lot!! I was so interested in reading what everyone had to say and Cassandra this is an awesome thread that you have started!! I feel that I may repeat my thoughts as someone I tend to agree with what everyone says!
People being human all long for acceptance...and it is funny how there is a lot of people who can talk to someone without seeing them and be their best friend right...but without a face to put it to a lot of people remain skeptical about who they are talking in this day and age I guess people have to be careful on who they trust. Which is a silly way for the world to be..but there is a lot of nasties out there aye?
I myself have only really become familiar with the internet recently to keep myself in contact with my beautiful friends in NZ! But I found HOP and of course as I have been reading and getting to know you all by reading your beliefs and thoughts an now I love coming into HOP and just reading the threads..even if I don't answer or involve myself in threads..I just like to read and then put something in where I feel maybe i could have a wee say..but people I believe tend to be more honest in these types of things becasue I guess people have the security of knowing that there is a very low chance of seeing people who are online..and many people would like to keep it that way becasue maybe they lack self confidence in their selves and they prefer to remain honest and be them selves with people they don't is a false sense of security for people sometimes because you know, i bet there is a lot of people who are involved in this type of thing who realy want to be as confident as they are on here in real life...but by writing people loose their natural fears of people because no one can judge them unless they are a total PRICK online..but people don't want to be like that people generally want to be loved by other people.
I think of a riot situation right...( I know that might be a bit far fetched) but in a riot people actually become more confident, do things they would never usually do, feel less self concious with the belief that they cannot be identified, loss of self awareness, feel anonymous blah blah
Well in a way you could make the same comparison with this type of thing..people feel anonymous so there for...pour out their heart and soul.
( although it could go the other way and someone could just 'keep telling lies to make up for all that they lack' which is sad..but gives them security)
anyways for me..when i come on the internet..for the first time and i signed up to this i have been reluctant to giving my real name so i stick to an old nickname that a special friend of mine used to refer to me as...but i do this for i guess my own paranoid security..until i feel comfortable enough to give it out. But for anyone who might be interested my real name is CASEY hahah i feel the release of pressure already haha
But seriously guys in this place I get a really good vibe becsaeu everyone listens to each other and seems to know everyone on a fairly personnal basis. You're all awesome people and can do so much for the world!!!
peace to you all
Sorry if i blathered on a bit heehee


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