*Photo supplied by Ryanstango
This library has been created by members who love and appreciate HoP to give back to the community. Anyone can become a member and add to, or replace any videos.
Want to be noticed and help others gain skills?
We are looking for videos that...
Our admin staff are happy to answer any questions.
In the middle of the page is the basic description of the lesson. Below is a list of any related discussion threads in the forums.
On the right-hand side are any extra media files (videos, pictures, etc..) that can be downloaded or played on your computer.
Near the bottom of the page is a comments section which members can use to thank the person who created the lesson, add to the information or ask a question.
Clicking on the media name will begin the viewing process.
This can only be done by those with lesson privileges to supply or help with lessons.
The following file types can be uploaded: .avi,.wmv,.mpeg,.mpg,.png,.mov,.swf,.gif,.jpg,.txt,.pdf,.flv,.m4v,.mp4,.md70,.doc,.xls,.dwg,.dxf,.lcam,.tap
Maximum file size is 100Mb / lesson. If it is larger and worthy, it can be uploaded if approved by the Site administrator.
This can only be done by members with lesson privileges to supply or help with lessons.
If you are a newly registered member and wish to contribute, then please contact the Site administrator with what you can help with.
You can create new pages, edit them, join lessons to the discussion board threads, and upload various media to help explain your and others' lessons.
You must own the copyright of the media before you can upload. All uploads must follow the site rules.
If a new folder (e.g., juggling, contact, fans, etc..) and/or booklet/s are required, then contact the Site administrator to do this for you.
Apart from uploading newer lessons, we also require, from time to time, some help in keeping the structure of the lessons easy to follow.
If you wish to help in that area, then please contact the Site administrator.