GentlemansRevoltBRONZE Member
3 posts
Location: USA

I was going to type a little introductory paragraph, but then I realized it was pretty much all covered in the suggested questions. So I guess I'll just say hi, and direct you to the information below!

Name: Jon

Location: Er. Well, my current occupation is at my desk where I'm supposed to be working. Oops.

Hometown: Here and there in the American southeast.

Birthday (sign?): February 16. This makes me an Aquarian near the Pisces cusp.

Age: 31, which seems impossible.

Gender: Male.

Occupation(s): I sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen. There are spreadsheets involved. I know, terribly glamorous.

Favorite Food(s): Sushi. Zucchini. Excellent ginger ale/beer. Pasta.

Favorite Color(s): Neutrals.

What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? Not enough information to answer. What kind of swallow? Does 'wing speed' refer to wing beats per minute, or average wing velocity mid-flap?

If the question is referring not to wing speed but airspeed velocity, I would refer the reader to this helpful documentary.

Toys: I am pro-toy. Please note, if your toy is silicone, it is important to use a water-based lubricant.

Hobbies other than the obvious: I collect hobbies. Among them are music, literature, knitting, collage, photography, puzzles, film, and ludicrous hyperbole.

Education: Little to none.

Favorite Book(s): The Dogs of Babel, by Carolyn Parkhurst, and Delights and Shadows, by Ted Kooser.

Favorite Movie(s): Troll 2.

Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why? Depends on the star destroyer in question. They range from the tiny and helpless to the ridiculously overweaponized. In generally, I'd side with the destroyer, though. They can fly. Godzilla is pretty well limited by gravity.

Favorite TV show(s): Elementary and Hannibal, at the moment. Past faves have included The Middleman, Star Trek TNG, and Mister Rogers.

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) Ughhhhgh. I don't want to talk about it. Theoretically I am grown up. It's gross, I don't recommend it.

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: This is in constant flux. Current faves are Jim Hall and Valarie June. Perennial faves are Beethoven and Nick Drake.

Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? OMG no, you look amazing!

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): GINGER

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella? Nutella all the way. I like the way it's edible.

Well, that was fun. As for poi, I just started a few months ago, using Nick Woolsey's videos as a guide but also generally playing around and figuring out neat things on my own. I'm more of a dancer than a tech spinner, so I'm not too concerned about being 'good'. I just like dancing and playing to excellent music.

I haven't been dancing/spinning for the last couple months because of an injury, but I hope to start again soon. Sitting around all the time is getting REALLY boring.

And now a question for you! What is your favorite thing about spinning poi?

GentlemansRevoltBRONZE Member
3 posts
Location: USA

Ack, my formatting didn't work! Are those rich text editing buttons not functional? I don't see a way to edit the post, either. Sorry for the ugly introduction, y'all.

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