squidBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: sur, USA

So Ive got an old stage ball that used to be part of a pair of contact poi Im not using anymore, but I want to weight it like a Sil-X ball. I can't find liquid silicone, so Im looking for alternatives. Anybody got ideas?

"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow

meshunderlayBRONZE Member
612 posts
Location: Hicksville, New York, USA

Do you want to still do contact with it, or just make it like a russian so it won't roll quite so far when you drop it?

squidBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: sur, USA

I want to weight it to about 260-300 grams to use specifically for contact juggling.

"to a man whose only tool is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." Abraham Maslow

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