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PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Name: Pele (based on the Volcano Goddess not the soccer player)

B-Date: Oct 16, 1973, you figure out the age wink

Been doing this stuff: Many years

What do I do?: It all, just not well smile

Job: Performer, Event Organizer, Writer, Director, Performance Consultant, Henna Artist...not in that order

Location: Webster, Western New York State

Other: Proud mother of one 11 1/2 year old named Noah.

Pets: 1 Bearded Dragon named Harley, 1 Guinea Pig named Snowflake, 2 cats: Joujou Grisgris and Fizzgig, r.i.p. goldie and sage (the snakes)

Hobbies: Reading, mostly dark novels and fantasy-ish stuff, along with business and performing books. Fantasy Art. Movies, love movies. Music..almost any kind really. Learning, don't really care about what. I have an amazing aptitude at retaining incredibly useless knowledge....just ask Kombiguy, Gardening, especially herbs and veggies. Cooking....oh how I love to cook.....with the herbs I grow. Artsy stuff.

All of my favorites are based on moods, such as food, color, drinks, etc. I always love Popcorn as a snack though. It's rather a greasy-salty addiction to tell you the truth.

Things I love: My friends...more than they could ever possibly know, the elements, life on the whole, a hot cup of tea cuddled under a blanket on a cold night with all the lights off and a good movie on and a roaring fire going. To lay in the shade in cool sand on a hot day with water at my feet and look for shapes in the clouds. Watching my son be melodramatic, especially when reading outloud. He cracks me up. Making up constellations in a full starry sky.

Personal outlook: All of live should be lived with passion and conviction, preferrably in what we love rather than what we don't love. Faith should be strongest within ourselves than in a preacher in a pulpit. Every day is the chance to begin again, to mend broken things and to be who we is NEVER too late.

Pet Peeves: Stupid commercials. Bad drivers (other than me of course! smile ). The words "I can't". (I have more but I am in such a good mood they slip my mind...ooops!)

Anyway....ummmm....I have no idea what else to say here so I will leave it up to questions, comments, harrassments...whatever.



EDITED_BY: Pele (1163465069)

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

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