18 posts

Hiya, I signed up to these forums mainly to ask this question, but looking around I think I'll be on here quite a lot!


I'm looking to get some flowtoys poi but really don't know what to expect form any of them, as I'm in the UK its going to cost me a lot to get me hands on some of these so I thought it would make more sense to be 100% sure that I get the right product.

So my first question is, duel light or single light? I know that dual light looks a lot more cool but was wondering about how this effects the moevement of the poi, it seems to take up a lot more of the string and I have only ever spun with sock or fire poi.

Secondly, the modes? I don't really understand these because I read somewhere that the flicker through different lights, which seems a bit strange to me as you have to select the light colour that you want when buying the poi. It would be really good if somebody could tell me what the modes are.

Thirdly, colours. If you do get a set colour on each light then whats a good combination. I know this is presonal preference but I just havnt got a clue how they will look, I've seen the video showing the differnt combinations but that was only for single lights. The colours I were thinking was one poi love/fire and the other air/water. But I don't have a clue!

And finally durability. Are they as durable as I've heard?

I know theres a lot of questions but I really want to be sure that I'm getting the right poi for me.

Thanks smile

EDITED_BY: FreakyHair (1240832619)

JayKittyGOLD Member
Mission: Ignition
534 posts
Location: Central New Jersey, USA

The flow mass kinda just slide on there but because the flowmass and the cases are slightly tacky they don't fly off when you spin. says a bit of alcohol will help the mass slide on easier. They really do have a nice weight to them, lighter than fire poi of course, but you can feel them when you spin. Also the flow mass don't dim the toys either. They're still crazy bright.

Don't mind me, just passing through.

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Didnt HOPs weight sleeves do the same? They are just clear plastic that fit onto crystal cases


SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

No, the flowmasses are shaped to the crystal case and tightly slide over it. Also, on Flowtoys, does double mass give you 2 masses, or one bigger mass?
EDITED_BY: SpinnerofDetroit (1267045591)

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

Two masses, so you can use one or two as you choose (crystal poi will take 2, regular flowpoi only one).

sean_flowtoysBRONZE Member
14 posts
Location: Berkeley, CA, USA

Regarding RGB (rainbow) flowtoys:

the flowlight:
making the flowlights themselves RGB is more difficult than you might think, we chose not to for a few reasons:
1. to keep them affordable: it is difficult for us to keep them under $20 even with the current design.
2. brightness/runtime/common rechargeable batteries: AA are too big and heavy, and anything else is too rare or unsustainable (like using 3-4 disposable button cells like many other lights) so after much consideration we chose a single aaa battery, this means we must boost the voltage, drawing 4 times the current, with 3 RGB leds the draw would be equivalent to 36 leds (3x3x4) which would would be getting close to 1 amp draw, and kill the battery in about 1/2 hour. we could run them dimmer of course, but when making pink, for example, with red and blue, you need to run them both as bright as a single pink led to look the same, but draw 2x the power. sooo.... not a very appealing option when we weigh all the factors...
3.we really love the flowlight's unique color themes and we can focus on the patterns, and spinning!

the future:
we are developing an RGB light unit, we're very excited about it, it will not replace the flowlights, but will fill that rainbow gap wink fit in the current system as well as it's own custom soft case for poi, and be amazing in it's own way. we've actually been working on it for years, and have thought of a million different ways to do it, and gotten a lot of input from other spinners, so it will probably do whatever you're hoping it will, and if not, the eventual, more maha (and expensive) pro-version will grin

find your flow...

DaGGOLD Member
Golf buggie driving instructor
156 posts
Location: Brisvegas, Australia

bity off topic but have you considered making some led diabolo handsticks?

would be really useful for night time spinning and with flowtoys colour / patturns it would totally dominate anything else on the market!

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

Originally Posted By: SpectroAnd does the crystal case fit into the quicklinks on your poi? Mine doesn't, but I don't care since I can change them.

I can get the crystal case onto the quicklinks I got from HOP, so long as I put the link on the end of the case that opens, one arm at a time. It's a bit squeezy, but goes OK. Having got the quicklinks on I'll leave them on the crystal cases (at 27c per link I got 10) and only take off one arm when I move the flowlights. It works very well. smile

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Since I've never missed swivels at the heads of my flowlight poi, I say skip the quicklink and just tie the cord to the crystal case. I use doubled cords, so a lark's head is easy to attach and remove. A simple running knot should work fine for single cords.


liquidtrancei dream in circles...
336 posts
Location: Scotland

I've never really bothered with swivels at the heads of my poi, unless your using poi with a lot of drag eg tails/cobras then I've never felt any need for them & they just get in the way. I usually incorporate swivels into the poi up at the handles but thats just so I can do orbitals for longer.
@ Jameth, carefull putting a quicklink on/off the crystal case, it's pretty much the only weak point of the design, I just use a doubled cord looped round it to minimise wear and tear. They're stronger now than the original design but they have been known to fail (a smack in the face last year as one failed in an orbital taught me this)

even chuck norris can't pin you down if your on fire

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

I will be: having got thequicklinks on the cases I don't plan on taking them completely off again: one arm of the case out so I can get the flowlights in and out, the other one I'll leave alone so it doesn't get worn from the link (once doesn't seem to have done any damage).

I'll keep and eye on them and report back in 6 months, sooner if I have any problems.

liquidtrancei dream in circles...
336 posts
Location: Scotland

I used the old one's a lot, and they kinda turned yellowish which I think was an indication of them failing but I've had the new models since the summer, used them a lot- and they still look brand new:) think they might have hit the nail on the head this time...

even chuck norris can't pin you down if your on fire

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Originally Posted By: Sister ElevenSince I've never missed swivels at the heads of my flowlight poi, I say skip the quicklink and just tie the cord to the crystal case. I use doubled cords, so a lark's head is easy to attach and remove. A simple running knot should work fine for single cords.

I do exactly the same. Double tie the cole cords, knot at the top nearerst to handles, just below the swivel. At the bottom i just tie the cords to the crystal case loop and fit a weight sleeve around that

The knot at the top makes them the right length to be able to do inside arm stuff


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