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10 posts
Location: WA

ALLO ALLO!! grin
I saw this and copied it. I wasn't ENTIRELY sure where to post it, so i figured here was as good a place as any (please correct me if i'm wrong smile )
So yes. Hello. This is all about me. Enjoy??

Teya Larsen smile

Western Australia, in the Perth Hills


Birthday (sign?):
I screamed my way into the world on the 21st of July in the year of the goat - or 1991. (I'm a cancer)

I'm between 17 and 19.

Female grin

Unemployed (but looking!!)

Favorite Food(s):
Vanilla icecream!! Chocolate (typical), cinnamon doughnuts, salad, potatoes... my taste in food is about as eclectic as my taste in music.

Favorite Color(s):
Black and white.

What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow?
Wait wait... *googles*
hehe smile
This too

None yet, that's why I'm here! I wanna learn smile I need some pointers about where to start... please??
... i have tennis balls in stripey socks. I DID however see someone mention a beginners kit. Anyone link to me where I can get me one??

Hobbies other than the obvious:
Writing fantasy / sci-fi. Film-making (I'm studying film), taking photos, editing said photos, facebooking smile

Uhh... graduated high school? Did TEE but still opted for Tafe (facilities for my course were better)

Favorite Book(s):
Lord of the Rings, Inkheart, Black Jewels Trilogy

Favorite Movie(s):
Big Fish, Velvet Goldmine, Beetlejuice, Moulin Rouge... its a looong list.

Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why?
Certainly not Tokyo. That's for damn sure.

Favorite TV show(s):
Don't really watch much TV. Firefly, House (the early seasons), Dr Who <3

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up)
Rich and attractive XD hahaha I want to be a cinematographer. Living somewhere WARM!!

Favorite Music Artists/Composers:
Placebo (but not their new album)
Empire of the Sun
Artic Monkeys
The Killers
Disney Soundtracks <3
ETC I'm good with nearly any kind of music, just not rap, country, or teeny-bopper pop.

Do you think these pants make my butt look too big?
Absolutely. So why wear them? Just go naked ^_^

Favorite ice cream flavor(s):
Vanilla!! Coz you can add ANYTHING to it and it doesn't clash. (MILO!)

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?*
[*Please choose one. This is important as it is the site's equivalent to sating a religion. We have crusades, wars, mass conversions, cathedrals to Nutella, all that stuff.]
Can I only choose one? ONLY ONE? Well then I have to opt for NUTELLA! (although I do enjoy a teeny bit of vegemite with a slathering of melted butter!!)

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Welcome to HoP! This is indeed the correct place to post this.

Beginner poi are in the shop, or you can make some (I suggest something heavier than tennis balls, like 120g of rice or pearl barley or such).
Try the library here for moves, (or browse the youTube, there are plenty of beginner lessons around, of varying degrees of good).

Anyway, good choice of books. grin

PS: mind the squirrels. After being used as practice poi, they tend to snap at newcomers....

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

10 posts
Location: WA

Hahaha thankyou smile That's what I needed to know grin

And I'm glad you appreciate my taste in reading material smile

(BTW - heck yes Alice in Wonderland grin - your sig)

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa


Also very, very appropriate for this place.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

10 posts
Location: WA

For real?!
I think I'm gonna like it here!!!
grin grin grin

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

We do hope so. smile

Even if Marmite is better.

I have yet to try Vegemite though. tongue2

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

10 posts
Location: WA

I must voice my dislike of Marmite - Vegemite is god of all highly salty spreads XD
But I won't force my opinion onto you... least not until you've actually tried vegemite.
(and I can't eat a lot of it. I have to have it with LOADS of butter and sparingly XD)

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

treloarGOLD Member
6 posts
Location: Byron Bay, Australia

Hey and welcome,
I still think tennis balls in stripey socks are the best to learn on, I have a fair few different types of poi and the socks feel the best.
And I'll have to agree with you on vegemite with lots of butter tongue2

10 posts
Location: WA

Sweet as!!
But do you prefer it over nutella?
That's the real question...

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

treloarGOLD Member
6 posts
Location: Byron Bay, Australia

yeah I do prefer it over nutella, although I havent tryed nutella since I was like 10 years old, might have to go buy a jar

CuteChickBRONZE Member
Hehe watch out, I'm a STRANGER!
24 posts
Location: Louisville KY, USA

Welcome! I started on foxy socks that I got here. They are good they stretch a little more than I like, but that's just me, some people like them that way.

I agree, start with something a little more heavy, rice is good, and another thing about tennis balls they bouce apart (and sometimes to your face)when they hit together, rice doesn't.

Also dont be scared to get hit. No one likes to get hit in the face BUT YOU WILL get hit, so don't fear it, it isn't that bad... besides you will have a cool story to tell if you get a black eye!

Anyway good luck!

"Come and live with me in peace and safety, away from all the Wangdoodles, and Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers, and rotten, Vermicious Knids." Willy Wonka

10 posts
Location: WA

I wear a lot of black makeup, so a black eye will just save me a lot of trouble in the mornings ... haha bring it on!!
smile I'm not scared of getting hit, and you're right about the whole rice being non-bouncy. I'll try both, and see which one I get more of a feel for.
Thankyou ^_^

And as for you treloar... I prefer nutella tongue2

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

10 posts
Location: WA

I wear a lot of black makeup, so a black eye will just save me a lot of trouble in the mornings ... haha bring it on!!
smile I'm not scared of getting hit, and you're right about the whole rice being non-bouncy. I'll try both, and see which one I get more of a feel for.
Thankyou ^_^

And as for you treloar... I prefer nutella tongue2

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

10 posts
Location: WA

Sorry about the double post. Net decided to have a tantrum.

Light thinks its faster than everything...
But no matter where it goes -
It always finds the dark,
Ready and waiting.

JaredWSILVER Member
375 posts
Location: Flying south for the winter., USA

Woot, another Firefly fan.

StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

your right about placebo's new album.
rice and bean bags hurt less
most peaple start with socks.
I started will cobra2 tail poi but the string was sore, they could fly of the hanndle and didn't last long. my hand cramps up useing socks so i use poi with handles. The cone poi are a good in between. lol if u need an artist for design and story boarding pm me lol your block buster will need some pizzaz

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