thepillowBRONZE Member
8 posts
Location: Netherlands

When i was at a psytrance festival i saw two people poying together. They would each have one poi and they would intertwine their arms in a very cool fashion while spinning. I have been trying to look for tutorials on poi with duos on youtube, but i couldnt find any. Does any of you know some good tut's on this?

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

I dunno where any of that kind of junk is, but its not complicated stuff. Trial and error should help you out there. Its not about technicality, it tends to be about coordination between yourself and your partner.


astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Also, getting someone who can work well with your way of poiing.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Yes... someone you can get comfy with, also. Think planes, timing, these are what you need to coordinate.


DaGGOLD Member
Golf buggie driving instructor
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Location: Brisvegas, Australia

Thread the needle works really well in duo and your arms 'intertwine'.

If you wanted to learn it, just break down a TTN, you take one arm and your partner takes the other.
(I also find it helps at first if one person threads around the other for a few beats)

I think you can do most movements if you break them down in this way grin
Weaves work well.
So can hyperloops.

IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

There's a few really good videos of this at

From the main site click the british flag next to 'tutorials' at the bottom left of the screen.

Then click 'poi and friends'

Then 'duo tricks'

They have backwards and forwards thread the needle, 3 beat and 5 beat weaves.

On youtube there are also quite a few vids that use duo acts to good effects. Most of them are more just coordinated acts but some have a few interactive moves that could be good for ideas. I'll have to have a look and find them again

thepillowBRONZE Member
8 posts
Location: Netherlands

Thanks iceangel, that's what i was looking for!! And also thx to all other replies. cheers!

IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Glad to help smile
Here are two vids that I remember being good for ideas. Not sure whether there were many actual combined moves but they were nicely choreographed:

IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

and of course:

meshunderlayBRONZE Member
612 posts
Location: Hicksville, New York, USA

awesome. I hate to be corny, but.... That was "hot".... Sorry, it's late and my mind is easily amused by bad humor.

DyamiTKGOLD Member
beginner forever
159 posts
Location: Santa Cruz, Ca, USA


The way I see it, poi (or any related prop dance) can be a partner dance just like any traditional partner dance. With that assumption I began to think, how do we interact? We have synchronization (which is easy if we have a sense of rhythm and timing), leading and following, superimposing (like Yuta and Ronan's flowers), mirroring, sparring, whatever.
The main aspects of traditional partner dancing I've noticed so far which make it work are that there is a leader which gives cues and there are a specific set of moves which both partners know.

I haven't worked out exactly how to give the same kind of singles with poi since we do not really touch but I have started writing out set of moves. I have noticed a few distinct categories of poi interactions but I haven't thought of good names for them yet so I'll just write out the list I have so far. This is how I refer to the moves and more then likely will not make sense to everyone. So I am happy to give further descriptions.

(each partner does one side/hand of a move)
- wall plane weave at each side,
- arm wraps from wall plane weave at sides,
- wall plane thread the needle at each side,
- spiral wraps (perpendicular with hands pointing towards each other or at sides with hands pointing same direction),
- air wraps,
- hyperloops,

(poi move around each other)
- butterfly reels,
- butterfly (facing same direction or each other),
- partner crossers (hug),
- shoulder-hip reels (same direction) to spin 180 around each other,
- corkscrew matrix,

(poi stall around each other)
- vertical stalls into butterfly hug,
- skip and stall,
- opposite/same direction stalls over-under arms (side planes):
- inside 5 beat weave,

- back to back weave in side planes,
- back to back weave (180 in wall plane),
- face to face behind the back weave
- face to face behind the back waistwrap (180 weave)
- buzzsaw back bend,
- thread the needle back bend,
- back to back horizontal buzzsaw rotating,

- superimposed flower patterns,
- rising/falling buzzsaw column,
- tossing,
- partner balancing,
- pass poi from weave (one set),

and some inspiration:

Barefoot Fire: Fire Poi Duet (w/ Marina)

Barefoot Fire: 05/06 Poi- Staff- Swords

Nick and Yuta #2: (Fire) Poi Story

Camb Burn Yourself Battlefinale 2006

Yuta & Ronan - Poi Interactions

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

If we're moving into stuff like this don't forget


IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

thanks - hadn't seen a few of these smile

25 posts
Location: Poland

i have some of duet video. I hope it might be interesting wink

Sombra the art of flames

IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

that was so beautiful!
thanks so much smile very inspiring!

DyamiTKGOLD Member
beginner forever
159 posts
Location: Santa Cruz, Ca, USA

Yes! It can be done, yay!

I want more

DarkenAvatar of the Dancing Fire
59 posts
Location: Las Vegas, NV

I recently began choreography of a new duo routine using FLOWTOYS!!

I dont want to toot my own horn, cause im positive some of you PWN me.

But damn, its gorgeous.

The moves themselves are dazzling, the problem isnt so much the execution as the timing. I find the beauty of the show to be 20% complexity, 80% symmetry.

The worst part of it being, after about 4 hours of practice, we have about 30 seconds of show.

But theyre the most beautiful 30 seconds ive ever been a part of.

I <3 duo poi.

"if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all."

-Golden Rule

"F*ck you. I spin fire."

-Darkens 3rd law

DyamiTKGOLD Member
beginner forever
159 posts
Location: Santa Cruz, Ca, USA

repetition is ok, or even the same moves in a different sequence.

2 posts


about 3 or so minutes in

great video all the same though.

25 posts
Location: Poland

Me and Tintale are prepering a tutorial of duo tricks. We made today a video of some tricks, but we didn't focused at basic moves only some advanced. Im confusing to make tutorial of basic moves too, but on there are some good basic moves, so i don't know is it needed to make baseic tricks in our tutorial.

Sombra the art of flames

6,650 posts

*unwraps the content of another thread, called "Partner Poi"*

Guys, I like "partner poi" over "poi duo" - but wth wink

[Old link]

and this one DynamiTK just posted smile

*popcorn anyone?*

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

13 posts
Location: bremen, germany

i liked the second one also :))

IceAngelSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

wow! hadn't seen that first one smile so awesome!

25 posts
Location: Poland

hi Everyone smile
Here is new video of me and Tintale. There are not so much new duo technic, but i hope You can find something interesting.

Sombra the art of flames

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

re: the second video-- I loved stall work already, but seeing synchronized stalls? DROOL.


donjuganGOLD Member
3 posts
Location: Turkey


second beep beep video .. its awesomee

Alan_OCallaghanGOLD Member
4 posts
Location: Ireland

129 posts

Well here's some Vulcan Partner Poi Smack Downs....

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