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MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Thats right! Poi in the Punt will happen again this year on the earlier date of Saturday 31st May. I have tried to find a date which doesn't clash with anything (much) else to try to get maximum participation and also hopefully a date which will be fixed (i.e. last saturday in May) for the forseeable future.

The day will include a punt trip (funny boat with big stick for those who dont know- see the vid below) on the river cam involving much sillyness and possibly some falling in (yes thats me falling over in the vid redface ).

Theres usually time for a bit of lunch, some spinning in the afternoon followed by a burn and BBQ in the evening. Theres even talk of a tea tasting workshop with a variety of teas all the way from China courtesy of myself and Lazyangel. I'm sure we'll think of a few more as the day approaches too (ideas welcome) biggrin

There will be limited crash space available on the saturday night and if we get a lot of interest we can investigate local campsites to accomodate.

We've had a lot of fun doing PITP the last two years and this year will be no different. Look forward to seeing you there!

I'll post more details as the day approaches. In the mean time I encourage you to post your interest (so we can get an idea of numbers) and take a look at last years vid! weavesmiley


Motley and the Cambridge crowd hug

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