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57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

I serached a bit in the forum, and I could not find anything about this.

I began spinning (first poi, the staff and doubles) almost 4 years ago. I never danced before, I was the "I don't dance, I don't like dancing, I cannot dance" kind of guy. I used to juggle, but by then I was already bored by balls and clubs (I still do some contact, though); no dancing there, either.
The first months of learning were just about new tricks, learning as a juggler. After a while I realized I liked the most people that did not do A LOT of things, but that were smooth, that had style.
And began to work on that: no new moves for maybe 6 or 8 months. Just becoming smooth (I now know I was working on planes and routines; I did not, then)

And then it hit me: I was dancing.
I really was, and I loved it, and I was not bad at it.
I got asked were I learnt, and so on.
And wanted to get better.

I have been working mostly on THAT, in the last years. And now I am looking for more: I'd like to study a bit of dancing: to know where to put my legs, to find a different way of being smooth.
Now: I did some capoeira, and now I am practicing contact improvisation. I love them, but I am not sure they are what I need.
The question is: is there anyone else that began taking dance lessons to improve the spinning-firedancing? What worked better?
I know there are quite many spinners that got dance lessons in previous incarnations: any ideas? hints? What should a spinner look for?

(If I manage to learn the split, like I am AGAIN trying to, I WILL try ballet lessons, for a while; or at least modern dance)

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

30 posts
Location: colerne nr Bath

Yeah, i totally agree. Its about finding what's comfortable for you. Although dance classes can really help you to connect to your body. Yesterday i went to a really cool popping, locking and boogaloo workshop! it was amazing!

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: KaelGotRice

"Is there ONE RIGHT way to DANCE with poi?"

The answer is no.

If you take any dance style, or martial arts, or any type of movement and integrate it with your spinning, I'm sure you'll find the one way to dance with poi that is uniquely your own and makes you biggrin

I often miss points, lines and whole planes. I have a lot of creative ways of being stupid.

Still: I totally agree. There is not a single way to dance with poi; I have my style, and I more or less feel I can integrate it with something else, structurated in a different way.
I know that, for me, capoeira does not work, and contact improvisation neither (I love both, I do both; and actually, I think that CI mixes well with contact ball and contact staff, so not all is lost).
I was wondering what other people felt that mixed well, having to start something new. I was more or less convinced to try ballett, just to feel stupid; now I think I'll go for bellydance. And tango, but only because the überdrama makes me laugh.

Like, there is not a single way to write, but it's always good to listen to other writers advices. Then maybe think "bulllshit, I'll do it my own way".
"Style is what you cannot avoid doing"

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I’m just back from UberOZ where we learnt much about combining dance with poi. So, as a suggestion, I recommend checking out one of the Uber Workshops. They rock.

Cheers smile

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Sounds super cool.
Too bad I was on the other side of the planet. :-(

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Aliosha, the workshops were cool. And they do help you to find the “inner dancer”. Well worth the 4000 km trip for me to attend.

So do you do hardstep?

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Dunno: what's hardstep?

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

Written by: Aliosha

Dunno: what's hardstep?

if you're talking jungle, my map has it somewhere in between techstep and darkstep. wink

-- dut

Ange_GSCGOLD Member
HOP's glowstick ambassador!!
128 posts
Location: Bay Area, California, USA

In my experience I've found that dancing comes naturally when you concentrate less on new moves and more on perfecting and adding passion to what you already know.
Spinning to music you love helps massively as well during practice sessions

missegyptology: "I just remember beingall off balance and unicycling really fast down to campus and the arabic was all blurred on the page"

^When Linz pulls an all nighter before Arabic class^

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: Dut

Written by: Aliosha

Dunno: what's hardstep?

if you're talking jungle, my map has it somewhere in between techstep and darkstep. wink

Now, THAT'S clear.
I have seen the light.
Thanks biggrin

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

chris19SILVER Member
17 posts
Location: Münchendorf, AUSTRIA

I'd say music is actually a thing you can't really dance without. I think those of you, that make shows also use music in them.
The dancing thing is more than just complicated. After two and a half years of poi spinning I still feel kind of stiff and unmoved shrug. I think I need to see myself on a video to change that confused.

How is your experience?

twirling greets


Think but never worry for tomorrow will come anyway

Ange_GSCGOLD Member
HOP's glowstick ambassador!!
128 posts
Location: Bay Area, California, USA

I think music is crucial, I've never found myself getting into that trance, or that complete intense poi vibe without it.
Not to mention choreography, or even limited choreography depending on high and low points in the music can be one of the biggest factors on how well a performance is taken.

missegyptology: "I just remember beingall off balance and unicycling really fast down to campus and the arabic was all blurred on the page"

^When Linz pulls an all nighter before Arabic class^

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

I find it depends on the mood.

Most times when I get in the 'zone' its because the music's doing its thing wink

However, the best time and best 'zone' I was in I'd hafta say was when there was no music and I was spinning on a floating dock and the sky was full of stars and the mist was on the water...... ubblove

I found that at that moment the dance, and movement there came more from the poi, the rush of the flames, and the spiritual energy

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

Ange_GSCGOLD Member
HOP's glowstick ambassador!!
128 posts
Location: Bay Area, California, USA

Written by:

However, the best time and best 'zone' I was in I'd hafta say was when there was no music and I was spinning on a floating dock and the sky was full of stars and the mist was on the water......

I completely agree with this, except my zone was on the beach on the fourth of july with fireworks shooting off the pier behind me.

missegyptology: "I just remember beingall off balance and unicycling really fast down to campus and the arabic was all blurred on the page"

^When Linz pulls an all nighter before Arabic class^

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by:

However, the best time and best 'zone' I was in I'd hafta say was when there was no music and I was spinning on a floating dock and the sky was full of stars and the mist was on the water......

I agree, same for me.
After having studied some meditation (and read quite a bit about it), I more or less make a distinction between "the Zone" (or meditative state) and Trance.

Tentative definition, for me:
The Zone is when you are TOTALLY present in the present, when you are not planning or remembering or worrying, you are just going with the flow and everything just happens in place; trance is when all that happens, and "YOU" (the you that thinks "I am") is not ever there.

So: I can get into the Zone with enough time, in a nice-nondisturbing place, WITHOUT audience (because, if there is, I am either too conscious of it, or working too much about NOT being conscious about it). At least, no audience I am aware of. And that's just me, my movements, my tools; and perfect, natural consciousness of all of it.
And then there is trance. It did not happen often, but it happened always in the same kind of situation: live music playing for me (and me firedancing for the players) and an audience. It usually goes like this: I start, after a while something goes
and I am totally into it. I don't remember almost anything, when I recover consciousness 30 or so minutes afterwards, when I become aware of the people clapping hands, the music ending, that I am panting and sweated–
and that it was REALLY good.
But: no memories, no consciousness, no awareness.

For what I know, music (and a music that follows you, when you follow it) is necessary for my trances; I am not sure about the public, but, hej, who would try SO HARD (me, and the players) without people looking.
Any idea?
(gosh, this COULD be a thread on it's own: trance and meditation in spinning?)

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

2 posts

hie all , i am new and only just started learning poi was looking for any lessons in the dublin meath area , can do a few moves but have gone a bit stagnant need help


astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Try the "Meet Others" section. Or just hit Youtube. There are plenty of useful things there.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

2 posts

thank you smile , ohh tried you tube and getting the tricks an't the prob or maybeit is but i can not see where i an going wrong i am a total novice

discowrapsBRONZE Member
13 posts
Location: USA

dance courses for spinners are not in ready supply in usa. i have taught classes for incorporating poi into ballet salsa tango and more modern dance style routines for some time now, but always in central america and europe. also i have found that this has some to do with the fact that the majority of american spinners are more tech oriented so the dance is designed around the tech rather than the opposite. i think that dance classes would help many people but also i think more info for expressive movement with poi is needed i hope to make some tutorials when i can find a good camera

3 posts

old old

adeathlyauraGOLD Member
The Poi Spinning Undead
173 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA

Discowraps, did you ever make those tutorials?

Question everything.

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
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"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

adeathlyauraGOLD Member
The Poi Spinning Undead
173 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA

Discowraps mentioned possibly making tutorials on expressive movement with poi. I'd like to see something like that.

Question everything.

Nick_ABRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

I'd like to see videos on that also.

leospoiSILVER Member
Poi explorer
108 posts
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

You are always bound by the tech to a certain extent, if it's not tech then it's just flailing. Even 'dance' is also tech: Beat matching, precise speed control, advanced footwork with tricks and sequences that incorporate it, body alignment and intention, musicality, etc.

KittyBearHoopsBRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

I love this thread. Hoop is my only toy, so I'm not sure this is quite as applicable to poi, but I think it would for all objects to a certain extent:

I see so many hoopers and videos who just put on music and do tricks. Emphasis on the DO TRICKS. It's more like Ooh see how many hoops I can hoop around my body at one time and how many complicated executions I can do. I think you are incredibly talented and have a lot of dedication practicing, but I hardly see any ''dancing'' in there. My favorite hoopers or performances to watch, they don't do hard trick after hard tricks but they are incredibly entrancing to watch for the way they move, their expression, and their matching and hitting the beat of the music (ex:


Personally, I took tribal fusion belly dance for two years before I ever picked up a hoop. Tribal fusion is great to learn body control, and if you get a good teacher you will learn the little things such as how to walk (not kidding), playing with symmetry and asymmetry, dance aesthetics. And with good practice and a solid foundation comes the awareness of where your limbs are in space and an intuitive placement for where you want them with respect to what you are trying to express. Adding a prop to this is just another level.

Overall, here are some tips:
1. Move your body! Your WHOLE body! Don't just stand there and spin! Move alll over the place, turn, face different directions!
2. Point the toes
3. When you're spinning with one part of your body, think of what parts of your body are not moving and use those to help emphasize what you're doing.
4. Think of how small you can make a movement. How large can you make that movement? How much energy can you put into it? What does it feel like when you try to put as little energy into executing it? How fast can I do it? How slooow can I do it?

13 posts

For me, whatever I do feels like a dance. Lol.

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