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33 posts

answer to me personally I think people confuse the two and think everyone who juggles is either training to be in the circus looking for a job in the circus or is in the circus someone asked me that this summer I turned and walked away my highschool senior project is going to educate people on juggling circuses skill and those who prefore acts based upon minimal skill even if the audiance is one of them and I hope that they will obtain knowledge and appreciation for true technical juggling and not bnch all juggling into the same difficulty level as one bozo the clown

(jason said alot of this I must give him credit for most of what is written here)

EDITED_BY: pre1236 (1134272677)

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

Generally, if you quote a whole post, you adress all the questions/issues in that said quote.

Yet you seem to avoid the whole Garfield question like one would avoid the plague.

Hey wait... this isn't social chat.... my bad. wink

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

hexagonicClubbles Jugs
1,687 posts
Location: Manchester

Written by: pre

allow me to begin by adressing the circus issue I believe there is a confusion where about 90-95% of all people think all jugglers are in the circus I and trying to break this chain

Begin?? So what happened to the rest of your post, or did the dog eat it? So I'll ask again.

Written by: hexagonic

Duuuuuuude wave how come you admire Jason Garfield so much?? And keep on quoting him, his he your idol? Do you want to be him?

How come you never post about Thomas Dietz and the stuff he does, Thomas loved Jason Garfield and then completely overtook him?

I'm really surprised that after spending so much time learning clubs and flats etc. that you are so blunt and ignorant of what we (other posters on this thread, and some of the other threads you've started) have to say. Most of the jugglers I know are always too happy to share tricks and have a laugh. Bit then again, there's a first time for everything...


Any thoughts on the above, or are you gong to ignore me again?

ah wah wah wah a wah wah

MissEgyptologyBRONZE Member
officially expelled from BYU
195 posts
Location: Southern California, USA

Pre, I know you're bothered by the harassment, but it just comes with the trade, you know?

Ive been unicycling since I Was 10 and juggling since I was 14 (I'm 19 atm) and I swear, people will never stop harassing you and it never goes away. Sometimes you met the cool people who you're happy to do tricks for, but just don't let the obnoxious people get to you. I just think "damn, these people are stupid" and unicyle away, or keep juggling, or wahtever.

I actually did learn in a circus, but I try not to let that cat out of it's bag unless I have to. Just make up stories for people, that's another good tactic.

for example.
STupid guy: OMG You can JUGGLE?!?! where did you learn?
juggler: My mother was a gypsy and my father was a lion tamer. I spent my youth touring Eastern Europe with my people

At this point the stupid guy will either be puzzled and leave, be puzzled and stare at you, or (if he isn't as stupid as we thought) laugh with you.

Just have fun with it, after all it's a fun hobby.

"So Miss, I think you win the prize... A mormon egyptologist in a firespinning chat room... that's gotta be a record of some kind"

Thanks, NYC,but I quit mormonism now XD

preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

mmhhmm never thought of it that way Yet I'm sure taht the majority of people who do that kind of stuff to mee aren't smart enough to comprehend a comment like that

MissEgyptologyBRONZE Member
officially expelled from BYU
195 posts
Location: Southern California, USA

Exactly, they're not smart enough to get it, so the joke is on them. You get to go home and laugh about it and then they're thinking "Is that guy really a gypsy 0.o"

"So Miss, I think you win the prize... A mormon egyptologist in a firespinning chat room... that's gotta be a record of some kind"

Thanks, NYC,but I quit mormonism now XD

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

"are you with the circus?" she asked

"what gave it away?" I reply ubblol

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

I don't know are you in the circus Its hard to tell whether or not you are

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Pre.. is your video still up?
I just tried clicking on it but it wouldnt stream.


preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

It should still be up I don't know why it didn't play but it should I'll try to get up a better clip of flats later today

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Couldnt resist...

preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

I don't know if that was really necissary to do that maye shots of dietz,walker,or peter gerber doing 5 clubs flats might have been more necissary

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

How about I swap your 5 club flats, for Flip flops?

They are much easier to find... shrug

328 posts
Location: uk

rolling around on the floor laughin my butt off, thanks ucof, or if your after something to swing, perhaps


Mind you i think I've nearly got my 10 and 15 piece club set in the bag

15 piece club set


15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

I would... but I much rather prefer juggling with Euclidean balls


328 posts
Location: uk

mind you I quite liked my 8 ball routine


15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

soul you I quite liked too...


( wink )

(i liked the 15 club set! clap )

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

 Written by: Nx?

humm, pre-drop all acrlyics before performing/practicing.

T wave

Did anyone else see the blatant attempt to lure Pre away from juggling and onto contact? wink

Or just an attempt to stop him juggling in general? umm

EVERYONE should read this... smile

24 posts
Location: Tucson, Arizona

Very fun link, but I don't see any lures in that post confused.

lol smile weavesmiley

There was once a man who dreamt he was a butterly, and when he awoke, he wished he would wake again to find his wings.

328 posts
Location: uk

Now thats just getting a little fishy

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

 Written by: pre

I don't know if that was really necissary to do that maye shots of dietz,walker,or peter gerber doing 5 clubs flats might have been more necissary

I think it was, this thread was in dire need of an injection of humour biggrin

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

okay we're done this isn't image wars

MissEgyptologyBRONZE Member
officially expelled from BYU
195 posts
Location: Southern California, USA

Coming soon to a theatre/cinema near you....



which images will win? Renegade images or the empire?!?!?!?!

Stay tuned for the next 10 years to find out the ending

okay I'm done now tongue

"So Miss, I think you win the prize... A mormon egyptologist in a firespinning chat room... that's gotta be a record of some kind"

Thanks, NYC,but I quit mormonism now XD

328 posts
Location: uk

Sorry just could'nt resist

and on the subject of walker


preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

Who are you people to leave my thread to die. and we're done with the image wars if your really want to juggling image wars someone can start a thread but


15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

 Written by: Pre

Who are you people

We're with the DEA. We have a warrant to search this thread.

 Written by: Pre

leave my thread

Im sorry sir, but we cannot do that. This warrant means that we must search this thread for evidence of illegal activity, with or without your help.

 Written by: Pre


Threatening us with violence isnt going to work either sir.

Now stand aside or we will call for the dogs.


TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

 Written by: pre

Who are you people to leave my thread to die.

I'd hazard a guess that we're people who are no longer interested in posting about the original topic in this thread.
If a thread dies, then it dies. There's no point bumping it to complain, that's just how it happens.
Also, it's not your thread. The first post's yours, but the thread as a whole belongs equally to everyone who's posted in it. Even then, it's Malcolm's overall.

 Written by:


You might be, but don't put words in my mouth.

Yes, I was bored today.
biggrin tongue

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

hexagonicClubbles Jugs
1,687 posts
Location: Manchester


ah wah wah wah a wah wah

preSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: USA

 Written by: UraniumChipOxidationFacility

 Written by: Pre

Who are you people

We're with the DEA. We have a warrant to search this thread.

 Written by: Pre

leave my thread

Im sorry sir, but we cannot do that. This warrant means that we must search this thread for evidence of illegal activity, with or without your help.

 Written by: Pre


Threatening us with violence isnt going to work either sir.

Now stand aside or we will call for the dogs.


your not at all funny with anything you said you quote one word of my post and type whatever you wan't about it if your going to quote someone quote them correctly or not at all

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both


john is very funny - if you have a sence of humor.

well done for getting a bit of punctuation into your post before this tho, even if it is the wrong mark.

and I recon youll find this aint a fashist board, peaple can post what they like.

like this.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

Trust me Pre, Jon is very funny. He makes me giggle ALL the time!

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

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