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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

frown hi there,

hey, is there anyone on HOP who is currently or shortly will be living in holland? just moved back home and i havent found the spinning community yet confused

spinning on my own is fun, but, ya know, i gotsta find some, umm, colleagues (?).. identify yourselves! im lonely ubbcrying beerchug

NoveSILVER Member
277 posts
Location: Cochrane, Canada

I'm in for Friday, with a friend or two... Please don't leave me behind at the train station.

hugs and kisss!

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

HakkaiBRONZE Member
5 posts
Location: Gouda / dutchland, Netherlands

Hey what's up everyone!

Good job on the planning mate! To bad it didn't fkn worked out ey... When you're homeless you can go on streets in amsterdam and drop yer pants for a few pennies...
But when you're trying to do something good it gets waved away. Damn them... those... they... grrrr

Couldn't make it tonight in utrecht man... And tomorrow... well... since my boss is an overly complete piece of assmunch I can't come..! Or go! I CAN work though... wrrr

I'll keep on checking this page though... Let me know if you guys are planning on meeting up again soon.

Good luck & take care!

- if it hurts, it's probably worth it -

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

I'll also come to Amsterdam friday evening, but i'll first go past home to drop off stuff I need for work on monday. So i'll be there at 20:00h (that was the correct time for the meet right?) infront of the trainstation.


Ps.: Tom, Fuero, Berend, Nephties and Nephties brother: Let's use this oppertunity to brainstorm and talk about the Juggle meet at Ruigoord (17-18 dec for those that did not catch that message earlier).
EDITED_BY: marco.cj (1131087475)

~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

3 posts
Location: groningen, neitherlands

Its been a wee while since I joined in on one of these merry hubilaas... Im in for some action tonight!

Looking forward to catching up again.

Im heading in from Groingen and remember that the trains heads back kinda early. If anyone has a piece of floor space they keep for strangers (of any colour as long as its warm) Id like to use it. (Im bringing my sleeping arrangements on the offchance)

I will be at the station at 8. Hope thats the plan?

By the moon we sport and play. With the night begins our day

CarobananasGOLD Member
april fool
36 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi everybody,
I'm thinking about coming to Amsterdam tonight as well.
If anyone DOES have sleeping space for people from Groningen it would make things much easier...

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

We will be there at 20:00 hrs.
So see you tonight.

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

20h in front of the station that is :-)
nice nice... it's been a while since we burned down amsterdam ^_^

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

haya people.
Well, I've a repley from City Hall.
So there's good news, and soem less good news.
The less good is: No way we can play for money today, and we can't play on the Dam anyway.
The good news is: They didn't disagree, but they didn't approve yet. They told me if I want to throw a one-time event, I have to come by personally to talk about the options! So I was thinking, since I don't really have time, maybe someone could do that for me? I can give you my Id and everything to make sure this man knows you're really there on the count of all of us (I did told him we're a bunch of people)
I think toninght is a good oppurtunity to talk this over!
Here's a copy of the mail:


Om toestemming te verkrijgen voor een 1-malige straatartiestenact met
muziek verzoek ik u persoonlijk langs te komen om een en ander door te
nemen wat de mogelijkheden zijn. De Dam is geen optie ivm een

Vriendelijke groet,

Joop de Jong
Stadsdeel Amsterdam Centrum
Sector Openbare Ruimte Gebruik
afdeling Vergunningen
postbus 202, 1000 AE Amsterdam
Amstel 1, kamer 0161
Telefoon: 020-552.4766
Fax: 020-552.4187

Maybe we can pull this off after all, only at an other time! This does sound pretty neutral!


p.s Maaaaybe I'll be able to arrange a place to sleep (at my house) for one of you. The point is, I'll have to 'overleggen' with my 'house-mate', if he's okay, well, you'lll just have to chos eamong yourself who's gonna stay!
But remember, maaaaaybe! I'm not promising anything!


CarobananasGOLD Member
april fool
36 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

I can't make it tonight,
I'm still busy at uni, and I still have more stuff to do.

Have Fun!!

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Hello wave

Yay, looks like there'll be loads of peeps tonight! We'll be there at 8 too, and Beth, we won't leave you at the station, but what do you look like? You can recognize me by my red coat made from real muppet fur smile, but I reckon we'll be a fairly conspicuous group anyway. I pm'd you my phone no. didn't I?

FYI everyone who wasn't there yesterday: we were briefly succesful, until some cops made us leave - after about five cops had gone by already and only made positive comments! Waah frown

That's good news Thomas (though I do believe this is a mr. de Jong I spoke to who wasn't very cooperative at all...), how does everyone feel about giving this another try? To be honest, I'm a little worn out from a 1-and-half week struggle with all kinds of authorities that didn't really result in very much in the end... does someone else feel like taking the torch? If it can be resolved in one conversation with this guy that's great, but what with the thesis still not finished I can't afford to invest the same kind of time in it as I have done already...

See y'all tonight!



everyone's unique except me

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Neph, I'm willing to take the torch, but I'm not sure I've got enough time. But I promise you all I will try to get to this guy and explain the situation here!

Good news for any two of you :-) If you REALLY don't feel like going home, you're welcome at my place to sleep. (don't mind the mess) My house if like 10 minutes from the leidseplein, so that's not too far from the Vondelpark. (since I suppose we wil be playing there)

Anyway, if you want to stay, let me know asap. Eesrt komt, eerst maalt :-)

Th ubbrollsmilemas

3 posts
Location: groningen, neitherlands

I missed the train to meet up with yee all on time...and then I didn't have a number to try and catch up with ya's at all!*@!

Not to worry. There will be other times.

Till then ya sweet en sours...ENJOY!

By the moon we sport and play. With the night begins our day

13 posts

Hi, it was good fun today and I try to come more often to the Vondelpark!

For the ones I told about confest:

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

It was great guys...Nove, where were youuu?
And you Utrecht guys, you was suddenly gone! But anyway, I'm sure you all came home save (on the count I called ya)

So because as well as Tonygirl and Carobanas didn't came, I still have places to spare, I'ma see if I can't seduce a nice girl (I say that every week, I never do ubbloco) And today, listen to this conversation when I WALKED home (learn to walk people, okay if you ha dto work) but if you had time...WALK, it's, if you wakj REALLY relax, a little half hours at a max! Anyway, I was walking home, just a little freestyle spinning, basic stuff, backhand and stuff you know. Suddenly this (drunk? I couln't tell, but she was very heppy, disn't sound or looked drunk) girl comes up to me.
"Wauw! wat vet!"
"Doe ja dat vaak?"
"Tja, genoeg"
"Kan-ie ook in de fik" (which girl talkes like that? This was a cool gal!)
"Yup. wil je htet zien?" (A joke, I was on the Damrak)
"Echt waar?"
"Hier kan dat niet he, als je met me naar het Vondel gaat wil ik het wel laten zien!"
"Neeeeee, ik kan niet ik heb een afspraak!"
"Jammer, weetje wat? Kijk op Homeofpoi,com, via daar vind je vast wel ee nfilmpje ofzo!"
"Okaaay, doeeeeei!"
And she huppelde away! So I walked on, than she came running back!
"Joh! Wat stink je naar verbrandheid?"
"Ja ik heb net net vuur gespeeld!"
"Oh ja! Hihi, dooeeeei!"

SO I was like: ?
And then like: this chick is cool :-)

Oh my god I love my City! I want a meet before the in Utrecht pleaaaase?!


NoveSILVER Member
277 posts
Location: Cochrane, Canada

I was there, I was there! But I couldn't find ANYONE!

So me and some random exchange students patrolled Amsterdam for a few hours. We even asked some cops if they'd seen any firepeople (I was careful so they didn't be all like 'fire? better go put it out!!')... That was moderately depressing that I couldn't find you guys. Sigh.

Regardless; how'd it go? Did you get much money?

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

84 posts
Location: utrecht

hehe ubblol thomas. :P

well nove. we was in the vondelpark.. but then it is kinda big. so too bad we didnt get to meet ya.:(... no money.. they didnt let us spin for that (see the previous 2 pages).. so we just had a laugh in the park..

i agree. a meet before VBM bounce bounce2 how is friday the 18th for everyone???

will be back for more..

If you cant dezzle them with brilliance..
Confuse them with stupidity!!

(it works)

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Hola smile Sorry about running off, Mot, Marco and myself all had to get up very early (for a Saturday that is, 7:15 is pretty early right?) so we ran off to catch a train. But yesterday was cool! And indeed, ubblol Thomas!

I can't say about Friday the 18th off the top of my head (don't have my diary on me), but I seem to remember something mentioned about december 2nd a while back because someone is coming over from, I think, England...? Who feels like hunting for it? smile

Nove, I'm really sorry you missed us, but it's wise to keep checking the thread before a meet because plans are pretty prone to change due to weather, flakiness, or in this case evil city hall people and police! If you have the time to read the last five pages you'll get the full story smile Mot & i pm'd you our phone numbers, right? Give us a bell the next time you can't find anyone!



everyone's unique except me

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

I agree! Nove I'm very sorry you missed us, but the plans usally change every 2 hours or keep checkinh htill the point you leave!

About December the 2nd. Either check the thread back, o listen to this:

This guy is coming over from England, he's in AMsterdam the 2nd and would like to meet us! I tols him I'd arange a meet for him, so he cab learn some more people and we'll have a blast (I don't know huim though, I just recieved a meal form him, telling me he'd would be in AMsterdam) So, I suppose the 2nd is allright...the 18 is a no-go for me, it's crusiale date concerning my work...but the 25th might be good! (or the 19th, tha okay with me)

Hands up, who's in for Utrecht?


NoveSILVER Member
277 posts
Location: Cochrane, Canada

I know-- not your guys' fault! I was a little bit late, too. I'd been checking back often enough, but I was actually in Amsterdam pretty much all day, which left all day for the plans to change and me to not be able to check and see. smile Third time's the charm, I'm hoping!

Sorry I missed out-- I've still got eight months to go, though, so it's bound to happen eventually... Given that I don't show up late or end up on a train to Germany or any other variety of things that usually happen to me to make it so I miss appointments.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

Owh man! wat een gaaf logo hebben ze voor the european juggling convention in ireland

~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wow! That's wicked! How cool are you if you know to mix a celtic knot into a chester? Really cool, really Irisch (I'm talking about the celtic knot)

@Nove: Thank you! I was just wondering how to translate: "drie maal recht is scheepsrecht" into English. No I know!


465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Are there any meets coming soon, or do we have to wait till the VBM?

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

I dunno I proposed a meet at the 25 in Utrecht, but I don't get any respons wavehello Are we up for a mete people?


513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

And wasn't the 2nd of december fixed, since there would be a HoPper from an other country over here?!

25th is a no go for me, I'm away for the weekend then...

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

That's true.

2nd of December
16-17 of December bounce2 bounce clap

But It's along way till December....


126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

16-17 of December ???

nono! thats the wrong date,.. you want to come 17-18 (night of saturday on sunday)december or you'll be spinning on your own.

MWJ@R (MidWinter_Juggle@Ruigoord, formerly known as VBM, also known as RVBM) is looking better and better. Flyer is designed and is just waiting for some last nesecary info. And a website is going to be build this or next week. So you all be informed ontime on the where and how of the first MWJ@R fest. A MSJ@R (MidSummer) is also already being thought about for when this one turns out to be a grand succes.

EDITED_BY: marco.cj (1131912560)

~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oh oh! Excuse me!

17-18 of December! bounce bounce2 clap

I'm really looking forth to this one guys!


p.s. Boy! These names change rapidly ubbrollsmile


ThomasfireKing of potatoes
169 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi guys! Well, Chilton, this guy from england contacted me again, here's his mail:

Hi Thomas,

Not long now, cannot wait to come to Amsterdam, 2nd December is fine to meet you Guys.

I arrive on the 2nd but well up for some spinning. Do you know if its possible to bring Fire Poi on the plane. I think it will be ok but not sure. If so I might buy some when I get there, Are there any shops in Amsterdam that sell Fire poi? Glow poi?

Do you have a phone number? So I can call and arrange where to meet etc. I have never been to Amsterdam before but I think it should not be to hard to find the Vondelpark. Thinking of going Clubbing on Saturday, love Psychedelic Trance so if you know anything that's going on I would really appreciate.

Thank you Thomas and see you soon.

So, you might mark the 2nd in your aganda's!


84 posts
Location: utrecht

ok second december utrecht it is.. bounce
will be there... this time WITH my stuff. wink
c ya there smile

3 maal is scheepsrecht in english is 3 times is a charm wink


If you cant dezzle them with brilliance..
Confuse them with stupidity!!

(it works)

84 posts
Location: utrecht

or would that be amsterdam again???? i never can tell redface

If you cant dezzle them with brilliance..
Confuse them with stupidity!!

(it works)

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