119 posts
Location: Newcastle, Australia

I was at the circus oz the other day and i saw one of these wheels they look really good specially when there on fire.
does any1 know where i can order one or other circus equipment.


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

How a bout a description of what it is first?

so that those ignorant ones of us (like me) can get some sort of idea what you are talking about...

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119 posts
Location: Newcastle, Australia

it is a wheel that some1 stands in and rolls around in it. like a hamster wheel without the side bits.

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

does any1 know where i can order one or other circus equipment?
Juggleart in Melb. They have one, looks expensive.

[ 26. January 2003, 12:35: Message edited by: Stone ]

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

It's actual name is a Rhonrad. It was started actually as a gymnastic event, focussing on muscle control/flexibility..especially abdominal strength, and balance. Starting in Germany it gained support in Europe but because of it's size and non-ease of transport took more time to catch on globally.

It has been used in a Janet Jackson video, a Jackie Chan movie, a Woody Allen movie and more recently in two of Cirque Du Soleils shows (Quidam and La Nouba).

Prometheus was in contact with a manufacturer from Canada who was charging $1000 for his design, but it only broke down into 2 or 3managable componenets, not really travelable ones.
Prometheus and I have also brainstormed for about 2 years on a more collapseable design.

There is alot of information about them online with any search engine, but most is gymnastics related.
Hope this helps.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Gandhi Ganjamastermember
299 posts

go to

those wheeles are awesome !


119 posts
Location: Newcastle, Australia

thx for every1's help it is much appreciated.
ill try and find some place in Australia where i can get all the equipment.

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia


Juggleart is in Melbourne, AUSTralia.

They also have lots of circus equipment, K.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

all i can say is if only my goolies would let my legs do the splits

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

there is a german wheel in the "dome" picture in the rockstarashi gallery. you can't see it but the wheel has my friend's blood all over it. god i love burning man

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

39 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

German wheel,

two rings set apart from each otherby a span of about a foot big enough to hold onto in side so you hahave a huge coin shaped thingo and spin round in incredibly difficlut and impressive manners. There's also the on wheel version. I know a juggler in Athens who's also one of the best club swingers I know who's called German Wheel Chris. That's all I know except I saw the one wheel version at Cirque Eloise.




ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

does any one know what catogary this german wheel thingo is in on the juggle art web site i can't seem to find it


I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

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