Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > The Official HOP "I just learned a new move" thread

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flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

This space is for all those funksters busy improving their technique by learning new moves - made-up or traditional.

Tell us all about it! We love hearing about our fellow poiers/staffies/misc. toyers succeeding with new things biggrin

It's just hard to keep up with it all sometimes, so if we keep it together you'll be certain to get a little feedback.

here a pat on the back in advance from me

::flash enthusiastically pats your back::


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[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

uh hum....

tripples flash. claw mills (lots), cherry picker both ways with the middle ball always clawed. the inception of a new contact move, more details when its more solid(in about 5 months time, sigh). wrist stalls, a lovely scicor to scisor (howeverthefuckyouspellit) throw.... oh and a two ball run sequence.... oh and straight armed cross-body turning wallplane..... chestrolls! ubbloco

oh poi! rightrightright..... howabout... Eternal Legwraps!!!!! hehehe thease little babies are a through wrap that never comes un wrapped, more to come kitlings (yes been reading vurt, no im not the cat.) Oh and had a go at that hybrid spinning from the other thread, believe me its harder than it sounds, not as bigger wrentch as learning anti spin but i can see a couple of months going past before its comfortable....

T wave
EDITED_BY: [Nx?] (1097252745)

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales


Tom...didnt you kow?

we are not allowed to talk about juggling here anymore.

*blows a raspberry at NYC for the HOP juggling massiiiiive*

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

nx - that enternal thru wrap - is it like a double wrap (not sure if thats the right term, but i mean one that wraps round ya twice) and then doing the thru wrapping (moving the the limb out the way) on the second wrap?

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

Written by: [Nx?

yes been reading vurt


"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

Behind the back butterfly weave at last!

Now I can do some wicked wraps from BTB Weave to BTB butterfy weave and back biggrin

Well in Theory. In practice I need more practice! biggrin

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

fraggleSILVER Member
94 posts
Location: denver, colorado, USA

btb shotguns true and untrue

btb wraps

btb ying yangs

btb anti spins

wallplane butterflyies

wallplane wraps

wallplane ying yangs

all kinds of throws

catch and reease tricks

air wraps

all in the last week
EDITED_BY: fraggle (1097634285)

dance your cares away
worries for another day
so let the music play
down in fragle rock

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

I just joined a juggling club!!!

Today I learned a three ball shower.

Consistantly that is.

I know this must seem stupidly simple but there is a certain pleasure to be had in learning to do something smoothly.

Feels just as good as my first Three Beat Weave or my first BTB Pass with my stick.

I promise to start writing incomprehensible things as soon as i being to learn siteswap :lol;

Love is the law.

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

ado-p - you not allowed to any more tongue

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

I know, i was one of the people posting in that thread.

i just thought it was funny

i still think its funny biggrin

i wont anymore though

Love is the law.

garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

I've discovered that with the Behind the back butterfly weave it is possible to simultaneously hit yourself in the face and the back of your head at the same time. frown redface

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

fraggleSILVER Member
94 posts
Location: denver, colorado, USA

Written by: garthy

I've discovered that with the Behind the back butterfly weave it is possible to simultaneously hit yourself in the face and the back of your head at the same time. frown redface

your so right wow

that hurts

dance your cares away
worries for another day
so let the music play
down in fragle rock

20 posts
Location: Scotland, Thornhill/Stirling

Well, I`m in training to the BTB wave but I think my training pois are to light, because they do not swing long enough by their selfs... but if I think about how often I hit my selfe while train I`m glad about having light Poi wink

Could somebody give my a tip how to do the windmill, I try an try and... It just wount work frown
I dont know, I`m able to play so many more dificult moves, but that one...

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

i can take one ball from outside elbow to back of hand whilst taking the other ball from back of hand to outside elbow.... hehehe

oli, thats pretty much the picture, tho its not a full nother wrap, wrap transitions (infact all transitions) happen every 180 degrees, so the wrap goes 360 before going through.

oh and a 2 ball train, and another 2 ball trick. and i won a 4 ball endurance the other day, my prize, 3 balls?!?

i dont play poi, sorry.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

Written by: [Nx?

i dont play poi, sorry.

then you shouldn't be posting here apparently... spank

[while i'm here: i stood near to a bloke called will last night and opposite a martin which helped immensely - lots of decent 4b tricks caught but i'll not mention them here just in case it annoys my friends ubbangel]

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

25 posts
Location: Barrie, Ontario

Greetings everyone and hope you are all living in peace wherever you may be.

I am experimenting with poi and dancing, due to my middle eastern background I am grateful to have 4 aunts who were/are traditional belly dancers and have good genes that make this sort of expressive dance easy for me to when I do poi around, I tend to utitlize belly dancing techniques and I've also used that style with my whips and I just find it's really an awesome thing to be able to do and I thank you all who don't even know who the hell I am, yet have caused such an impact (positive) in how I am now able to express myself, when before I was always very .. rigid.

My question for it called a reverse TNT move when you do the TNT move but with the poi moving outwards and your hands coming in towards your body instead of the usual way of them moving outwardly ./ and ..sorry have another it possible to do the windmill over your head as in a helicopter fashion? Please say yesssssssssss cause OMG that's a very hmmm...sensual move ..thanx a bunch well.

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

not really a newmove.. but one step closer to perfecting my 5bt anti-spin.. for anyone that saw the f'n weird clip, it looks as though I do a offset, because the same side poi spins a beat towards the middle for the opposite side hand leads across.. well I've been practicing keeping the same side poi same side(outside), whilst bringing the other around, whiuch by the way is a dandy way to help get better at bringing those beats around in the proper numbers rather 2up, like tends to happen.. *shrug*

oh yeah and that antispin business works much better wall planed then side.. am I theonly one noticing this? or am I behind the times as usual..

More useless information courtesy of Rev...
Confusing the masses, one post at a time...
"Obviously, you're not a golfer.."- The Dude
"Buy the ticket... Take the ride..." -Raoul Duke
"FEMA has never done catastrophe planning..."-Michael Brown

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

behind the times mr rev?

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

antispin is definatly *easier* wall plane, as for *better*....

but then i like it hard. glass.

5bt anti weave, fkn ay! gonna have a go at that, hehehe

sensouoossssa: everything is possible, go to it.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

Written by: oli

behind the times mr rev?

$1 short and a day late it seems...

nah I'm just having epiphanies here about things that would seem stupidly obvious.. like AS easier wallplaned.. and perfecting the 5bt.. (which I should have done way back when I first noticed how) I mean.. I did the 5bt the wrong way.. and thought well I need to stretch more.. or something.. then by working out a simple pattern for plane control, unlocked the secret to doing a 4 bt antispin cork, which then clued me in to what I was doing wrong with the 5bt, and thus got me antispinning again..

for the record, that neat plane control pattern.. hold your arms straight out in fron of you.. spin the left poi forward on the left side .. and the right reverse on the right side.. now as the right is in its up swing (and the left is in the down swing) have them cross to opposite sides, right over left.. now.. as the right is in its down swing, swing it under the left back to the right side (and the left will go back over to the left)... spin another half circle and unwind it back to the start.. and twist back up the other way.. and then once you got the hang of that do it in the corkscrew... because nothing works plane control like gravity wink..

More useless information courtesy of Rev...
Confusing the masses, one post at a time...
"Obviously, you're not a golfer.."- The Dude
"Buy the ticket... Take the ride..." -Raoul Duke
"FEMA has never done catastrophe planning..."-Michael Brown

mtbeerGOLD Member
529 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

While cleaning up my corkscrews today I instinctively started wrapping my wrists and presto, a 5bt floorplane weave. That put a smile on my face. Now to learn it the other way...

"My skin is singed but it heals my heart and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars." -Davey Havok

19 posts
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

I learned a cool wrapcombo, very easy but it's looking a bit kung-fu I think!

I do TTN, wrap first right poi around left wrist and then wrap left poi around around your right wrist. Now you are doing TTN backwards and can do same combo again to go forward.


Swedish fire twirler from Stockholm

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

one handed tangles.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom


something very silly involving a tangle, a wrap, a let go, a swing, a let go, (no hands), a catch and a pull.

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

strugzBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,964 posts
Location: Southampton - Possibly..., United Kingdom

Sounds like an oli move wink

Dont know if im allowed this here (its a staff cough cough move) - but i kinda got thread needle cross the body (side to side) butterfly weavy thing with doubles biggrin

i dont know what its called really - but it feels smooth as ubbrollsmile

"...We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing......."

hopeless addict
121 posts
Location: nodnoL, United Kingdom

Kepping h-loops going for ages by isolating them,

now just the isolated hperloop fountain...

Ninjas NEVER give up!

Lillie Frognot a stranger
558 posts
Location: wales

After trying for months I have conquered threading the needle.

I am happy

Be happy with me


Eat when you're hungry
Sleep where it's dry
No one is ever what they seem
Gabriel King - The Wild Road

11 posts
Location: Newcastle, in Australia

I'm not sure if you were talking about a 5 beat corkscrew, but it is possible to have a 6 beat corkscrew:S? maybe... like the normal corkscrew is two passes of the poi under and over your arms yeah? well you can do it with three below and three above, although you look like an idiot...

11 posts
Location: Newcastle, in Australia

Oh oh... and something I was working with the other day, doing the btb weave, going from forwards to backwards/reverse, in the plane that yer arms are on.... you know what I mean!
And that feels great!

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

3bt btb inverted antispin

More useless information courtesy of Rev...
Confusing the masses, one post at a time...
"Obviously, you're not a golfer.."- The Dude
"Buy the ticket... Take the ride..." -Raoul Duke
"FEMA has never done catastrophe planning..."-Michael Brown

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

rev how can you only say four words and still have me not having a clue what your talking about ubblol

Love is the law.

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