Balance in Pushkar, Rajasthan uploaded by Alice Rose

Final results

Balance in Pushkar, Rajasthan

This photo was taken recently by Tal Alkalay @talkalay_creative_vision in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Travellers and local people gather at sunset point every evening by the ghats to play music, meet friends, juggle an for watch the sun slowly melt into the stunning Rajasthani horizon. Its an incredibly powerful place, and dancing here daily has become a meditation for me. I was lucky enough to have Tal, also travelling through India, photograph me here on one of many beautiful sunsets.
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Submitted on 2018-03-26 Views:3915
Balance in Pushkar, Rajasthan

As picked by HoP
1. Sam with Fans entered by Jon MāoRa-ri Pitman
2. Follow the sun... entered by lucie.lesakova
3. Dawn of Happenstance 9 entered by lauren_miles

No. 1
Flow of Light
No. 2
Sunset flows
No. 3
Early morning beach vibrations
No. 4
sacred sun circle
No. 5
No. 6
Koh rong sunset flow
No. 7
That sunset always remind me of you
No. 8
Otres Fire Flow
No. 9
No. 10
No. 11
Balance in Pushkar, Rajasthan
No. 12
Circulo de fuego
No. 13
Greece Sunset Dragon
No. 14
Sam with Fans
No. 15
Rainbow flower at sunset
No. 16
Es Vedra
No. 17
Beach vibes
No. 18
Follow the sun...
No. 19
July Morning
No. 20
Dawn of Happenstance 9
No. 21
Nightless Night
No. 22
Juggling at Balaton Lake
No. 23
Shanghai Skyline Sunrise
No. 24
Folding Fans at Sunset
No. 25
Hooping on Main Street
No. 26
Sunset beach burn
No. 27
Fire at Baltic Sea
No. 28
No. 29
Makeshift fire staff balance love!
No. 30
Zen of Zan
No. 31
Into the woods
No. 32
Sunset melt
No. 33
Dusky cliffs
No. 34
Painting with light
No. 35
No. 36
Little beach flow


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