3 posts

Semi new to this forum... i was here once before briefly, a while ago. however, lost my log in details, along with the time/dedication to poi etc... having found this again recently, thought its about time to join again, with a new introduction! grin

so, here we go!

Name: Vikki

Location: Malvern (ish), Worcestershire, UK

Hometown: Pershore/various villages in worcs

Birthday (sign?): 24/11/87 (Sagittarius)

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Occupation(s): Health Care Assistant and Activities co-ordinator in a residential care home, while waiting to go to university again!

Favorite Food(s): uum.... anything italian. and cucumber. and raspberries.

Favorite Color(s): orange/yellow

What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? faster than a pigeon, but not as fast as a pterodactyl.

Toys: mostly poi, but also staff and juggling. and youngest brothers trying to teach me to bar flare! very out of practise with all though!

Hobbies other than the obvious: i LOVE travelling, alone or with others, im an explorer scout leader (just finished all my training!), all scout associated things, ie camping, archery and air rifling (doing instructor training soon!), play various musical instruments (flute, clarinet, sax, violin, trumpet etc)

Education: BSc(hons) medical physiology

Favorite Book(s): ooh, far too many! currently re-reading the godfather.

Favorite Movie(s): again, quite a few.

Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why?... uum... pass!

Favorite TV show(s): dont watch much, but currently enoying cartoons such as family guy, american dad. and random documentaries in the middle of the night that will NEVER be of any use to me! smile

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up)...going back to uni in october (hopefully) to do nursing. would like to do a masters in pain management or similar, and would like to do a PHD, but beyond going back to do nursing, will wait and see!

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: not too much i dont get on with!

Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? ... just right!

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): raspberry sorbet, or vanilla toffee crunch (ben and jerries!)

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?* nutella... but purely cos i have actually never tried marmite or vegemite!

so, that will do for now, except to say, now that i have got back into this, i would love to find some people in my general area, learn a few things, meet some new people etc. i remembered recently what made me start poi etc in the first place - relaxing, enjoyable, and a great way to meet people! life just got in the way a little.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa


Helping with Scouts is fun, is it not? smile I do a bit as well, although mostly to have something to do that is not work.

Flare is annoyingly difficult.

Anyway, welcome (back) to HoP!

Avoid the squirrels and you will be fine.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Ash3sSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: Durban South Africa

*looks around* Where's the squirrel? It's not like him to miss the party?

Anyways, GREETINGS grin Welcome grin I suggest trying the marmite, but in small quantities... it can be lethal otherwise, but is truly awesome.

31 posts
Location: Bolton, Lancashire

Welcome back x but stay away from the vegemite its worse than marmite

Man's heart away from nature becomes hard.

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa


Originally Posted By: Ash3s*looks around* Where's the squirrel? It's not like him to miss the party?
He claims he's not a squirrel, but I don't believe him. I'm sure he'll be around to offer some popcorn.

It's all mine ;P

Welcome to HoP Misneach

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Eck! There's a squirrel!?!?

Nutella is the correct answer, Marmite is poison and caustic! Help yourself to some popcorn and welcome to HoP!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

Ash3sSILVER Member
161 posts
Location: Durban South Africa

Can we add peanut butter to the mix? Quite frankly, I'd rather have that over those three any day tongue2

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Peanut butter and marmite! Omnomnomnom!

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

3 posts

i will say it quietly and run for cover, but would also chose peanut butter... haha

thanks for all the welcomes smile will be on guard for these squirrels...

Just_Another_Clownold hand
965 posts
Location: London

Hey Hey! Welcome back to HoP! hug

There are a few spinners round your area, but the names aren't coming to me at this point in time. Would recommend though, if you want to meet lots of lovely spinners, making your way to PLAY!


definitely a place to be! Have fun. grin grin

Q:"How many Jugglers Does it take to change a light bulb?"
A:"One, but another 99 others saying,'I could do that if I only practised more'" biggrin biggrin

Gate Keeper to Shocked_Prawn. None may pass.

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Article 15, section 3, sub paragraph 12, allows for peanut butter as an acceptable substitute to any of the spreads especially the poison known as Marmite!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

3 posts

ah, play looks like fun! could do with meeting people, shake up the life and all that! cant be a bad thing can it, meeting people!

haha, well, im glad to hear peanut butter wont get me lynched... still feel i should try marmite sometime though!

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Refuge: Yes, but the emergency clauses due to the squirrel outbreak have acknowledged that substituting Marmite for Nutella or Peanut Butter is vital to keeping the squirrels at bay.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

catzBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Malvern UK

community garden on sundays?, come and practice poi'ing
seeing if they are peeps in malvern who what to 'come join us'? start our own group up?
cheers cat

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