20 posts

I'm part of a bungee display team and am thinking of making a ring of fire to jump through.

It'l be a metal frame, made up of a few sections that'll be detatchable from each other. At the moment i'm thinking of just having each section covered in 50mm wide, 1.5mm thick kevlar tubular wick that i can slide on and off so it's easier to soak in fuel.

Now obviously i'm gonna want it to look fairly dangerous, so i'll need a fair size flame, the burn time probably only needs to be about 2-3 minutes though.
does anyone have any idea what sort of flame height i'm likely to get off the wick (with the tubing horizontal)? or how long it'll burn for?

If i wanted to soak up more fuel do you think it would be ok having cotton between the frame and the kevlar, or would it just burn away?

Thanks in advance,

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

The tubular wick will probably work, but I'd suggest getting a small fuel container with a small spout so that you could pour the fuel onto the wick instead of trying to thread a soaked wick. Test the burn time before you use it.

You can use cotton but it will eventually burn away.

What the heck are you doing again?? When you say Bungie I'm thinking bungie jumping. If your bungie jumping through a horizontal hoop of fire your taking a serous risk. Bungie cords are not flame proof and neither is your face if you miss the hoop.

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

ubersmackSILVER Member
73 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Ya I hope you dont plan on bungie jumping through a hoop, thats just asking to be hurt to matter how you do it.

And if you only want a 2-3 minute burn time I would not suggest cotton in between the frame and the kevlar.

"Runs with Scissors"

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
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Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

bad bad bad idea.

explain HOW you are going to be jumping through this fire hoop without having the bungeecord go through it as well?

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

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Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
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Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

now i'm no physicist or mathematician, but i'm fairly sure when you bungee you jump forward off the platform, when you move down you'd eventually swing back and there would probably be a fair amount of movement in the cord. a slight gust of wind could blow the flames closer to the cord and hey presto, you're now skydiving without a parachute.

bad bad BAD idea.

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley

DarkFyreBRONZE Member
HoP mage and keeper of the fireballs
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Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand

bad Idea
and i am a physicist/mathematician albeit not a very good one but it's still a VERY bad idea

If you insist of a bungee burn i suggest twirlling a staff that you have gaffa taped to your hand, keep your flames small and protect as much of your end of the bungee cord as possible with a fire proof sheath of some sort mabey leather would work.

But i still wouldn't advise it.

May my balls of fire set your balls on fire devil

6,650 posts

ubblol yeah, maybe consider jumping into a pool (not from kerosene)...

bungee burn.. umm

hey! Base (jump) burning... ubblol xcuse - couldn't resist.

If you still consider doing it, please let us know time and date, so we can send a prayer for you.

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

20 posts

We now have a full nomex body suit, gloves and mask so getting burnt shoudn't be a problem, especially as if something did go wrong you'd only be in contact with the flame for a matter of seconds.

We've had jumps before where the rope has been surrounded by large maroon pyrotechnic explosions and hasn't even shown slight signs of damage.

Also it'd be done feet first because it's a lot more accurate, you just jump straight down then come straight back up as there's very little arc when you're falling.

There's a video here of one of our jumpers at the Lambourne open day this year, doing the first ever jump of its kind (as far as we're aware).

However as you can see, the ring wasn't the most elegant structure, it was made from bamboo and bedsheets. But now we know the jump can be done successfully we want a more permanent structure that we can set up quickly and use over again.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

pyrotechnic explosions aren't long lasting flames.
kevlar wicking tends to massively increase the size of the flames when the equipment is stationary. whether the bungee person is burnt or not, aren't we considering that the integrity of the bungee cord? even if it's slightly damaged, does this vital part of your equipment have to be kept pristine for insurance/non-killing-people-in-the-head purposes?

I applaud your efforts in pushing the envelope and am sure that you wouldn't have lasted so long in the bungee industry without a healthy safeety rigour and sterling safety record smile


Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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