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CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Gooooooood morning HOP

Am back in the USA until the end of the month and therefore back online as well ... Missed you

As i travel I have a book in which the people I meet can write poems, stories or ... recepies ...

This is how I have learnt how to make proper ceviche, bake my own bread, make enchiladas in salsa verde etc ...

I figured we could all share receipies ?

SOL S BREAD (that is the name of the dfriend who gave me teh receipie)

2 FULL SOUP SPOONS (ya know ... da big ones ... watcha call it again ?) of unrefined sugar OR honey OR sugar
2 FULL SOUP SPOONS (ditto) of dry grain yeast
3 cups of WHEAT (1 1/2 of white wheat and 1 1/2 or wholewheat)
1 full soup spoon of salt
6 full soup spoons of oil (3 of regular and 3 of olive oil)
sunflower seeds or olives or sundried tomatoes or anything you want the bread to taste like ...

Mix lukewarm water with sugar. then add yeast and cover to let raise for 5/6 minutes.

in teh meantime put wheat and salt in a large bowl as well as the oil (I would recommend seeing how the yeast part goes before adding the oil though cause yeast can be tricky !!)
Once yeast has raised (probably not the proper word ???) put everything togetehr and mix gently with wooden spoon for short time.

Cover and let rest for 15 minutes

Now is whenyou need musKles a bit ....
put the dough on a table where you have spread some white wheat first and start massage the dough (i know it is not teh right word I mean petrir in French or amasar in spanish ... anyone help ?) little by little yiou add some white wheat to it so it sticks less while you are "massaging" it in order to let air bubbles be trapped in it.
Massage for 10 minutes
Then add whatever seeds you wish and massage again for 5 minutes
Put back in large bowl and cover and let it raise for 45/60 minutes

it is now almost double of the volume...

cut in two pieces or three or ... give it teh shape you want and pre heat the oven (medium temperature) put bread on a plate for oven with a bit of wheat on it and let bake for 45/55 minutes

Bread is ready and then ... ENJOY

Shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

.Morph.SILVER Member
669 posts
Location: Lancashire, UK

Quick and easy main meal:

Name: Erm....Rice Surprise

Chopped Tinned Tomato's (half a tin per mouth)
Balsamic vinegar

What to do:
Boil ya rice up. While that's cooking have you tomato's simmering with a a table spoon of sugar and a couple of splashes of balsamic vinegar (my fav choice but soy sauce or worchestershire sauce fits as well). Allow it to reduce down so it thinkens, not too thick, you want it runny but not watery. As your rice is about to be done have a frying pan ready, heated with oil in it: after draining the rice, fry an egg or 2 keeping the yoke runny. Then add on ya plate, put fork in hand, skoop some up and

I picked it up from a Spanish amigo. Easy, tasty food that'll keep you going and not dent you wallet. Enjoy.

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

Power Food: complex carbo's, protiens and shugar, I present to you...

The healthy marsbar

Take 1 ryvita,
spread with generous amounts of chunky peanut butter,
add another layer of tahini,
top with honey/mapal syrup,
take another ryvita...

play lots to burn it off!

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

8 posts
Location: Saline Michigan

no-bake cookies...

1/3 cup coco
1 cup shugar
1 stick of butter, or spice butter
1/3 cup milk
3 cups oatmeal
2/3 cups peanut butter, or almond butter
2 tsp vanila

mix coco, shugar, butter, and milk over med-high heat until a bit bubbley. stir contsantly to avoid burning. immediatly remove from heat and stir in remaining stuff. spoon out onto cookie sheet, and let them set. makes 6 or 8

im alan, and thats my name.

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

Tuna - sashimi style (2 fillet steaks should serve 3)

Cut tuna into bite size rectangular slices.
Dip the tuna using chopsticks into a pan of boiling water until the sides of the tuna turn white, leaving the middle nice and pink.

Arrange the tuna on a large platter or serve about 5-8 slices of tuna per person. Serve dressing in a little bowl on the side.

Dressing (mix soy sauce + drop of mirin + crushed /finely chopped garlic or substitue soy for balsamic vinegar) Add some chopped basil.

Serve with rice / salad

Baked Trout (serves 2)
2 whole rainbow trout
Mixture of red /green / yellow peppers chopped
onion / mushrooms (optional)
Finely chopped garlic
Balsamic vinegar
Sweet Chilli Sauce

-Stir fry vegetables, garlic add balsamic and seasoning.
-Oil 2 sqaures of tin-foil with Olive Oil
-Place trout on tin foil, stuff with some of veg (do not over pack). Lightly wrap the trout parcels and bake for about 25 minutes (approx 190C). Serve with couscous, stirfried veg, salad

Spicy Penne

Heat extra virgin olive oil in saucepan add following ingredients. Sun dried tomatoes & can of plum tomatoes, 2-3 small red chillis chopped, 3-4 large cloves of garlic finely sliced. . Add seasoning - lots of coarse ground black pepper. Then add balsamic vinegar. Simmer. Add parmesean (as much or as little depending on taste - I use lots!)Add lots of fresh shredded basil. Mix penne through the sauce and serve with french bread / ciabatta.

(meat eaters can add chorizo to the sauce)

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Crème de herb

• Take dried herb (stems, leaves, buds – the LOT!)
• Place in a stone or dark glass jar and pour in enough vodka to cover it completely.
• Seal or cap the jar & place in a warm dark place (like the airing cupboard) & leave to soak for about a week. Check it occasionally to make sure the herb is completely submerged & to give it a little stir.
• After a week, strain off the vodka into a clean bottle, then cover the mashed herb completely with fresh vodka.
• Return the jar to the airing cupboard, remembering to check it & stir it.
• After another week, strain off the vodka again, adding it to the last lot, and this time cover the herb with bottled water.
• Return to airing cupboard for another week, stirring and checking it again as before.
• After a week, strain the water off & add to the vodka. The herb can now be binned.
• Leave the bottles with the vodka/herb;)/water mix to stand for about 2 weeks to allow any buts to settle on the bottom.
• Decant the mixture, through filter paper into another bottle & leave to stand again for two weeks.
• Decant and filter as before.
• Pour the mixture into a suitable container for heating in a pan of water (don’t let the container touch the bottom of the pan). Heat gently for about 15 mins (don’t let it boil!) & add honey to taste.
• Rebottle the mixture & leave in the cupboard for at least two months. It gets much better when allowed to mature!

• Two shots is enough to get you quite ‘happy’, 3-4 will get you messy, people have 'come a cropper' (not felt very well on this stuff when they’ve been greedy and had too much! It’s strong stuff – you have been warned – tee hee hee!!!

PS – when filtering, make sure you’ve plenty of filter papers, and only filter a very little bit at a time as the papers get blocked quite quickly..


I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

AalatheaGOLD Member
80 posts
Location: Massachusetts, US, USA

Heres another one of those not really measured ones.

Cheese Pancakes (very much like crepes with cottage cheese in them only the crepe and cheese are mixed together)

this can be for any meal, but probly would be either dinner or breakfast.
its vegetarian, and can be made with buckwheat flour for those who cannot digest wheat (don't rememeber what thats called).

start with an egg, or 2 or whatever depending on how many people you are feeding. 1 egg per person. beat so yolk is broken.
add enough flour (whole, white, or buckwheat) to make it into a sort of paste like consistency (a little more than a quarter cup usually, but depends on size of egg). if you add too much flour it clumps up. if this happens add another egg. if you continue with the recipe without adding another egg the final product will be really odd and not very good.
add a few teaspoons of sugar (however refined or unrefined you want, does not matter) per egg. mix.
then add cottage cheese. its sort of your call how much you want to add in, but usually its between a 1/4 and 1/2 cup per egg. mix.
then add something like 1/4 cup of plain yogurt per egg. vanilla yogurt would be fine too. this step is optional though and doesn't impact the final thing too much. the original version called for sour cream, so you could do that too.
then comes the tricky part. add milk to thin out the batter. however, its very difficult to know how much milk to add. it shouldn't be thick, but if its too thin then when you cook the pancakes the water all boils off and its hard to flip them. you need a nice happy medium. i would imagine its about the consistancy of crepes that you'd be aiming for. i think it might be something like 1/2 cup per egg that you started with.
cook them on a preferably non-stick frypan at around 300-325 degrees (F). flip them when they become dry on the top and the bottom is solid enough. every time you make the recipe they turn out slightly differently.
you can play around with the recipe too. they are great if you add a bit of vanilla extract, nutmeg or cinnamon.

167 posts
Location: Bergen , Norway

This thread is a really good idea.....any good bread resepies...bring 'em out here (read all the post's later....havent had the time yet)

I will also translate and post a resipy of the best damn CHOCOLATE CAKE in the entire world at some point......I made one two days ago and eating some right now

So buy some sugar and butter and I'll be back


I like Fire.. :)

Gandhi Ganjamastermember
299 posts

Rhubarb Creme

a bunch of rhubarb (~ 1.5 pound) - dice
boil in little water quickly
add sugar and vanilla to taste (~ 100 g)
take off the stove

scramble two eggs with 50 g sugar
whisk in and boil once more qhickly

let cool off and fold in a cup (or two) of whipped cream


Big AndyBRONZE Member
186 posts
Location: Dallas, Tx, USA

Originally posted by MisStix:
Crème de herb

• Take dried herb (stems, leaves, buds – the LOT!)
• Place in a stone or dark glass jar and pour in enough vodka to cover it completely.
• Seal or cap the jar & place in a warm dark place (like the airing cupboard) & leave to soak for about a week. Check it occasionally to make sure the herb is completely submerged & to give it a little stir.
• After a week, strain off the vodka into a clean bottle, then cover the mashed herb completely with fresh vodka.
• Return the jar to the airing cupboard, remembering to check it & stir it.
• After another week, strain off the vodka again, adding it to the last lot, and this time cover the herb with bottled water.
• Return to airing cupboard for another week, stirring and checking it again as before.
• After a week, strain the water off & add to the vodka. The herb can now be binned.
• Leave the bottles with the vodka/herb;)/water mix to stand for about 2 weeks to allow any buts to settle on the bottom.
• Decant the mixture, through filter paper into another bottle & leave to stand again for two weeks.
• Decant and filter as before.
• Pour the mixture into a suitable container for heating in a pan of water (don’t let the container touch the bottom of the pan). Heat gently for about 15 mins (don’t let it boil!) & add honey to taste.
• Rebottle the mixture & leave in the cupboard for at least two months. It gets much better when allowed to mature!

• Two shots is enough to get you quite ‘happy’, 3-4 will get you messy, people have 'come a cropper' (not felt very well on this stuff when they’ve been greedy and had too much! It’s strong stuff – you have been warned – tee hee hee!!!

PS – when filtering, make sure you’ve plenty of filter papers, and only filter a very little bit at a time as the papers get blocked quite quickly..


Nice idea, and I'm sure it works great, but it sure is a lot of trouble to get stoned

"We can't stop here! This is bat country!"

"Welcome to the U-S-A,
We'll treat you right, unless you're black or gay, or Cherokeeeeee!!"

-Brian Griffin from "Family Guy" (the dog)

Gandhi Ganjamastermember
299 posts

put the above mentioned on plates and let alcohol evaporate.

just scrape it off once you're where you're travelling and smoke it.

(officer - these are just dirty campingplates )


51 posts
Location: London or Wiesbaden, Germany

wow...i am so hungry..first of all, i dont agree with the brownie recipe. nothing but from-the-package betty crocker brownies with the extra fudge packet has the right to be called a brownie =)

ok, the easiest most chocolatey pile of goo
aka Brigadeiro:
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2-4 tablespoons cocoa powder (the really dark bitter kind)
you stick it all into a pot and stir it like a crazy cow so it doesnt burn until it gets all thick and gooey.
let it cool til cold.(dont worry if it goes even stickkier and thicker)
put some butter on your hands(for lubrification =) ) and roll into small balls(about the size of a...umm...half a golf ball?)
eat =)

perfect for people that like gooey chocolate and condensed milk, another forgotten stroke of genius.

It aint broke...It just lacks large amounts of duct-tape!

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

Originally posted by Big Andy:
Nice idea, and I'm sure it works great, but it sure is a lot of trouble to get stoned

I do see your point but its a good way to use up the wastage after harvest and get the most out of a beautiful plant. It's also quite a different high because you are not smoking the THC, it's a real giggler.. I believe in using all parts of the cannabis plant, I'd post up a recipe for making your oil.. but it's a bit dodgy .. (any one wanting it - feel free to PM me )

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

The_Pirate_Dyke_BoyHOP Lord of the Pirate Admiralty
1,079 posts
Location: Canterbury, UK

2 things

1: pasta and tuna
boil any kind of pasta. while its cooking, take a small tin of tuna and mix in a bowl with copious amounts of Mayo and ground pepper. when the pasta is boiled, drain it, and put back in hot pan. instantly add tuna/mayo mix and gently warm.
This really is so easy and perfect for a post club/night out meal. Im hyper-glycemic (is that how its spelt mr mad doc?)so its always a good idea to eat after a night out b4 i sleep, brings back used energy.

2: the Vivas Breakfast burger.
All the best parts of an english fry up in 2 pieces of toast! named after me of course!

Fry an egg (break the yoke in the pan) with 2 sausages and 3 or 4 pieces of bacon, while at the same time cookin gsome toast. once thats done, butter the toast (NO MARGARINE) and slap in the egg and bacon. Slice the sausages in half and ad them to the mix. Add liberal amounts of salt and pepper and AT LEAST HALF A BOTTLE OF TOBASSCO.
Kills any hang over dead


X x X x X

Ship off the starboard! sound general quarters! noise and light discipline! man the cannons! GET ME THE RUM!

Master of the Free Hug Program

37 posts
Location: Canada

Hey all. This is really easy, and you can make a little or as much as you like. Great when you suddenly have to feed a lot of people on short notice. The quantities are up to you.

Pan Fried Noodles (or Xirtam's fallback meal)

Chicken or Tofu
Cooked noodles any size or style
1 small onion or onion powder
crushed chillis
lemon juice (about one lemon)
soya sauce

Fry the chicken or tofu in a bit of the oil. Just heat the tofu, it doesn't need as long. Once the chicken/tofu is cooked shove it to one side of the pan and add a little more oil on the empty side of the pan. Add the onion (or powder), garlic, ginger, chives, and chillies and stir fry them for about a minute. (If you are using onion you may want to fry it a bit longer.) Mix in the chicken, get it well coated. Dump the cooked noodles into the pan and mix well with the chicken. Add the soya sauce and lemon juice. You should hear a loud hiss and it'll smell really good. Continue frying and mixing for a few more minutes. Serve in bowls with chopsticks

I make this using real garlic, and ginger powder. Its up to you which you prefer really. I've also used a spicey Shanghai oil. Its an easy recipe to play around with and adjust to suit yourself. One bit of advice, I've found udon and soba noodles aren't the greatest with this. Enjoy

And Daddy! They took my boot!

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

yummy layerd avacardo dip

1 avocardo
1 smallish tub of sour cream
1 packet of powderd taco mix
1 tomato
some grated chesee
and last of all some biscuts to eat it with

this is best served on a largish flat plate

First combine the taco mix and the sour cream
pour this out on to the plate as the first layer on the plate.

scondly peal and de seed the avacardo then smosh it up with a fork antill is smooth pour this on top of the first layer on the plate

thirdly sprinkel the grated cheese all over the top of the lot.

forthly chop the tomato up in to small chunks and sprinkle on top as well.

now its time to enjoy it tasts great with savory biscuts or corn chippies.


I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Wanted to bump this in honour of a very special Tasmanian. No it is not his recipe, but he sent it to me when I was feeling down, and I think it may be a very useful seduction technique.

raspberry and white choclate waffle pudding.

14 waffles
300g raspberrys
200g white chocolate
1/4 cup sugar
i tbs flour
3 eggs
1 tsp grated lemon rind
1 tsp vanilla extract
500ml thickened cream
2 tbs icing sugar.

okay! butter up a medium overproof dish. cut waffles into 2 centimeter cubes. make two layers of waffle, raspberry, white chocolate. whisk together the rest of the ingrediants (apart from icing sugar) and pour over the top. lets sit for 10 mins then bake for 35 mins on 170 ocellcius.

top with icing sugar. Yummmmm

Thanks Sparx

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !


soo nice to see this thread still alive and maks me so hungry suddenly

to you all please post some more

shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

Flower fairyBRONZE Member
98 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

This is really easy and impresses people if u have a dinner party or sommat cos its so yummy...

Have a chicken breast each
Cut each on in 1/2 and fill with bousin cheese or mozzarella (bousin is better)
Lay 3 or 4 fresh basil leaves on top of each chicken breast.
Wrap each on in 2 pieces of smoked bacon or parma ham if your feeling rich!
Bake in the oven for 30mins
Serve with Sauteed potatoes, roasted tomatos and salad or whatever you fancy

MMMMMMMMMMMM Im starving now!!

some people take a walk in the rain and others just get wet

Smiling is infectious. Please pass this on.

79 posts
Location: Freo

This is rather silly, if you were to pick my brain on this topic i could fill a few pages. I've just came off my shift and have been cooking for about 10 hrs.
My favorite recipe of the moment (sorry all you vegos & vegans)
Take a decent cut of steak, eye fillet pref. make sure its organic or the cow gods will hate you.
Cook it bleu, that is raw in the middle. If you can't stand the sight of blood then I recomend you eat tofu.
Leave it to sit in a temperate oven for about 5 mins.
Make a bunch of scordalia.
Few spuds boil the buggers.
Add garlic, loads, Few capers, some blanched walnuts, unsalted cultured butter and virgin olive oil.
Hey blue sauce time, Bring some double cream to the, almost boil. Add a realy nice blue cheese, gorganzola or a danish blue. Make sure your ratio is less cream more cheese so your sauce thickens.
Bring your steak out of the oven. Drench the bugger in lemon juice.
Place on top of your scordalia, sauce upon that, and serve with steamed veges.
Ohh joy!

309 posts
Location: Tampa, Fl


i am so darned excited let me tell you. im at work and have busted through the firewall and can use the internet todaaayayyyY!!!! YEEHAW ill be a country bumkin electro nerd today

here is a shibaki special, no recipe, all thai, i forgot a few things, but call it...

THE JUNGLE MIX (careful, it can be spicy)

Vegetables in Green Curry Paste
Prep Time: 20min
Cooking Time: 20min

Firm tofu ~ 1/2 block cut in cubes
Vegetable & Soy Oil ~ enough to cover a medium saucepan 1cm up
Green curry paste ~ 2-4 tablespoons, depending on how hot you like it
Broccoli ~ 1/2 cup florets
Orange pepper (capsicum) ~ cut into cubes
Spherical aubergines ~ hard to find, sub an onion instead, unless youre a trooper
Fresh ginger ~ about 1" piece, peeled and sliced thinly
Soy suace ~ just a touch
Coconut milk ~ i dont know, about 1/2 cup, maybe less
Water ~ about 1/8 cup, maybe 1/4, maybe less

i highly recommend you add other veggies though, definitely onions, mushrooms if you like, cauliflower, whatever you like really. i recommend using a bit of dark sesame oil when you fry the tofu because it gives it a smoky flavor and smells magnificent. for the ginger, if you can get siamese ginger, this is best, but if not, dont worry about it. the goal with the coco milk is to not make a soup, but too, well, like base or liquid to cover through and through all the veggies.


1~ Fry the tofu - heat up the oil in a medium saucepan, add a tablespoon of curry paste, and throw the pieces of tofu in. it is firm tofu but you still want to be gentle with it as it cooks so as not to break them, but stir them also. cook it for a good bit of time until the skin changes to a light brownish color. they will expand also.
2~ Drain all the oil out in a colander and let sit for a while. your done with this for a while.
3~ If you have a wok, this is best, if not, dont worry about it, just clean out the medium saucepan so your food isnt too oily, add the coconut milk and the as much of the curry paste you want, so it is nice and green, let it heat up just a bit. all of this will cook very quickly. add your veggies and cook till how soft you want them. i recommend the onions to be just slightly cooked. add the tofu last and cook it until the tofu is hot. thats it, youre done. serve over rice....

Bright hugs to you everyone and especially lady unicorn cassandra. i will cook this one for you when i see you next


CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

thank you baby .... I love my beautiful man SIGH

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

brainstormaBRONZE Member
old hand
1,184 posts
Location: under the fairie wheel, Australia

brainstorma's extra special baked beans
(great for those moring after breaksy after to much alcy in my hole nights)

one small to medium onion
one extra big clove of garlic
1/4 to 1/2 a red capsicum diced small
home made tomarto suce (opshonal)
sweet chilli sauce
mixed herbs
tuch of baulsonic vinigar
one tin of hinz baked beans
olive oil

pre heat oil in pan and fry the onion and cap till the onion is trance lusent, then add in the garlic (crushed or finly diced) and the tomarto suce (optional but verry nice if you can get your hands on some (must be home made not super market tomarto sauce)) sweet chilly sauce and vinigar (only a dash for flaver, stir in and ten add the tin of baked beans and bring down heat to a low simmer and leave to cook stiring everry now and then to stop from sticking to bottom of fry pan make toast and sirve

note: it may not look the best bt is very verry very yummy.

note 2; can be a little bit um warming a little later on

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, and screaming "WOO-HOO What a ride!"

786 posts
Location: The Phire Kru


well things r looking a bit too tasty in here and im starting to feel a mite peckish so im jus gonna to all the people i know here and say hit me back...its been a while

take care and nuff love to the whole HoP community...

whats up with all the limitations?

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ok, this lasagna recipe is based entirely on what i happened to have in the house one hungry sunday evening when all the shops were closed - so feel free to mess around with the ingredients & quantities, i'm sure it won't do any harm I didn't actually have any lasagna so i used cooked spaghetti instead - it was more of a spaghetti pie really, but it worked...

Random Lasagna
vegetarian main course
Serves: 2 (or even 3 or 4 if served with salad, bread etc)
Preheat oven to 180’C, 150 for hot air oven

- 1 package of pre-cooked lasagna pasta
- 250 g frozen spinach
- 2 medium onions, finely chopped
- 1 tin (400g) of peeled tomatoes
- 2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 150 g of some description of cream cheese, boursin for instance
- 1/4 cup of pesto genovese
- 2 cups of grated cheese
- salt
- pepper
- vegetable oil


- Spinach sauce:
sauté 1/3 of the onions in some oil until glassy, then add frozen spinach. Once completely defrosted and heated, remove from heat and stir in pesto and cream cheese.

- Tomato sauce
sauté remaining 2/3 of the onions with the garlic. Add tomatoes and mash them while heating, till you have a relatively un-lumpy sauce. Add salt & pepper to taste.

- Assembly & baking:
Grease high oven dish with oil. Pour in a thin layer of tomato sauce, then spinach sauce, then a sprinkling of grated cheese, followed by layer of lasagna slides. Repeat until spinach sauce is all gone. End with layer of pasta, then tomato sauce, then all the remaining grated cheese – there should be quite a lot of this. Place in the oven for 15 minutes, then cover with lid or tin foil to prevent burning the cheese topping and bake for another 15 mins.


everyone's unique except me

.Morph.SILVER Member
669 posts
Location: Lancashire, UK

Warning: the following recipe is damn tasty

Carrot Curry
Ingredients: Carrots - 1/2 kg
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad dal - 1 tsp
Moong dal - 2 tsp
Red chillies - 2
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Oil - 2 tsp

What to do:
Peel and cut carrots into thin long pieces. Heat the oil. When it is heated, add the mustard seeds and allow to splutter. Add the urad dal. When it begins to roast, add the moong dal ans sprinkle 1/4 cup of water on it. Leave it covered for 5 minutes in medium heat. Then add the carrots, salt and cook covered in low heat for 10 minutes. In the end, add the grated coconuts. Stir and remove from stove. Eat & enjoy.

[ 11. June 2003, 15:55: Message edited by: FireMorph. ]

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

I usually can't stand cooking - but don't mind a good damper, and is best cooked on a FIRE (You've already got this in your book cass)

Damper (it's a very simple bread)

self raising flour
one can of VB

Mix flour and beer into a dough

wrap in foil and place in the coals of a fire (preferably one with lots of yummy coals that have burnt down).

takes about 40 - 50 mins in a fire

serve with honey, cheese, tomato, vegemite, butter, whatever tickles your fancy

drink left over beer

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

.:*hehehe....perhaps we should publish this an' sell it in the HOP shop!

Cool thread Cass ... perhaps I'll add something in soon... just gotta think of some yummy vegan thing....

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

COME ON Moon pixie, pelase post the vegan lasagne receipie soooo yummy and also the berry crumble form bec and YUMMMM>.. I have to eat

i love this tread

why doesn t Malcolm post the HOP omelette s recepie ???? and Seven ? I know seven has some yummy stuff too she gave me a few tips when I waas over at Malcpolm and CHerry ' s

shine on and keep the yumminess coming

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

twirlywhirlyfiregirlie (nancy)member
78 posts
Location: Matlock,derbyshire uk

chips and gravy
put on flip flops mess up dreads head down the chipshop bobs your uncle
cass we miss u girlie always! hope u like the recipie its proved a favourite with big fatty pk

Who are you? Who slips into my robot body and whispers to my ghost?

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Ok, got a few more

Greek Lenten Stuffed Peppers w/ Rice
(vegan main dish...serves 6)

6 green peppers, medium size
2 large onions, finely chopped
1/2 C chopped celery
1/4 C chopped fresh dill or 1/8 C dried dill (less ideal)
1/2 C chopped parsley
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 C vegetable oil
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 C rice, long-grain white rice
1/2 C raisins (optional)

Preheat oven to 350° F
1) Soak rice in very warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften.
2) Sautee onions, celery, and seasonings in vegetable oil until soft and transparent.
3 Add rice. Stir lightly until slightly brown; add 1/2 C water
4) Cover, lower heat and cook until liquid is absorbed (rice will be partially cooked)
5) Cut a slice from the stem end of each pepper and carefully remove the seeds. Rinse in cold water.
6) Fill with rice mixture and place in baking pan with 1 C water, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and 3 tablespoons tomato paste or sauce (optional). Bake at 350° F for one hour, basting occasionally.

Variation: add 2 cups tomatoes or 3 tbsp tomato paste in 1/2 C water and simmer with onions before adding rice.

Note: since I'm not a huge fan of raisins in savory foods, I consider the raisins to be VERY optional.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

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