Forums > Social Discussion > do you want to be a zombie?

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DragonFuryBRONZE Member
Draco Iracundia
784 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

saw this today link

Was just wondering on peoples thoughts as to if they would want to be frozen and brought back to life, or when there time is up, to go and be left gone. Would you volunter to do the human part of these studies?

And how cool do you think it would be to have a zombie dog? no need to buy it food, can just let it jump the fence and eat the neighbours dog, heheeh

Do we sleep when we die?

DarthMeauxThe artist formerly known as Phae'xorl.
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Er, no. If I were a zombie I would expect that someone would shoot me in the head....I know that's what I would do were I to run across a zombie.

"...heaven is ordering a six piece chicken nugget and getting seven...and a switchblade."

SethisBRONZE Member
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"Whatever you do, don't let the zombie bite you."

"Why, do you turn into one?"

"No, it just bloody hurts!"

ubblol ubblol

I'd volunteer if i was going to die anyway, but I'd probably get religious types attacking me as un-natural...

After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
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Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
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Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

how bizzare.

do you think you'd come back in your own body, or some other soul would get born into your body instead?

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IgirisujinSILVER Member
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Maybie someone would leave the freazer turned off and refreeze you, and you just turn to mush like turkey zombie bleeeekk *spurgle spurgle melt melt flop, bubble, pop*...fear me....*gloop noise*

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'Time goes by so slowly for those who wait...' - Whatever Happend To Baby Madonna?

DragonFuryBRONZE Member
Draco Iracundia
784 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

in the article they say that they dont actually freeze the dog, but make it almost frozen. so you've got to think that the decay process would still happen. even if it is still slow, it would still happen. So i wonder how long your body would last in that situation.

Do we sleep when we die?

MiGGOLD Member
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i'd put my hand up for that, but i'll probably donate my body to science when i die anyway. i figure that when i'm dead, i won't need it, so i may as well let it be usedd for something helpful.

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blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
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Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

No thanks...I dont really want to carry on much past fourty,nevermind staggering your body's use out like that. nuh uh, count me out!

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

58 posts
Location: under your bed

I would love to be one...
I would also love to have my own army of them......

Isn't sanity a one trick pony? Rational thought is all you get but when you are crazy the sky is the limit.

Groovy_DreamSILVER Member
449 posts
Location: Australia

Written by: arty farty

how bizzare.

do you think you'd come back in your own body, or some other soul would get born into your body instead?

I like this one. The same problem would exist if teleportation existed. How would you know that the people who came out the other end had the same soul?
On that note, maybe u get a new soul every time u go to sleep, and you've only REALLY been living in your current body for the current day, despite what your memories tell you.

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
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i dunno if it where to work for people it might suggest that theres no such thing as a soul and that we are nothing more than machines. it would be very interesting to see the brain states at the time of death and reanimation. i would do it if the technology had been around for awhile and there was a clause where if i got brought back with brain damage they would terminate me.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

mm agrees with blu, and ben.

not for me, thanks..

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