tennisBRONZE Member
confused and abused
363 posts
Location: bristol, United Kingdom

Just a shout to say thanks to all you guys that came up or down to cornwall last weekend for a spin i wish i could remember all you guys names but here's the one i can:

Sub-amazing too
Cutie poi girlie-and quite erm.. amazing
Lou (sp.) (someone has to crash earliest!)
The brilliant folk band (let us know the name when you get one)
The drummer man (sorry crap with names)
here were hundreds of other brilliant welcoming and beautiful people it was all in all a very decent night.

Being a newbie (thanks for the label Cassandra) i learn't so many new things and styles.

Oh and so much thanks to the REALLY COOL tourists who drank stella and talked shit while resting their cans on their bloated bellies. Their brief appearance completed the night.

Cheers everyone. Only one question when and where will we do this again.

P.S sub/spike guess who's mastered the forward and backward weave? Here's a hint it's me me me me me me me me me me me.

My cat's breath smells like catfood

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

hey hey

It was a really good night, and I too have to thank every one who turned up
The folk band are all friends of mine, and they've got a cd together when I get a copy I could do you one if you want???!!!!

Gem say's hey and that you were all excellent

Tennis man those devil sticks where awsome, thanks for bringing them with you. OH and CONGRATULATIONS on the weaves.

SUB- You had a massive impact on some of the people who had sat and watched the performances, Your fluid and fun to watch . a pleasure meeting you

Cutie poi Girlie You where really amazing . I really enjoyed watching you spinn, andyour family really seemed to get alot from the experiance.

Hey guys and girl we help two people who watched us realise that steritipes (sp?) are a waste of time. They said that before they wouldn't have given us the time of day ,but the fact we gave them so much pleasure from the performances that they acctualy seemed taken back that they could have been so narrow minded. (And these are there words).

So all in all a very good night on many levels.

hope to see all of you again some time

Love n cuddles

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

1,810 posts
Location: London

When are you doing it again coz I wonna come!!!!!! Please.......


A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.

cutie poi girliemember
237 posts
Location: porthtowan, truro, cornwall

I'm eating Doritos.

Luv peace 'n' chicken grease Al X x

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

Hi Guys 'n Gals,

thanks for a wicked night, sorry I had to bail so early

This is just a quick hi and thanks you are excellent spinners and beautiful people.

We'll do it again as soon as we can manage.

I'm off to spin at a rave soon so have fun and I'll speak to you all soon.

sod it I've got long enough:D

Spike, your meteor skills have really helped, and I'm getting that darned reverse thread the neadle but my hands don't like it thanks man. oh and cheers for the leg wrap move as well nice and warming that one.

Tennis, beautiful devil sticks, nice one with the weave, have you got the reverse as well?

Cutie Poi Girle, to be honest your skills and enthusiam have rather humbled me, my hat comes off to you

That was the first time I've properly lit up with other people and it was an incredible experience.

see you all soon

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

cutie poi girliemember
237 posts
Location: porthtowan, truro, cornwall

yeah , it was fun.

sub - you have a cool hat , and your poi skills are amazing

tennis - wow!

and spike - you were great , tho i never got the hang of the meteors! lol!

it was my first spin with other ppl too and i really enjoyed it - shame i had to go so early
cpg x x x
big hugs 2 u all!

Luv peace 'n' chicken grease Al X x

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