91 posts
Location: Canada

My goodness. I just had a spin with a staffer I met (good one at that) and holy crap!!! He had the heaviest staff I have ever played with. I could hardly spin it. He had a 6' and myself a 4' staff. I mean, I really thought that if I went to the gym and pumped weight everyday, I may be able to spin that thing. Six of my staffs were the equivilant weight to his one. He was using a really thick alluminum rod (felt more like copper to me) with a whole douling inside. Plus, his staff was really fat, and his grip was huge. These things make things like fingertwirls harder to do. My staff is so light, like air I always say.

So, what I want to know is HOW HEAVY IS YOUR STAFF?

46 posts
Location: Oregon

Well,I am currently teaching myself staff, and as I am one to make things harder on myself while learning, just to make it seem easier later, I have what most would consider and extremely heavy staff.

My practice staf if currently 5ft of 3/4in. ID galvanized steel conduit. I am not at home to weigh it now, but rough estimate would be somehwere between 3-5lbs.

Mind you now, I am 6ft tall and 250lbs, so this isn't too heavy for me. I still do fingertwirls and the rest. So far I haven't found any tricks that I cannot do due to the weight.

We are all atheists, some of us just believe in fewer gods than others. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-Stephen F. Roberts

TheApprovingNinjaFrom the Ashes of a Ninja Rise THE HIPS OF RAGE
371 posts
Location: Edinburgh

I gots me a big OL' five foot aluminum with solid wood core and some fat wicks. I can't be bothered to weigh it but it's on the heavy side.

I much prefer heavy sticks.

1. WAY better for contact, which I mostly do

2. When regular spinning it gives you more inertia to play with you actually have something to move, whereas with light sticks it's easier to lose control


i8beefy2GOLD Member
674 posts
Location: Ohio, USA

Ditto on the approving ninja's points. Heavy staffs rock!

Xtremely Flameablemember
95 posts
Location: Cairns, Queensland

I haven't really used any heavy staffs besides a friends cathedral staff that had 1 1/2 metre wicks on both ends. But still it was as heavy as the one vanessa was talking about. All the staffs I use are as light as air

When a man lies, he murders some part of the world.

Kyle McLeanBRONZE Member
Living it up
363 posts
Location: Brisbane/Berlin, Australia

I use staffs of both heavy and light weights, and like both for thier kinetic quirks. I'd agree with Approving Ninja on his second point, but would think of a heavy staff as being easier for contact, but not always better. Although easier and better often come to the same thing, I find I come across more contact that is hard to take from the light staff to the heavy then vice versa. Hehe hope that makes sense...
Love from Kyle

Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

i practice with heavier and lightweight staffs, repeating tricks with different sets. keeps from complacency kreepin' into my hands.
It helps if you like to fwirl with other peoples' sticks as it conditions yoo better with staves of strange weighting.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

98 posts

i have no idea how heavy my staff is either,
it's 6'+ of 1.5 " diamater wood. I've had most people tell me that it;s pretty rediculous. But i like it.
It gives me a workout and stays in one place. and once it gets goin it's fun to spin fast. ooo and heavy staffs are SO much easier for rolls n such at least for me)

-- jon

---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---

AIM: RaverRomantic

TheApprovingNinjaFrom the Ashes of a Ninja Rise THE HIPS OF RAGE
371 posts
Location: Edinburgh

yes if you can do contact with a twig then you can do it with anything and your stuff with a proper contact stick will lock much better. But it's just a pain in the buttocks and ickle sticks make my teeth itch they just do.


tiamat_22580I will kill all mods
210 posts
Location: mods suck

ive got a steel one about 10 kg


34 posts
Location: Canada

Hi... I'm the staff guy that tanessa's talking about... By the way I had alot of fun tanessa and I "really" enjoyed my walk back to my friends house after that awesome "smoke" we shared. Thank you...
As for the ins and outs of a heavy staff; I cant say too much because I'm so useless with anything but my big ol beast.
It's work to twirl it for sure and when I give it my all while performing I'm defianately wiped out after, but that's part of the whole thing really.
Every staff has a soul. From the minute a spinner slaps a handle on it and gives it a twirl it's it's own stick. ya know?
by the way I have a training stick that was part of an event tent-pole that's WAY too heavy for anything practical but helped me along alot, with things like muscle traing, forcing me to slow down so I could really analyze what was happening and an even deeper respect for the power of concussions...hehe...

ps.... it's not really that heavy once your used to it... its 1 inch aluminum tube, dowel fit all the way through inside, 4 inch wicks on either end and a wee spot o hockey tape...
The main reason I built it so heavy is that I have a very agressive style and when i do **** up it hits the ground hard and it needs to stand up... 1 yr old so far!!!!!!!
on that note... wheres the wholesale Kevlar at?

One Love, Dont forget.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

if you keep shifting the weight of your practice staves, it makes things easier when you simultaneously twirl lightweight electroglo and heavier fire staves, ...for the oddest looking throws this side of Mars.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

XanathBRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: strongsville, ohio, usa

anyone ever use a hybrid staff before? im not talking about three-piece. my freind made one and now im dying to make one. its kind of a crazy design. its a shorter, maybe 4ft staff with two wicks of 2.5 in kevalr at each end so its multiwicked but the similarity to an actual staff ends there. to give it the "hybrid" design he put poi on each end. its really fun to have a staff you can do wraps with!

Power percieved is power achieved.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Xanath, that sounds to me like a doule flail - kinda like a morning star's siamese brother. Do you find changing planes difficult with em? the inertia certainly allows the same set of moves as other long/heavy staves. You should put up piccies in the other toys section, cus the extra wicking (is that 4 wicks or 6 wicks - counting the poi ends?) would make it look well mean!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

XanathBRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: strongsville, ohio, usa

yeah, 6 wicks total, including the poi . it is a bit difficult to use, but once you get used to the way it handles it is a beautiful piece of equipment . if i ever get my reply for my picture gallery app. ill post a few pics of it in action.

Power percieved is power achieved.

dj_gooseSunburnt Bournda Beach Bum
157 posts
Location: A Melbourne boy through and through

damn it..i thought i had invented something new when i made one about 2 years ago, they are so much fun, but changing planes is rather difficult as is of my friends wss using this staff and he wapped the poi part around his arm and it got tangled and now he has a chain links scar that goes right around his looks sooooooo cool....but god it stank!!!!!

As for my normal staff, it is quite light weight and the width of about a broom handle, it means i have a bit of trouble spinning between my fingers, and keeping rotation, but it is a whole lot easier to use when u are changing heights and plans constanlty


Look to the moon, look to the stars, and if you still can't find happyness...find a bar!!!

28 posts
Location: Loughborough, UK

I just got myself a new staff (woohoo!! ) and it's so much damn heavier than my old one! It's a good 8" longer than my previous staff at least, and has about 5"-6" of wick on either end. My old staff just feels like it weighs nothing after using the new........

I like though......oh yes, I like.....

XanathBRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: strongsville, ohio, usa

I hurt my wrist today with my practice staff! I was spinning with it and suddenly.. SNAP i felt in my right wrist. shot pain up my arm to my elbow. It hurt like hell for two hours and then subsided, no swelling or anything! Its kinda tender now but feeling better. I think ill give the 1 1/2 in galvinized steel pipe that was used as a fence post, now a practice staff used for endurance training, a rest for now!

Power percieved is power achieved.

28 posts
Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Am I the only one in here with a sense of humor bad enough to think of some cheesy penis joke as an answer to Tanessa's question, "How heavy is your staff"?


Bzzzzz Blurb, Bzzzzzz Blurb, Fop pzzzzz, Fop Pazazzzz,

210 posts
Location: new zealand

no, i must admit thats the first thing that came to my mind

i dont play with fire much anymore but years ago (4-5) we made a staff thingee with poi on either fun fun!!!

i always liked a heavier staff, one you could paste someone with he he he

28 posts
Location: Taipei, Taiwan

My friends made one of those a while back (staff with poi ends). I found it a bit unwieldy, but then again, I'm not much of a staff expert.

Another thing they made is a flail, kind of like cutting the staff with poi ends in half and using one half. For the grip, they used tennis racquet material. It works pretty dern well.


Bzzzzz Blurb, Bzzzzzz Blurb, Fop pzzzzz, Fop Pazazzzz,

SilvurBRONZE Member
sumthin sumin smmnm....
372 posts
Location: home sweet home, USA

So i just finished carving out meself a new staff , and i must say that it's pretty heavy, and thick! the handle is maybe a little less than 2 inches, but i can still fingertwirl with it. i let it walk through my fingers. it's not as fast, but that's to be expected, i guess. i love how heavy it is, when it gets going, it has momentum, baby! there's no stopping it. and i love it!!

Now all i need is a twin for my little guy, so i can double staff with my short one.

darkpoetBRONZE Member
525 posts
Location: Dallas.........ish, USA

right now im making a 4' staff out of steel pipe because im sick of my staffs shattering when ever i drop it
heres the kicker putting fire swords on the ends of the staff
ive found that it makes it f!@*ing awesome for blowing fire..and the combination of the blows and the staff get some mad oohs and ahhs from the crowd....makes u feel good
anyways id say it weighs about 6lbs when i finish it...but i dunno itll prolly handle really really funny like

Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for cash and

Co-Founder of Keepers of Light

Educate yourself about the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

Steel piping is nice, but it is very heavy. Watch out for the burrs, too..They can get under your skin sometimes n you can't even see them I have about a 7 ft staff(if you could call it that ) made from about 1in diameter steel piping, solid core. It has a circle of the same steel of about 2 ft diameter welded on each end perpindicularly. It's great for a workout, dunno how much it weighs. Recently wicked it up with what little bit of wicking I had left, but the burn time isn't extremely long. Great for horizontal contact stuff, the momentum lasts forever, so you can say get it spinning, rest it on your back, and let it spin for about 10-15 revolutions. Think it's spoiling me for normal staff tho..

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

5 posts
Location: Lovely Lovely Oxford

Fireswords...dark, like a double headed naginata. nice. have just made my first staff out of 1 /12 inch steel with tiny dowels at either end, the wick is about 5" and its beutifully light as i mainly learnt (still learning...forever) on a heavy assed stick.
result = can now spin faster than ever!

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

five foot titanium shaft with 5 feet of 4inch kevlar on each side. wilson tennis racket grip in the middle. very stable staff. perfect balance...

anyone got a light?

20 posts
Location: USA, New York state

My staff is currently a 5' old broomstick, and it's been working sooo well so far. Soon, though, I will be upgrading. I'm thinking of making a 5.5' staff with cathedral style wicks on each end (connected via threaded bolts or some such nonsense) and I am going to drip molten glass on the handle to give it a more solid grip (I go in the rain, and things get really slippery sometimes) and plus, it just looks cool. Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what type of wood to use, or where to get it... anyone got a clue?


4 posts
Location: Tampere, Finland

My staff is about 160cm long (aluminum) and its something between 3kg and 5kg. Everybody says that it is so heavy, but I like it They say also that its so thick (¤2.5-3.0cm). I dont know, I love it

10 posts
Location: australia

my staff is about a meter and a half long
with 4" wicks and is made outa anodized

it is about 1.5 kilos in weight

and is perfect for everything


To love fire is to be fire

XanathBRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: strongsville, ohio, usa

My double staffs are 4 1/2 ft broom handles with 4inch wick, light weight and very fast go spinning alone too. My practice staff weighs around 6 lbs or so and it is an old steel pipe that used to be a fence post. My poi staff is the heaviest of them all. I'd say at least 10lbs. It consists of a piece of 4 foot 1/2 inch galvinzed pipe w/a woodcore. The central part has two 2.5 in wicks at either end. Then on each side there is a 12 in chain with a four inch wick. Very heavy very fast! The thing has so much momentum the first time i used it it just plain old pulled me along with it. I swear just as the old saying goes light staffs need to be told where to go but heavy staffs already know where their going you just need to be there to guide them along.

Power percieved is power achieved.

Kapura MataaroHoP resident longboarder.
195 posts
Location: Tasmania, Australia

I'd have to agree with ninja, i have done a few different martial arts before i got into fire and for actual contact, a solid staff is a must, but now i'm doing fire, i've got a concentrate staff and it is tonnes lighter and much easier to learn with...i think its a personal thing...and i wanted a change...

"surely a longboarding fire spinner should have no trouble getting some action!"- NYC....


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