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pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

ello to all sheffield poi and fire spinners out there, as i can see there are quite a few that use the bulletin board here! recent talks with several poi'ers that i know, we would like to meet up on sunday 30th december @ endcliffe park (ecclesall road)for an afternoon/evening of poi and fire frolics in the park to celebrate the festive seasons and see out the year before the mad new year parties where ever you may be going! basically just to have fun, meet other ppl that are unfortunate not to frequent headcharge or planet zogg and so we can all learn some new moves what do you all think? can you make it? post you replies here and i will put up more details..
thank funk for poi!

[ 05. December 2002, 09:37: Message edited by: PK ]

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

And there's a nice picture of me in the other gallery I notice Mr Spiral. So that's an even better reason to go to the site wink grin


164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Re: pictures of the PIP on the 30th of Dec.. My mate Paul (Get on and register matey cuz I know you're threre!!) has SHED loads of really good pics from that day. I know he's been busy recently but I is gonna kick his ass and confiscate his toys if if he doesnt get those pics up!!!PK, did you get some good ones too..?? Are you gonna bring some to show us on the 19th of Jan..?? (Same goes for anyone else who brought a camera)I been busy making new toys for the 19th and trying to master a couple of moves that have got me stumped ( inc. BTB weave - forwards.. AAARRRGH !!!!!! mad mad mad ).Cant wait to see you all.. smile------------------Kato[This message has been edited by Mushinkato (edited 13 January 2002).]


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

mt good man kato,yes i got some pretty damn good pics from PIP 1. i will bring them down, the ones i still have...I have a load of photos up in coffee revolution on church street by the cathedral right now and have more at the printers waiting to go up in the shop.I have designed my website too with a gallery of 120 soming pics so far, i just wish my friend would hurry up and get the site uploaded just keep checking the web address i was hopeing it would be up this of the main aims of the site is "poi in the park" pic gallleries movie pages, a moves page i need some info on staff too so if any one such as cantus would like to contribute that would be fantastic..the site itself looks damn good for my first attempt at a website so any feed back will be greatly appreciated..Spiral your site kicks ass and thank you for sending me those pics i have added them to my gallery page..and i am useing one for the coffee shop when it gets back from the sould all go and check it out if your passing.Kato if you can get that forwards btb weave going lend me a hand with it all i can manage is a reverse and turn but end up with my arms by my side and i will teach you a one handed butterfly turn behind the head grin and will you mate be bringing his pics along too? does he have them scanned in? any one else for that matter get any nice pics?......i'm so looking forward to the 19th i aint done a thing with anyone since pip 1 but go balls out learning some new stuff and getting some old ones down more!right enuf blab from me..check out to the right and exit...PK

180 posts
Location: St.Annes, Lancashire, England

Spiral - every credit for ya web-site! some quality pics on there, espcially the group pics!Kato - is you pickin up plenty new tricks from COL2?I'm over for your way for the Arches on the 25th - see you all then :-)~ but I'm not gonna be able to make it for the next PIP2 :-(PeaceM:-)~

We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Woohoo !! 6 days and counting guys and gals !! PK.. (and all you other space-monkeys out there) I know this may sound a little premature, but how does everybody feel about pencilling in the 23rd of Feb for PIP3..?? Its the week after Zogg and the week before Feb Headchcharge.BTB forward weave.. I think I got it now.. YAY !! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY grin grin grin (but I may be a little cautious with the old firey thingies!!)Also.. I am thinking 'festivities' may be a little outdated now..?? Would anyone have any objections to starting a fresh thread and calling it by the name (abbreviation) that keeps cropping up; PIP.. or Sheffield PIP.. or even Sheffield Poi-in-the-Park..??Ideas guys... speak to you all in the week !! smile[This message has been edited by Mushinkato (edited 15 January 2002).]


global dancamember
7 posts
Location: fort worth, tx USA

I happened to be in sheffield on the 30th of DEC and I am a lil bumed that I didnt get to spin and meet some new people in Sheffield. I hope to visit agin on Feb 16 so maybe I can meet some of you peeps when I come back. Anyone want to go to Gatecrasher?stevO

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

lol gatecrasher...u honestly dont wanna go there any one who spins poi at gatecrasher makes you out to be a weirdo coz no one else does it there...get ur self down the arches thats where every one goes to spin if theres room.right its just gone 7am time to go and open the club for the masses!in a bit ........pkKato ; that dater fer febs is kewl just hope ppl come....and thanks fer sat night man i got some shit down a lil better now thanks toy watching you trance away to the melodies and vibes..see you on sat

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Kato my good man did you check your callendar? 21st feb is on a thursday? whats the deal with that unless we wanna make a mid once a week thing going too cos i'd be well up for that. Then maybe Poi in the park big bash once a month..i can still run those invites out n stuff. what do you think?gonna go hide in my bed cos i am knack'dbeen busy on those 360 TTN fountains in both'em grin taraPK

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Cheers mate... just looked at the calendar and thought... oops blush ..sorry.Saturday 23rd it TTN stuff.. where does it end..??------------------Kato[This message has been edited by Mushinkato (edited 15 January 2002).]


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

erm have no idea mate!try this em out fer size...forwards TTN fountain to reverse on left side go up above the head for another TTN drop back down on the right again forwards..spin frantically "in you trance like spin mission buzzing of the energy from your UV in the corner" for a full 360 TTN fountain and back again, and for good measure try and hit that forwards BTB weave for a superb finale....hehe that should keep you going til saturday grinPK"just tell me if I stepped out of line"

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Not straying off the thread subject are we..?? I think Im going into a Kato trance just thinking about that one..On the subject of the 19th though.. I am going to bring my music making machine again.. and this time tone down the volume so the batteries last a little longer..!!If anyone else has a music box they can bring.. please do so. The more the merrier. ..pass it on.------------------Kato


43 posts
Location: manchester england

Hi all dose any one want a lift from the manchester area as i cant aford to go unles i shere the petrol cost! I hope to see you all there smileTake it easyDizz

global dancamember
7 posts
Location: fort worth, tx USA

vain-ego pk< I hooked up with the hottest set of twins at Gatecrasher as I was spinning when they opened the main room. Everyone was taking pics and asking me questions. I had a good time there before the club reached capacity. stevO

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

yeah thats the best time to spin at the club unless you hit the plasma lounge once the main room starts to fill up.i remember the last time some dumb kid walked behind me at the back of the main room while iwas tranceing away with kato infront on the big stage and my beaming poi hit this dumb kid on the noggin, man i heard it over the music and felt the shoick up my poi strings but later that night broke my nose with them too..generaly as i have worked for gatecrasher for over 2 years i dont have much to say about the place, people take far too many drugs there and cant handle them either, i have noticed over the past month now that they have hired a number of fire/performers for the gatecrasher night, erm over paying when there is a skilled fire poi artist that works within the company basis! i think thats another dumb thing on the clubs behalf. I would be more than happy to be there and have a spin if you intend to go to crasher maybe kato too as he frequents the club now and again lemme know when and i will be there..take it easy manPK grin

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

oh and by the way, "you lucky bastard" on the hot twins, thats gotta be a bonus man!PK

158 posts
Location: england

some dumb kid...some dumb kid went out to enjoy his drugged experience within a club environ - you know they exist...poi is control - or is supposed to be - that and the ability to realise your surroundings and act accordinglybeaming poi are a weaponyou hurt somebody - later you hurt yourselfwares the remorse...yes it does doesn`t it.its always good to go to places and blend inwear orange - it works for meblend in blend inhope to catch you all at the weekend - if i`m not waving friends off-before they leave the, hugs and swoops

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Does anyone know if the Greentop Circus free party is on Friday or Saturday this week..?? If its Saturday 19th, that would top the day off superbly. ------------------Kato


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

not replyin to orange:unless he wants a reply on my feelings about crasher kids, and their arogance.[This message has been edited by vain-ego pk (edited 18 January 2002).]

global dancamember
7 posts
Location: fort worth, tx USA

I hope to be back out there FEB 16. It may be a lil soon, but that is the target date. If I dont make it out by then you can etch in stone that I will be at NEC. Peace out,stevO

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey stevO will you be around on the 23rd of march? thats the date that has been set so far for poi in the park 3, dont hold me to that yet but thats what the masses are shouting at me namely ms kato in drag! (just kiddin mr kato).NEC? gatecrasher? right im off to watch that wank hollyoaks fer some reason! grinin a bit PK

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Everyone set for the 19th..??? This is my only chance to get on the net today and I just want to inform peeps that if it *does* rain.. we can all pile back to mine for an indoor session (of sorts). If we have too many though, I can only suggest meeting up at the Lescar on Sharrow Vale Road (where incidentally, DJ Kato will be spinning some tunes from 7:30 ish onwards)...sorry, just had to plug that one.. smile23rd of March sounds cool for PIP3 (early birthday treat for Kato ! grinps: PK, I told you to keep that dress and high heels thing a secret!------------------Kato[This message has been edited by Mushinkato (edited 19 January 2002).]


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

no probs kato your secret is now safe with the masses that flood HOP! grin DJ kato? what is this? master of many new talents now. I remembers the straight forwards mr kato, 9-5 and a door man by night, now its i gotta goto headcharge or crasher or any where thats has good hard tunes thumping, mr refined poi spinner addict and now DJ? lol And let PIP3 be a late birthday bash for me... grin as mine is on the 19 so i am gonna be stomping those moves next month! right next topic on a bit PK

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

well a big big thank you to you all for turning up today, dispite my hugh head ache i realy thoroughly enjoyed my self and meeting so very many new faces, newborn and ur lovely chick for coming all the way from leicester, i will give you a buzz next time i'm down that way. Dizzy from manchester hope we all got you hooked on poi again grin Orange so nice to meet you at last wink same with you cantus, liam gimme a buzz for that spin and pierceings! Kato well need i say more my good mate thank you. Headcharge/planet zogg crew grin nice one hope you enjoy your free party tonight, sorry i cant be there for it. All the locals who i havnt had the pleasure of spinning with before now some talented spiners of both staff and poi even the youngsters busting those 8 beat forwards weaves, shit i am happy with my 6 grin Simon your busting some new moves every time i see you..keep at it mate grin such a shame thistle and the nottingham folks couldnt make it hope to see you at next months (sat 23/3/02) location to be comfirmed. Right thank you all again and we proved unanomously that we are successful at pulling ourselves together to meet up once a month, teapots club starts again monday so i am hopefully gonna get more sheffield folk to come down and do what they enjoy doing with fire/non fire.Damn i tell you one thing kato, i would love one of those globall staffs, just wish i had the money..then again lemme get better at it first, i could see me getting one and dropping it..not a good idea!right i am gonna chill out now infront of the box.PKimagine your self spinning fire in a big circle of 20 other fire spinners, and you in the middle grin wow thats an intense moment in time and the time of your life. Did you see you future? I know i did and now i can sleep happy in my bed tonight knowing that i was surrounded by circles of light grin

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hi gang!I havent had the time recently to hook up on HOP but now I should be back regularly. Kato, I would love to come play at a poi in the park as I feel a little bit out of touch with you guys.Hi vain ego, did I meet you at zogg before christmas or am I just making that up?C ya all soon.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

no mate i havnt had the pleasure of meeting you yet there is another meet next month on the 23rd with a bit of luck keep checking here for updates!

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom


Non-Https Image Link
kato i found this and thought it reminded me of Ms Kato
Non-Https Image Link
see you soon, when u coming over for a spin?PK

NoonaBRONZE Member
Cake lover
258 posts
Location: Button Moon, United Kingdom

Yesterday was loadsa fun, nice to see so many people twirling.

1 post
Location: Melbourne, Australia

G'day,I'm an Aussie about to move to N Yorkshire. Just wondering where to buy firesticks, how much, and where ppl firetwirl in the area.

158 posts
Location: england

the energy levels really went up smile when we all got it going together wooowooooooline dancing next time?or some bizarre fire-rite?or maybe a bit of both - howd` you describe it tho` ?top collective - count me in for next time too pleasumsgood energies the after parties we`re

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Orange - did you perhaps mean flaming line dancing?I think that skipping rope would've been more fun if it'd been lit.Next time I bring fire instead of glow methinks.Did you find a new venue yet PK? Might I humbly suggest the Cemetery next to the Vine on Cemetery road in Sharrow. Tres moody/atmospheric and a nice pub nearby.Just a suggestion. Feel free to ignore it.


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