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GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Now does this mean that all my past discrepancies will be forgotten? wink

Name: Gidg

Sex: Female

Age: Last count 42, and almost the oldest living person posting on HoP

Location: Portland Oregon USA

Hobbies: Spinning stuff biggrin, Polynesian dance, music, camping, crafts (really into bead work at the moment), weaving

Favorite Toys: Staff, Poi, Glow Poi, Flash Sticks, Flags, my guitar and my Fire Fans

Been twirling:

Poi –1997, Fire August 2003

Staff – May 2003, Fire November 2003

Flags – May 2003

Fans – November 2003, Fire December 2003

Music: Most anything except for Trans and Rap. Currently into Country and Celtic style of music.

Musical Instruments: Guitar, recorder, piano, ukulele and flute. I want to learn the irish harp but don’t have the cash for the instrument yet.

Favorite Colors: Purple first, then royal blue, hunters green, burgundy and rust

Favorite Author/Book: Ann McCaffrey and the Pern series. My imagination can run wild. I see myself now; fighting thread on the back of a flying fire-breathing dragon, purple of course.

Favorite Sayings:

Walk softly and carry a big stick.

Learn something new and never grow old

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is NOT

Occupation: Trying to figure out how to make a living without actually working. In the mean time I work as an Engineering Change Order Coordinator for an electronics-manufacturing firm.

Movies: Lord of the Rings and My Big Fat Greek Wedding

TV Shows: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda and Mutant X (yes I like Sci-Fi a little biggrin)

hug hug wave wave

EDITED_BY: Gidg (1092785084)

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

ooh ooh ooh!!! i'm first! i'm first!

**does a happy dance**

'ello gidg! wave so good to see your intro here again. i missed you! how are you my darling? the r-rated activities have returned again in my thread so feel free to pop on over. narr's place is the cozy oasis to relax from my intro ubblol might i offer you some marshmallow brownies and a pogo stick?

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

oooh 'ello gidg!!!!hug

i've been considering doing belly dancing and i'd love to do the that polynesian dancing?

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Oooo, look at this. My thread has been visited alread biggrin

Narr - Hula is one of the several dance types in polynesian dancing. and I'm looking into bellydancing too! It should add a whole new element to poi, staff and fans.

Hi ya Pounce!

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

wave wave wave wave
hug hug hug hug

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

which ones do you do ?? biggrin

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA


Now does this mean that all my past discrepancies will be forgotten? wink

Discrepancies? Is that all I am to you?

spank kiss spank kiss

Hey wait, this is kinda fun...

spank kiss spank kiss


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

Mistress AuroraHot Schtuff
1,032 posts
Location: Stillwater,OK/Wichita Falls,TX

Howdy Gidg!

I still have to re-do my intro so everybodies gotta wait to say hi to me again.

Hope life has been going good for ya! Still doing poi to Shania Twian? I don't know why but I want to try and do poi along to Toby Keith's new song I Love This Bar. I'm feeling a bit nutty today! ubbloco

ubbideaShall we have a party to meet old friends and new friends? I'll bring the cookies! biggrin

RISK: Do not follow the common path; Go where there is no path and leave a trail.

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

NYC – There is no way that I would say that you are a discrepancy at all. You have been very intentional my boy! wink The question is when we be getting in trouble again Gidg wiggles her eyebrows

Narr – I’m with a profession Polynesian group and perform Hula and Tahitian. I’m also their chanter/singer. I learned poi, initially, with this group though I have never performed it. And Yes, I do have a grass/bark skirt for Tahitian.

Aurora – Yes still spinning to Shania Twain and a bunch of other country artists. “I Love This Bar” umm how does that spin?

Party? You say Party? I’ll have to start working on one right away. Since we the holiday this weekend end, how about a party date of Friday December 5th. Say 4:00 USA Pacific Standard Time? You are planning on helping me with this party! right? I wonder who else we can rope into helping?

OK! List of things to do for the party.

1. Talk with Charles about balloons
2. Send out invitation for December 5th.
3. Shop for party decorations
4. Prep food: Note – Aurora is brining cookies.
5. Decorate for party.

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey Gidg!
Guess what we're doing today? Ice-skating! LOL!
ubbloco weavesmiley ubbloco

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England


Since I've only just got around to checking my intro thread on t'other boards, I think now is a prime opportunity to say a belated thank you for the flowers you left in it:

Thank you biggrin

Did someone mention a party?
Can I come? please? please? I promise to be good and only burn things I'm allowed to smile

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Bovril, you are more than welcome to the party. It's a BYOT (bring your own toys). Drag anyone that you want to the party too! The more the marrier.

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

Hiya Gidg

hug hug wave wave wave hug hug

Good luck with belly dance
gnor waves her arms in a snakey kind of way

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

party?! i wanna come!!!! i'll bring some apple cider!

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

I heard a rumour of a party going on in here? Is this TRUE?
if so... have a big ole mud cake!! smile

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

did someone say mud cake biggrin biggrin

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

Crumbs... I came here for cake and all I see are crumbs!!

No worries! I brought tea and shortbread. Tuck in

Non-Https Image Link

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

biggrin I got my fans! I got my fans does happy dance biggrin

Now all I have to do is learn how to use them.

Well the official party on December 5th is going to have to be postponed until sometime in January. With everything that is going on at work and at home I don’t seem to have the time or energy to work on a party right now.

So until January we just can hold this impromptu party that is going on. Lovely munchies guys. Gidg sits down and starts munching on cookies, mud cake and shortbread

I wonder how Patrick made out with the ice-skating?

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey Gidg!
We went to the mall with the ice rink and decided to do it another time. Just didn't seem appropriate for me to be body-checking all the little figure-skaters...
Went and saw 'Calender Girls'. T'was cute.
Today we're going to the Sydney Aquarium. Later meeting up with Dentrassi for grub and beer. Then going out to Glebe to pester the lovely Rozi!
Wish you were here!
ubbloco ubbloco ubbloco
P.S. Last night we were out to a uni pub night. Interesting to see the mating rituals of the Australian Fauna! wink

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Hia gidg hunny, hope u are all fluffy and happy and fings, your postcard is on it's way too! hug

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

This is absolutely no fare! Not only is Patrick having fun is OZ, Ali is touring Scotland and I am stuck here at home in the rain! frown

Oh well, onward and upward.

Patrick - sounds like you are having an absolute great time. Keep it up and you owe me a postcard.

Ali - Look forward to you postcard. Tour Scotland, one day I'll be there. When I am, maybe I can get Nix to come out and play with me.

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

if it makes you feel any better, i'm stuck here in the snow! and i somehow got raspberry jam all over wouldn't happen to know how that happened would ya? wink

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Raspberry Jam? I have no idea what you are talking about Pounce ubbangel biggrin

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Gidg, I just read that you preform professinally and your their chanter!!! I used to do the same for my kapahaka group!! (maori preformance) oh sweetie... I feel such a wee little kinship for you!!!! hug hug

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

ok so now that we are out of earshot of Mand's room.....


so who do you think we could blame it on? oh wait, i'm supposed to be in charge. hmmm, oh! oh! oh! i could just say that i was tied up in my room when it happened! that's believable! oh wait, i think i'd actually like to do that. hehe.

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA


*runs in and glomps Gidg* hug

just thought i'd drop by and say hi.... biggrin

*leaves Gidg several plates of cookies, drags in a new page, then skips out humming happily*

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey Gidg!
Looks like I'm going to be back in Oz around the time you visit! Although, I have agreed to go 'bush' for two weeks in March! See if I get into any boxing-matches with kangaroos!
Was wonderful to see the sharks at the aquarium the other day. And guess what? They do have seals to club in Australia! wink

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Ask Gidg about her experiences at Band Camp! wink tongue ubbloco

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

hehe, vanize said something along those lines in my thread....well not about gidg tho ubblol

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


telicI don't want a title.
940 posts

Heya, Gidg! I missed you, so I stopped by to say hello. hug kiss

E pluribus unum, baby.

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

I bought you a new pressie... hope you like it

Non-Https Image Link

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

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