Torch Poi

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Torch Poi

By Malcolm Crawshay, Home of Poi
A cross between a club/swinging torch and poi.

What is Torch Poi?

Part Poi and part torch. Club and Torch swinging involves a very short stick with handle and a wick for Fire at the far end.

This enables you too stop the swing at any point and change direction with ease. Certainly a more direct and controlled Fire Head which is unaffected by gravity or flexibility from a chain or cord.

To increase the moves available to the Torch a small length of chain is added to the end of the torch handle followed by a standard Poi handle.

You can now easily switch between Poi style and Torch styles of movement by swapping from the torch handle to the Poi Handles.

Opening up further the range of movement available and enabling you to extend your skill base.


Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
10th November, 2023

fire eating
"these fire eating tourch are amazing, so easy to use, and light, good fire tho"
Lizvinas, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Nov 2019

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
4th April, 2020

"They re exactly what you expect. Very well made and the perfect size for a newer fire performer."
Aaronisbal, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Feb 2020

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
19th March, 2020

"I finally found a pair of torches that i actually feel comfortable eating with. So much less intimidaging than 2 wicks"
Liz, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Mar 2017

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
28th February, 2020

simple + effective
"these torches are simple, effective, no frills, and perfect for quick interludes or lighting large fire props (hoops, umbrellas) or for a lighting station at a fire jam. we bought them for all the participants for our Ignite Your Inner Flame retreat in Costa Rica and they went over so well!"
simple + effective
Gaea, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
GOLD Member since Dec 2019

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
27th February, 2020

Perfect for eating!
"I'm new to the fire world and was looking for something that could serve as a practice prop before I upgrade to something bigger. This wand is perfect. Not too small or too big. The quality is nice and very well put together."
Behringer, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jan 2020

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
15th November, 2019

"Home of POI never disappoint. I ve been looking for small wicked sticks for vapour tricks for a long time now and finally got my hands on these. They re perfect and so reasonable, will definitely be ordering more."
Leonie, Ireland.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jan 2012

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
26th October, 2019

Fire Sticks
"Used lamp oil was exactly as described. Wish they were a little longer but worked for the photoshoot I did. Easy 2 extinguish just blow out."
Fire Sticks
Mel, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Sep 2019

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
10th August, 2019

What more could you ask for?
"These little marshmallows on sticks are the perfect price, pre-made, nice size for eating and are light and durable. 100 perfect for what they are"
Exitslashi, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Mar 2016

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
3rd November, 2017

Perfect Size!
"These fire wands came so quickly and are just what I was looking for! The wicks are a perfect size for me as I am just getting started with fire eating. Thank Home of Poi!"
Cunningham, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jul 2017

Wire Fire Wand with 1inch 25mm head  
8th September, 2017

"Great size wick, thin lightweight handle, no exposed metal bits so no burning! Really easy to use and perfect for beginners to experienced fire eaters! Highly recommend these to anyone!"
Veronica, United Kingdom.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Jun 2017