Forums > Other Toys > The official HOP juggling "I just learnt a new move" thread

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15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Well, seeing as we are starting to take over the

"Offical HOP "I just learnt a new move" thread", I thought we should contain this bit just to jugglerisng and the throwing and dropping of balls, clubs, rings and other miscellaneous juggling props.

Today I mothered learning 441.

I had a few throws of 531 but only 1 catch. I think my 5 is too high.

Note for the mods: I DEMAND on behalf of the jugglers on this site, as has been done with the aforementioned "Poi moves thread", that this one is made a sticky thread.

Otherwise its just favouritism really....

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Describe it? If you can....

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

meshunderlayBRONZE Member
612 posts
Location: Hicksville, New York, USA

I would say.....

A 3 ball side-switching half mess with over the top clawed takeouts.... In siteswap "333..." Kind of.

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

I made a video! I suppose they're not moves I "just learnt", but they're towards the limits of my current ability.

There will be less balls and more new things in the next video, I promise. wink

Juggle 'til I drop!

hexagonicClubbles Jugs
1,687 posts
Location: Manchester

this video isn't about poorly executed juggling patterns - more juggling patterns that aren't amazingly filmed. The patterns are good in themselves and I don't see too many glaring technical errors in your technique - no wobbly feet/bad posture etc. Nice juggling Mike!

here's me smile 5 years ago smile

ah wah wah wah a wah wah

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

yay! for old footage wink

And it's still all better than my attempts last night at learning 2 handed tapbacks with clubs frown Right hand is getting there but the left hand is just a mess laugh3

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

Woooo! 10 ball 2 count grin

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

Originally Posted By: hexagonicthis video isn't about poorly executed juggling patterns - more juggling patterns that aren't amazingly filmed. The patterns are good in themselves and I don't see too many glaring technical errors in your technique - no wobbly feet/bad posture etc. Nice juggling Mike!

here's me smile 5 years ago smile

Thanks, man.

You were really good 5 years ago; you must be insanely amazing now!

Juggle 'til I drop!

willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

Last night we managed a 2-person 8-ball shower. Started with one person holding all 8, showered them out to the other for a qualify and ended up with the other person catching them all.

Really liking ball passing at the moment!

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

ecaBRONZE Member
197 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

Just learned the inner arm roll inside pass, it's sloppy, but I can do it grin

"Think of the pussy, Weevil."
"What's a pussy-weevil?"

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

clap Nice

getting continuous tap backs, one sided tap backs and 1 club tap backs now smile
Left hand is now under control!

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

ecaBRONZE Member
197 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

I've a toss question for y'all: why does everyone say the 3b cascade is easier than the 3b shower? I've been able to do the 3b shower for years but can't do the cascade for the life of me.

"Think of the pussy, Weevil."
"What's a pussy-weevil?"

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

Just the way you were taught I would think. The problem now would be breaking the bad habit of always doing an across throw with probably your left hand and teaching it to always throw in an upward motion to get the cascade down, so may take longer to teach/learn it than someone who has't learnt to juggle a shower pattern.

I always find it easier teaching someone the cascade if they haven't first said "Look I can juggle" and proceeded to do the common 2 ball shower, as they always struggle to remember to throw upwards under pressure to catch.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Mynci: I get them to start with their other hand in that case. Once they get used to it, stuff goes better.

eca: The cascade is easier to make slower than a shower is, so it *should* be easier to learn. I have met someone who swore blind I was wrong and a shower was easier, but he could not really hold the (shower) pattern anyway.


'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

I just learnt how to be even more of a geek:

Juggle 'til I drop!

ecaBRONZE Member
197 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

I'm getting closer to being able to do a 3b cascade... Oddly, regardless of which hand I start with, I can't seem to catch the middle ball.

Any advice?

"Think of the pussy, Weevil."
"What's a pussy-weevil?"

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Practice with two?

Yay! Just made 11 sets of 3 water-filled tennis balls for stuff. smile

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

ecaBRONZE Member
197 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

I don't have any issues with just two balls, when I add that third one though, I almost always miss the second catch.

"Think of the pussy, Weevil."
"What's a pussy-weevil?"

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

This probably sounds stupid, but (trust me) it's not.


Aaaaand forget about the third catch. The third catch doesn't matter. Do exactly as you do with two and just throw away the third ball. When you're super comfortable making two catches and a third throw then you can start to think about catching that third throw.

Doing things in a logical order ftw, yo!

Juggle 'til I drop!

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

Did lots of pirouette tricks starting from my opposite hand and spinning the opposite direction today. Will try to develop bidirectional pirouette combinations in the future.

Juggle 'til I drop!

MiKe7Gravity's Favourite
124 posts
Location: Cardiff

Got some 3 club 3 up 360's.

Why does everything have to be so much harder with clubs? Hahaha.

I've also been doing 423 on flats but with single spin 2's. It's quite addictive.

Oh yeah, and I learnt romeo's revenge from a youtube tutorial. It's quite nice and really easy to learn if you can already do rubenstein's. It's been soooooo long since I learnt a 3 ball pattern that has a non-descriptive name!

Juggle 'til I drop!

triptricianSILVER Member
UFO Spotting
350 posts
Location: Queensland, Australia

my juggling journey begins when the post man comes with me goods

would rather have a bottle-in-front-of-me than a frontal lobotomy

"The dangers of life are infinate and among them is safety"(geothe)

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa


Juggling is awesome. Done more of that than poi this year. Getting to be a decent three ball juggler too. smile

Still some stuff I need to work on, but have not bothered since uni is distracting.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

triptricianSILVER Member
UFO Spotting
350 posts
Location: Queensland, Australia

I am going to uni next year so I want to cram in as much juggling, poi etc in before i fall into the same boat as you aston.

would rather have a bottle-in-front-of-me than a frontal lobotomy

"The dangers of life are infinate and among them is safety"(geothe)

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Depending on how you manage things, you may have enough time. I learned all of this stuff in university, currently in my honours year.

Uni in my last post was short for unicycle. wink
Although the other one is keeping me busy too.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

ecaBRONZE Member
197 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA

Finally getting the hang of the 3 ball cascade. Current record is 9 catches.

With that said, what's next? Obviously keep working on my cascade, but what's another good beginner pattern for 3 ball?

"Think of the pussy, Weevil."
"What's a pussy-weevil?"

willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

Get started on the reverse cascade, it'll open the way for a few tricks, including mills mess.

2 in one hand - make sure you keep in plane or you'll have to relearn it later!

Learn to do the cascade slowly and above head height, and learn flashes at the same height, will set you up for more balls, spins and body throws


Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Got another fun three ball multiplex thing. Crossed arms, two in bottom hand facing up, one in top in claw. Throw everything up so that the three balls form a horizontal line, with both hands following along.
Pick the middle ball out with your top hand, grab the ball that was in the top hand with the other from below.
Drop your hands, crossing them the other way and catching the third ball in the hand that was on top, either on the way down or let it drop into it.

You can reverse this and have the two balls held on top in claw, but it is a little tricksier.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

Oooh, me'like smile

Just had a little play and it will work if you have the lower (multiplex) hand in contortion position, once you grab the last ball at the end just carry on the movement round your back and you're back to the mirror of where you started. Its going in my trick-bag fo'sho!

Edit: You need to move the hand that starts in contortion back round your front as soon as you throw obviously, or you'll end up tied in a confused knot...
EDITED_BY: willworkforfoodjnr (1281095280)

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Contortion? This is an arm behind your back, yes?

Will have to try this one....

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

willworkforfoodjnrSILVER Member
Hunting robot foxes
1,046 posts
Location: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England (UK)

Yup yup yup!

Working hard to be a wandering hippie layabout. Ten years down, five to go!

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