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FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Another volunteer for pudding!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

spam bots, necro bumps, newbie trash talk..

How far this can go ?

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Why did the subject of my email notification come up as "Watched Topic: I don't care"???

I do care about winning. I really do.

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Let's make accusations and find facts later!

Nupo did something to HoP's notifications system! Hang him by his thumbs and tickle his belly with feathers!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts


Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

It's clearly all nupo's fault!
Burn the witch!!

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Ninja HelixDestroyer of ceiling light fixtures
2 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Nupo just want some fun so don't be rude please..

I'm like totally ninja, and stuff, look at my awesome spinniness.

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Dude! You complain about rudeness while you steal my name?!?
How rude is that?

I'll have you know there are many worse things on this thread than burning people alive, like when Fugee turned man in the mask into man in the cream and cherry, and then fed him to me. It's like one page back.

All in good fun.

You should try the popcorn, and then you'll see peace

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Ninja HelixDestroyer of ceiling light fixtures
2 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa


You are taking it too seriously .. you made like 50 posts
total and half in this game. You can't remeber this
board alive.

Stealing your name ? You simply don't get it. It's not about
stealing it's about how this board is in a mess, rubbished
every day.

Targeted by bots, without moderating, bugged and just
robbed out. You want to win ? You just lost already.

I'm like totally ninja, and stuff, look at my awesome spinniness.

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Wow dude. You think this is serious?

What does "remeber this board alive" mean, exactly?

Show me a single bot post on this thread. go on. I dare you.

Copying my profile is rude though. There's no reason to be an [censored]. We're just having a laugh. Why copy my profile anyways? Fugee is the one who actually won the last game in the end.

The crap we talk on this thread is one of the only things that keeps me coming back to HoP forums.

Also. I like to win. The more I win the better

EDITED_BY: NinjaHelix (1354544842)

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

And, btw. Every time you post, I win, because you're so adamant that you want to be posting for me now.

So there. I win.

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Moving forward... Imposter NH, thank you for your opinions and hacking skills. You've received a reaction. I hope you feel as though you've achieved.... something. Perhaps, the days gone by will return eventually, please lighten up.

Dunks, you need to get back on your meds bro. All this arguing with yourself can't be healthy! grin

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Oh yeh. That's what I was forgetting... I keep talking to myself. It's not a good sign.

Quickly! Get me some popcorn!

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

Arrrgh... all right, have fun..

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

You can have some popcorn too nupo beerchug
It's good for you. It extends life and stuff crazy

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

beaniebobGOLD Member
casually noob tech poi spinrar
155 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

There are actually a few spam bots floating around the place, yo. Usually they make one or two posts/necros and then stop, not sure if they're being banned or anything, but these things just keep making new accounts and such anyways.

Have there actually ever been any mods in the HoP forums? I haven't really been around that long, but I've only ever seen the HoP peeps (who are naturally admins).

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

I'm not sure. I think it might just be the HoP peeps that are mods, but they don't check every post/thread. If you click the notify link on a post you can report spam and all that, and then someone will look at it.

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

There were moderators active in the beginning in 2001-2004,
there are no core memebers from 2007.

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Has anyone tried invoking with incantations... Cursing will often summon Pele, Durbs, Charles, ect.

Perhaps, even try climbing Mount HoP and tossing a virgin into its firey maw?

We can begin the ritual with popcorn!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

There are not here anymore. You know, it's hard to accept, but this board is dead alredy.

Maybe it's just stereotipe that I'm still here or maybe I won't accept the fact
that the commnity changed or maybe I still believe that Malcolm will soon
release the new one and everything will start again.

I will wait..

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

But you've only been here since April nupo O_o
Maybe you had another account before?

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Nupo has been a lurker since 2002 under various names.

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

beaniebobGOLD Member
casually noob tech poi spinrar
155 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

I know from stalking Pele's profile page that she was active up till 2010, and made one post in early 2011, dunno about the others though.

I wonder if Malcolm and the other HoP peeps would consider spawning forth a new generation of mods? Seeing as they probably have better and more important things to do than police the forum for spam all the time...

"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error."

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

Hopefuly this board will rest in peace and Malcolm will finaly
relaese the new one so people can start again !

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Nupo, your posts are very despondent. There are a great many factors involved in HoP being slow and less active these days. There is an economic down turn in much of this world, that tends to shift the focus of many. My bet is that once people rediscover either themselves as performers, or new leisurely time, this board will come back to life, but nothing is certain. Keep HoP alive through the down time by raising awareness and gear purchases!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

Man_in_the_maskBRONZE Member
specializes in the potentially insane
130 posts
Location: California, USA

what? i leave for a bit and youve already got me covered in cream and cherries and convinced NH to eat me? doesnt sound awkward or wrong at all lol

"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin..."

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

The moral of this story seems to be....

Don't leave HoP!

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

The game is already over.. people here are eithter newbs
not knowing the fact or bored old lazies.

Realy I don't know what I'm doing here. There is no fun,
no knowledge shared, no people with an interest.

It's only nostalgia and I'm pretty sure the right things
are happening elesewhere. But cause I'm not in the main-
stream anymore I can rest it peace here too.

I don't know what I' will do when the boead ends, I'm
here from early 2002 and I 'cant imagine better place
to go to be with peoaple with same interest in spinning.

The point is not don't leave HoP, but don't stop
spinning ! grin

FugeeBRONZE Member
Cooler than bubblegum!
2,501 posts
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

I remember the end of the last game... fondly.

Things change, to be brash. Nupo take this however you want, but if you only feel negative about this forum, make tracks or breath new life mate. I can remember a good deal of activity on the boards but little from any of your alleged aliases.

Please quit being negative, you're not helping your psuedo cause. As far as 'newbs' go, without them, there would be no future. HoP will take all the 'newbs' it can get(they're tasty when cooked properly), old lazies too.

Troll the 'old lazies' on facebook. They're still around and active on that medium.

The popcorn extends life... The popcorn expands consciousness...

nupoCarpal \'Tunnel
9,576 posts

First I'm perfectly fine, but also I'm expecting promisses to be
satified. I'm refereing here to Malcolms proclaimed development
on new website.

Second since the board is not active from 2007 I'm not sure
what deal of activity are you talking about ?

I hope you are not here only 'to win', but I haven't seen
discussion for ages.

There are people posting banal questions in wrong categories,
videos of lame quality, post withtout care of reapling.

For god sake ,this was IDSCUSSION FORUM, not I don't want
to talk to anyone, but grab all I can for free forum.

That's it, not to mention the technical state. Even new
people can't safe the site if it's not correctly maintained.

But I also agree that discussion is not the right platform
anymore, cause people don't want to talk.

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