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RicheeBRONZE Member
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Notcomelan3 turning,

that has wall plane similar to inversion.




AkeluGOLD Member
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Location: Australia

Originally Posted By: Sister Eleven And if I get it soon I'll be the only spinner I know in person who can actually do it. So what I'm getting at is I might need to borrow the Lab's high speed camera for a tutorial when I get it.

Here, i dont have a high speed camera but this should show you whats happening

any_suggestionsGOLD Member
238 posts
Location: wales,llanelli in the south

i can do this and some varitions,ill go and make a quick vid of it and put a link up,i dont know if it will be any good but ill give it a go!its so nice to do!

to many freaks to little circuses!

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Finally got my first six or so butterfloops, but I can't sustain them. I actually have the same problem I have with same hand butterflies: they'll tilt off to my left and either hit my arm or each other. I'm not sure if I just drive them wrong, or if there's some distortion in my normal butterfly that makes it go wonky when they have the same drive point. But at least I also figured how to get out of them pretty quickly.

EDIT: I'll let you know if there's any word on that high speed camera...
EDITED_BY: Sister Eleven (1262142587)
EDIT_REASON: see edit note


stillhumanSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: Berkeley, California, USA

3bt crossers... can't visualize it but i will give it a try. is it in butterfly or same direction?

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

The closest thing I can figure to a three beat crosser is actually a crosser version of a wheelplane meltdown, which is itself just a crosser turn back and forth. But besides doing a weave off to one side with a crosser arm position most of the time, I have a hard time picturing other ways of putting beats into something crosser-like.


Magic Monkey Juice
252 posts
Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)

It's been a while since I updated on here. Really feel like I have made some breakthroughs lately.

Have been playing with loads of butterfly variations recently. Got my butterfly/nunchuck stalls down, wallplane butterfly flowers,w/ extentions, butterflys to caps, butterfly w/ floaters, antispin butterfly flower variations. All both forwards and reverse

Got whip catches down a few days ago too, still a little sloppy, but feels like a massive achievment.

Got lots of floaters down, which is leading on to cat eye stuff.

Isolation/extention hybrids (only touching the surface of this though).

It's taken some time, but I am finally a lot more confident with my crossers/huggies, both forward and reverse, now to get turning with them

Buzzsaw stalls, buzzsaw flower w/ extentions.

Got standard 4 petal antispin flowers a lot cleaner now, working on getting it backwards too so I can turn with it. Also been playing with different amounts of petals, as well as petal/extentions too.

A few different CAP variations.

Been playing with the wallplane flower/isolation "stretchy poi" stuff too.

Been messing about with the "prayer move" lols too.

Lots of stall work, my vertical stalls are much much cleaner, split time stalls need some work but are getting there.

Picked up the Nevisoul continuious spiral wrap the other day too smile

During the colder months I have geeked out on learning and going over all my individual "moves" as I am limited in the amount of space I can utilize in my room, can't wait to see what summer brings smile

Quite a productive spinning month for me. Am nearly reaching my 1st poi birthday (poithday?) too ;D

Would like to spend some time on BTB stuff, but just don't have the space... Oh well, I'll learn waist wrappy stuff when spring comes smile
EDITED_BY: T-S-A (1262752301)

"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
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Location: South Africa

Nice work. grin


'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

Time to update, I learned many things:
Turning with crossers
Dodging daggers
Cateye/extension hybrid (makes a giant full cat eye shape)
Inspin flower pirouettes
Btb CAPS thing I saw Nevisoul do and thought was really cool
Shotgun spiral
Making a little prgress on silly walk
Pirouetting cleanly in place
wierd wallplane flower same direction split time hands together but it goes in a continous circle
Wallplane flowers with extensions
Butterfly inspin wallplane fower (happy about this one grin )
Wierd waitwrap type thingy I made up (A 360 waistwrap has 3 different positions, this one has 4)
Picking up much better footwork courtesy of a great quality video of Nevisoul (thank you person in audience with a good camera) grin
Getting forward antispin flower so I can spin with it
Pirouette with extension in place
Butterfly reel thing I made up
Very much cleaned up my triquetra by forcing my hands together
Learned some good things that go together and made some cool transitions, like my butterfly reel thing into a butterfly wallplane inspin flower to splittime butterfly extentsion to horizontal whirl to sametime extention and I want to add antispin stuff but I can't spin with antispin yet.
I learned all the 1.5 beat stuff I can think of (one spinning, one pendulum)
And I'm going back and learning all the stuff I couldn't do both directions in the other direction, example being 4x4 fountain just today grin
And I think that's it.
Edit: I forgot the stretching circles stuff grin
EDITED_BY: SpinnerofDetroit (1262814019)

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

stillhumanSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: Berkeley, California, USA

i'm so close to butterflooping zan's diamond. kind of a pointless trick, but still fun.

i'm also working on unit circle hybrid weaves thanks to charlies cateye weave video.


Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Just got a 3bt butterfly weave. I'd known it could be done, but finally seeing someone else do it helped me figure out the awkward cadence.

Also figured out a few flowery pendulum transitions, which at least provide some fun direction-changing turns and elaborate pseudo-weaves.


SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I can do it, it feels odd, but I generally don't use butterfly weave. But what's that thing called when you take the butterfly weave and turn with it on a wallplane? I think it was Pacman something. Although if I got firesnakes, I could really make it look like Pacman ^^ As for me I learned hybrid crossers, another wallplane pendulum move, reverse pendulum weave, a thing with I think it's called beatswitch, you have like same direction splittime angel wings and you bring it in front and put your hands together and spin, keeping your hands in the same spot while you spin. I know it was on Nevisouls "New/Old Poi Stuff" video. Also, I love the combo, haven't gotten to do outside which means not really much at all, I can way shorten them up along with my arms though, going from inspin butterfly wallplane flower, to splittime butterfly extensions while whirling, to hirizontal whirling, to vertical same direction whirling. I've been working more on transitions that don't require much space lately too.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Yeah, the 3bt butterfly weave was really more a proof of concept thing. The two beat version is really much more appealing and fun to work with.

On an unrelated note, I got an isolation/extension hybrid today. This is offset by the fact that I seem to be unable to duplicate my early success with antispin turns tongue2


anelaenin the sky
30 posts
Location: boulder, co

CAPS forward/back and turns,
TTN behind my head
one handed butterfly, throw one poi and catch behind my back


"you have to imagine the impossible is merely preposterous"

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I can almost do antispin turns
Nevisoul's "Huggieisolationovertheheadcombo" oh my god I love the feel so much, you have to try it if you haven't grin
Nevisoul's "Isolation something" from his New/Old Poi Stuff video
Nevisoul's continuous spiral
Monkeyjump and stalls that go with it
More playing with Beatswitch
Making more progress on wrapping in the middle of spinning different things, have to say, more worth learning than I originally thought
Touched some on a Atomic Waistwrap having difficulty repeating it consistency though
Wallplane flower, arms splittime butterfly, poi same direction, one an extention, other antispin
Getting really good with linear isolations just because I love the look of pulling apart circles, it's so mystifying O_O
Hybrid crossers
Btb crossers
Isolation-trifoil hybrid
Great improvement on footwork even though I haven't been working on it smirk
With all these things I've learned, it's opened up so much for dance grin

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

ladyleoSILVER Member
26 posts
Location: USA

The 3 bt atomic weave.

This opens up a whole new chapter, no, volume, of my poi world.

Thank you very much to Nick Cann, Alienjon, and others who commented on the "atomics" thread.

Smurf24029GOLD Member
Poi Master Smurf
343 posts
Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA

I dunno if this is super new or nothing but it is something I came up with without the help of the internet in anyway. I have worked on inverted weaves and the real straight jacket for a while now and that helped me learn thing.

I like to call it an Inverted Fountain. When it comes to the transfer between the top and the bottom I invert it between my arms like any other inversion. Hard thing about it is that the top inversion im fighting gravity and it makes the exit messy

Fly High
Spin Hard
Don't Stop

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Figured out not-1.5s with pendulums in opposite hand (harder than it looks, by golly). Also figured out a couple of smooth, head-cocking transitions between some simple wallplane not-1.5-ish things I've known in a transitionless form for a while. Started being able to do the split time opposites stalls with one over the shoulder and one at the hip.


astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
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Location: South Africa

Originally Posted By: Sister ElevenFigured out not-1.5s with pendulums in opposite hand (harder than it looks, by golly).

Yeah. Was a bit odd to learn. I always forget I can do that.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Smurf24029GOLD Member
Poi Master Smurf
343 posts
Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA

ok so my style of learning new trick is i attempt it and if its "really hard" i kinda drop it for a period of time. As I continue to spin day in and day out i slowly progress in my technique. Then later as i progress i attempt the trick again and it seems much easier then before. This is how it is for me and CAPS. was bored at work smoking a cigarette and tried out doing and opposite CAPS so its has the anti spin petal in the same spot on both sides and it was just easy. so i got that down now tongue2

Also recently started experimenting with throwing both my poi at the same time. throws are a pain though tongue2

Also have been working with doing UTL in different ways. The basic one where it just shows up in your abdomen region for just a sec but behind me and in other directions.

Fly High
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Don't Stop

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

That's kinda how I work, too. I've sort of set a frustration threshold, and when I hit that threshold I back down into easier stuff and just jam for a bit, polish some things, try minor variations, etc. It means I learn a lot of new tricks in a more gradual fashion, but I think the hours I do put in go farther than they would if I just kept messing it up until I was just utterly irritated.

Oh, speaking of CAPs, I got the variation of the extension antispin CAP where one hand extends while the other antispins, in opposite directions. Didn't take as long to figure out as I was expecting.


16.15.8GOLD Member
I can´t think therefore I´m not
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Location: In my backpack, United Kingdom

Gaaaah, been so eager to get some pendulum/ 1.5´s in wallplane behind the back, FINALLY, the first one is down, moooore tongue2

"I don´t like shoes, definitely not spinning with shoes, they make my feet feel flat, my feet are not flat...."

leospoiSILVER Member
Poi explorer
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Yeah! those 1.5s are really fun and then you can just pirouette your body around them, etc

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

Originally Posted By: Sister ElevenThat's kinda how I work, too. I've sort of set a frustration threshold, and when I hit that threshold I back down into easier stuff and just jam for a bit, polish some things, try minor variations, etc. It means I learn a lot of new tricks in a more gradual fashion, but I think the hours I do put in go farther than they would if I just kept messing it up until I was just utterly irritated.

Oh, speaking of CAPs, I got the variation of the extension antispin CAP where one hand extends while the other antispins, in opposite directions. Didn't take as long to figure out as I was expecting.
^^ditto (including the CAPs thing)

Wallplane splittime butterfly extention/antispin flower hybrid
Transitioning from pendulums to wallplane butterfly motion
1.5's btb grin
Getting way too flexible btb
Polishing up certain things
Reverse lockout/beatswitch (what's the difference???)
Really cleaned up that "isolation something" I saw in Nevisoul's video
Finally learned enough stuff where I can break out in the music and not censored up by accidentally doing something I've never even practiced

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

joffjkDIAMOND Member
147 posts
Location: bangkok,london and somerset, Thailand

i was playing around with a weave with consisted of 1.5 into hyperloop into a throw back into the 1.5 hyperloop throw the hyperloop being the part which moves from one side of your body when i work out that you can do a weave consiting entirely of throws

GET IN i can now do a forward throwing weave

I love thinking in circles

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Originally Posted By: SpinnerofDetroit
^^ditto (including the CAPs thing)

There's nothing gradual about the way you learn anything tongue2

Originally Posted By: SpinnerofDetroitFinally learned enough stuff where I can break out in the music and not censored up by accidentally doing something I've never even practiced

I keep waiting to hit that point, but I still have a hard time using my full range or making certain things flow. I need to spend some serious time on my transitions, and break my habit of one-handed stalling (double stalls and pendulum tricks are much more elegant).

And to justify my posting here, I just figured out a couple of pirouettes I hadn't been able to manage before. Probably because I refused to listen to Nick Woolsey sooner.


SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

I may learn fast, but it's gonna be a while before it's polished

And I forgot, there's still a few things I need to learn to where I can breakout, I need to learn all the variations of going under my legs, and no matter how censored hard I try I can't even begin to do a butterfly waistwrap without ending in a massive tangle.

But, I've almost got a CAP where it's like changing direction on a triquetra, but you look to the side and have your hands on wheelplane instead of wallplane. It looks too badass for me not to learn grin

Also polishing up a recently learned CAP, it's kinda hard to explain but I'll try, I saw it in a video. Same pattern as basic CAP, poi going in same direction, one arm goes up then down, then stays down while the other goes up then down and I love the look so much grin it works well for a part of my favorite song.

And can anyone help me with my trying to learn splittime wheelplane stalls, but behind my back? I'm having troubles getting them back there and that statement about being able to break out how I want is not too true anymore after seeing another video. When i see a new video and moves I haven't seen, my mind tries to incorporate them, so I learn them and over time they polish. But a few things I just can't get. Such as all these different utl variations are pissing me off, and btb stalls are pissing me off.

Btw as far as transitions go, just try not to think about anything at all during a flow practice and see what happens grin Not sure if you already do it or not, also I tend to break moves down and see what other moves have similar components and try it out. I am just too curious for my own good tongue2

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Thankfully, trying to break down moves is something I've been doing from the beginning. As for flow practice, I don't seem to get anything out of it, technically speaking. Except insofar as I go "blah, I've done that same transition six times now" and stop the flow to go figure out something else to do tongue2 I have done cool stuff by accident, but only rarely.


SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

Yeah, I keep thinking I'm all good for a while, then I see a video and I go, ooh I have to learn that move/transition/combo.

Also haven't had a flow practice since we had a warm few days and all the snow melted, but now it's coming back smirk

Also, for finding good transitions I find it very helpful to look at videos of other people and look at some of what they do and try to learn that.

And for some unknown reason when I practice flow, I end up doing the same things, like I can't break out of the habits of weaves, fountains, and all that split/same stuff. Other things have been quite slowly working themselves in, but anyone know anyway to speed that up? Or is it just a long time deal?

Also, not sure if you ever use this, a helpful breaking down thing to think about is that same direction is butterfly from the side and if you can do some good quick plane transitioning you can make some nice transitions, I myself am trying to get it down to nature so when the fire comes I don't forget about it.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

Smurf24029GOLD Member
Poi Master Smurf
343 posts
Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA

So im extremely excited about this trick. Its the Antispin vs extension hybred. The one where it looks like your just moving a butterfly around but its more then that. Its makes me very very happy grin

Fly High
Spin Hard
Don't Stop

Magic Monkey Juice
252 posts
Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)

Just managed to get whip catches down lately smile

Same as most, have been slowing down my progress as it's got colder.

Have spent a lot of time playing with floaters and isolation trying to get them better.

Realised I can do meltdowns the other day, never really spent any time on them, just kinda did it and been able too sinse (sloppy hough).

"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"

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