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Location: Vancouver, B.C.

I like the rhythm you can get with the heart shaped circles, and related heart shaped circle with a circle in the middle. It's good for a nice accent on the bob down. I thought they wouldn't look too cool until I checked em out in the mirror with home made led thingys, and damn, it looked purdy neat!


AdeSILVER Member
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Quite like the heart circles. I like scatzs counting (so far ), and love the heart counting (1, to 2, then substitute 2 for a hand circle). Playing with alternating grips froom a heart circle to a hand circle. All in front at the moment, can't get the left wrist to submit to my will yet to try btb stuff

I'm getting used to scatzs language and terminology, and actually appreciate the precise nature of club swinging.

39 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

hello all you lovely club swingers!

have you ever noticed that when you're at a fire gathering and you another club swinger you do not know that so much more excitement comes from this than from the 100s of poiers everywhere? So I am happy to find all you lot going on about clubs here.

I reccommend Firefly swinging clubs from UK. Mine are quite short with detachable/ replaceable black plastice round knobs with beautiful anodized blue handles and extended burn time to five minutes plus.

Recently I have been doing strange moves like the one where you swing both to your side, one in front, one in back and swing to the other direction catching the torch under your arm and either continuing in a circle or switching hands. Probably didn't explain that too well. Or try doing one big circle reeeeeeeaaaallllyy slowly whilst at the same time maintaing normal speed with the other torch in the basic by yer side swing and switching. Lots of throws and lots of between your legs stuff. Pendulums and flourishes in swinging.

See I started through juggling, learnt cross follow with clubs did nothing more, learnt poi years ago and recently picked up clubs again and neglect my poi. Any of you lot in UK? I'm in Edinburgh.

cheerio, I


39 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

and I forgot to mention... contact club swinging I was learning some daft stuff from some Greek jugglers, 3 and 2 club manipulation...

but to anyone who's been near a juggling convention should be aware of this sort of thing


StoneGOLD Member
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Iandd welcome. Nice words, really cheery. It's great to know there is some real comrade out there

Iain, wot's this - led clubs? I was thinking of knocking up something for night use as we are in for another long fire season this year in oz. I have a heap of glowstix, so I will probably start with them and work up.

Juggleart, listed "Ice Pole" clubs (illuminated with led lights) in their catalogue. They were meant to come out in July 2001, but I don't think they ever made it. Must be time for a trip to the hardware for knobs, perspex and stuff. Another alternative is electro-illuminating wire.

Ade, it's meant to be easier to get those behind the shoulder circles, from full-arm circles in front. With the full arm-circles in front. Do right first, then left, then together (outward and inward). Sound familiar.

Ok, when you start doing them together, try crossing them in front. With the outward full-arm circles, just bend your arms a bit near the bottom of the circle, and your arms will cross in-front and then uncross in front of the face. When the arms uncross, you should nearly fall into the ring grip for the shoulder circles, behind.

The try them inwards, bending the arms a bit near the top of the full-arm circle (3/4), drop clubs with ring grip behind the shoulders, come forwards crossing in-front of the face and uncrossing in front of the knees. Then just combine, with upper fronts, lower fronts and lower backs for alternating butterfly type stuff. This inner one really helped me with staff.

Here are a few other full-arm circles to try. Pretty elementary, but fun and good practice. Try full-arm circles forwards and then backwards, by the sides. Just like swimming; Australian crawl and backstroke. Then try turning to go from fourstroke to backstroke (no two-strokes here).

The get em one arm going forwards, and the other going backwards, at the same time, still by the sides. Now try turning to the side and the clubs should cross in front for outward or inward arm circles. Keep turning. Back to the forestroke, then the arm circles in front, then backstroke. Try the other way.

Also, have listed some martial art type sites with historic club stuff, at the top of the thread. CU

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

AdeSILVER Member
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Nice one Stone! Thanks for the new links, no really

No two strokes hey? That'll kill cycle racing in this country

Hi Iandd - welcome to the thread! Love the comments on one fast, one slow, sounds lovely. The possibilities for club moves, transiations, variations, flourishes, stand stills, differing speeds is mindblowing!

Thanks for the shoulder circle tips Stone, and yes it does sound familiar. Getting there slowly. Playing with full arm circles with a hand circle at the hip (I think it's figure 7 in schatz), and heart circles with a shoulder circle. Very basic stuff, but I like to work on the foundation stuff first to get a solid gounding in that first.

Have had a go at playing with a basic snake combination - omfg they're cool, but are going to take a while to look any good

RoziSILVER Member
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I have discovered an underground circle of club-swingers in Glebe, Sydney. There were a couple there last night. One guys usually does breathing with his clubs & is starting to move with the clubs too. The other guy with the sweet accent, is a contact juggler & does the most amazing moves (he also has great technique with his crystal balls, but that is another story )

So Sydney-ite club swingers who can make it to Glebe, please do cos even more input is needed!!!

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What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

39 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

that's the problem that I cannot see how we can decently describe our moves with writing. Takes a lot of effort to visualise from words to clubs swinging round and round. Like try this: waist wrap behind the back bit not in front and when the clubs are on the left side make a big circle with your left arm and vice versa. Anyone understand that?

Probably just takes practise to understand these things. Has anyone seeb manipulation with three clubs?


StoneGOLD Member
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Ade, wot took you so long? Check out the library at the Jilling's site. She has some good tips on the outward shoulder snake.

Rozi, I'm bloody envious. Though, it's great to know there at least a few inspired souls out there. I try to make the odd hop meet-up when I'm in Melb, but it's a 3'5 hr trip one-way. Hope to hear about some great new tricks.

landd, too true. I can almost feel your frustration. Written descriptions are a pain, especially when everyone seems to have a different name for the same move. I think you understanding improves with practice. Btb ww, big circle on left etc. Yeah I follow that.

Tis a pity that the Jillings book is out of print as it would have been a good source. As an alternative, I suggested Schatz's book as a common denominator. It won't suit everybody, but it is freely available and cheap. I think Ade actually seem to "enjoys" reading it My copy has only just avoided the shredder, on a number of occasions.

Videos are about as good as it gets on the net at present, though I don't think you can beat going to a meet-up or having lessons. I think it should also be remembered that most of us are novices, though that mr glass knows a thing or two, and writes pretty good descriptions to boot. Concepts maybe as good as descriptions. Have you any suggestions???

I haven't seen manipulation with three clubs, but I'm intrigued. I'm not even sure what you mean by manipulation. Is it like pencil/coin manipulation, devil stix, contact juggling or rotating shafts on shafts (kinda like contact palm circles and ball spinning with shafts)? I really like the later, and have tried a bit of two shaft stuff. There is a bit of contact staff stuff in the staff thread.

landd, as a suggestion, perhaps you could start a dedicated thread on contact and manipulation. You never know where things will lead. I'm a staff person, but I've learnt a lot of poi since finding hop, and now I dabble all kinds of stuff including meteors and clubs. It just keeps getting better, especially for people like me who live in remote areas. Cheers

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

AdeSILVER Member
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Wow, what fun! I've been working on my left hand doing hip circles, to shoulder circles, to (??) to circles that go around your elbow (upper front circles I think) to ones rotating about the wrist, and back again. You can throw in a basic arm circle when it comes back to the hip circle. A few beats at each location, changing grips between the hip and shoulder circles (from a ring grip to the bathtub claw grip). Will put it all together in a day or two.

The Jillings site has a great step by step instruction, that was very easy for this little black duck to understand for snakes

Rozi - cool for the sydney club swingers! Is that with the glebe or macquarie crew?

What about the Richter (?) book - I saw it at the markets on the weekend, but ended up buying kevlar instead Is it worth getting? Schatz is hilarious at points - have you read the comments at the end on how to make it more physical, and how you can get your class huffing and puffing by the end? It's a hoot

StoneGOLD Member
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Ade, you're read the ending already? I think Richer's book is a good addition to any library. But it really depends on where you're at, Josh for instance didn't think much of it.

It has good basic info, including a comprehensive set of warm up exercises. Then it progresses from big circles through the shoulder circles, windmills, weaves, fountains, btb weave etc. and finishes with some good tips on throws.

It has some good training routines, and I think it makes the transition to Schatz a lot easier than jumping straight into Schatz.

Flick through it next time you're at the market. And as they say, give someone kevlar and the have a meal, give someone a book and the have a fishing fleet

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

RoziSILVER Member
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Glebe crew. We will have to see what we can do when the fire bans are lifted.

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What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

StoneGOLD Member
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Hi all, how's it going? Anyone, learnt any new moves or done anything interesting lately?

I been having a go at the snakes, and I think I've finally got the "hip spiral". A move that has caused me no end of grief. Anyhow, it's pretty simple so I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner.

So, for the outward hip spiral come around to the front (Schatz pic. 43) and start to do the first circle in the snake grip. Just before you complete the circle, you rotate the knob/shaft a bit so the club goes inside, kinda between your forearm and body. Voila the complete circle (Schatz pic. 48).

The next thing you know you're into the draw spirals. Which are really cool, dunno if the're Jedi, but they should look fantastic with doubles

Ok, question of the week. Wot's the difference between a waist wrap and a fountain????? ne1

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

AdeSILVER Member
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Hey Stone, been pretty busy finishing up my uni work for the year and making some new wicks and things, but have managed to get my left had to do what I want!! Joy of joys So am working with both hands doing circles etc, and just having fun. I've got the basic snake down now, and will try some more advanced ones over the next few weeks.

Probably will just stick with schatz for the time being (the richter one was sealed in plastic - so you couldn't puruse the contents )

Yeah, I've read schatz top to bottom a few times now (it's interesting reading on the train!), but that's just me. I'm one of the few people that read the instructions fully before doing anything

Have fun

StoneGOLD Member
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Hi Ade, good to hear you've driven that left hand/arm into submission. I suppose you are all set for a nice holiday after uni, with a bit of time to work on the snakes. I have trouble with my left hand, but funnily enough sometimes my left hand executes some moves better than the right, and I learn from both sides.

How's everyone going?

I had a fairly good weekend. I went fire twirling on Sat night and gave me clubs a bit of a run. I was happy coz I didn't stuff anywhere near as much a usual, but I couldn't throw into the snakes. More practice needed there. Those hip circles are great; you can survive on them, and I can't wait to start putting in a few snakes and spirals. One day.

I'm glad I'm learning clubs though, coz I really noticed that my hands were getting into position for circles, as I turn. The turns suck, but it waz nice to notice that at least the hands were getting there.

I waz watching this other guy who waz really good with poi. He had a beautiful flowing style, but I thought his hands let him down. I'm not being critical, just reckon with clubs you really have to learn the grips, and it sets you up for other work. This guy would be brilliant, with a bit more work on his hands. If you know what I mean.

I think glass has pretty much explained the difference b/t waist wraps and fountains in the waist wrap and jedi threads.

The waist wrap being a 2-beat move, with the 1st circle under the arm, 2nd belly button, 3rd under the other arm, with the carry/pass back to the start (123-carry/pass) The fountain being a 3-beat weave to reverse 3-beat weave. All in wall plane.

From wot I can gather, Schatz calls em fountains, where as everyone else call em waist wraps. I like glass's definition. It makes an important distinction b/t the 2 and 3 beat moves, and it fits in with the HOP poi definition.

I waz wondering if anyone feeds their clubs? I have some of those Mr Babache fire clubs. They have wooden knobs, aluminium shafts and cathedral wicks. I got a friend to turn up some extra knobs for me, and he said the knobs waz made of hickory, and suggested a bit a bee's wax polish or some linseed oil occasionally.

I not sure if that's a good idea, coz I don't won't em slipping out of me hands more than usual. The shafts are aluminium, so a bit of metal polish shines them up real nice. They really flash in the sunlight, and are not bad under lights either.

That about it, except for "The Question of the Month". Which for this month is: Wot's the difference b/t "the snakes" with clubs and the "double figure eight" with staff?" This one isn't rhetorical either, as I'm still in the process of figuring it out.

Happy swinging, catch ya next time

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

StoneGOLD Member
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Bump: How’s everyone going? Ade, Rozi you still hanging in there?

I noticed that Malcolm now stocks the The Book of Club Swinging by Ben Richter in the HOP shop. For those that are interested, I reckon it’s an excellent book, and definitely a prerequisite for Schatz.

Why club swing? I tried to explain one reason in my last post. But, arashi had it in one: Tight Planes. A comment he made after watching PK’s great fire and aerotech videos.

Catch ya next time

[ 03. December 2002, 15:32: Message edited by: Stone ]

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

RoziSILVER Member
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*adds new item to buying list*

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What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

AdeSILVER Member
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Hi Stone, Rozi

How's it goin, orright?

Where are you up to with the clubs?

I haven't picked up the clubs much lately. But I'm going on 5 weeks holidays as of next week, so I will playing to my heart's content. Have really decided that I need to get rid of the plastic clubs and invest in some real ones with a nice weight distribution

So I'll pop in with some updates on how it's going when I'm on holidays.


AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey just a quicky before my time is up here at the old Library

doing a fwd weave, as the crossing club comes up under your arm, throw it so it loops fwd reach around the other arm (which conitunes for a loop of giant fwd) and catch in a smooth weave like motion. Can be done in wall plane too, and rvs, and rvs action (rear uncrossed arm throws catch in crossed arm position and contnue...)

Saw a girl who was wicked on Clubs at the recent Manc. Jugglers Ball. She taught me this one, I made up the variations the next day

good luck!


StoneGOLD Member
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Hi Ade, Rozi, all. Josh good to see you. Neat trick, thanks

Ade, new clubs sound like good idea. It took me a ages to get used to torches, after the plastic clubs (smaller ball, narrow body, big wick). Let us know how it goes.

Something I noticed recently, was you can alter the orbit of large (arm) circles by twisting the knob around your palm, as you swing.

How are the "snakes" going?


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I would like to point out that as sweet as those vids are (and they are sweet! PK ), they arent examples of club twirling. PK is most definitely swinging those aerotechs as poi.

and also - I would support Stone's assertion that the Richter book is a good prerequiste to the more advanced Schatz book. The Richter text is MUCH easier to understand - and is a MUCH better start for beginners.

I reckon people should swing clubs because its more of a challenge to get a club routine looking smooth than it is to get a poi or staff routine to look smooth. I believe clubs take more skill, and definitely more physical prowess than Poi. (just my humble opinion).



[ 05. January 2003, 08:20: Message edited by: [Josh] ]

RoziSILVER Member
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My copy of the Richter book has arrived, and I love it. I have been terrifying the neighbours by practicing in my lounge room. I live in an apartment block so the sounds of me dropping clubs must be a great accompaniment to the evening meal.

Have you tried the opposites move on p58? (if you haven't and have no idea what I am talking about, please ask and I will post the full explanation). Discovered that you can translate this one to poi as well. If you do a giant split time reverse butterfly, you have got the basic move. Then you just have to throw in the "shoulder circle" like a one handed chasing the sun. It looks pretty good (although it looks better with clubs right now.)

The potential for cross over of moves between clubs and other toys is massive. (now I just have to figure out how to do wraps with clubs )

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

pkBRONZE Member
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cheers stone for the input on my flicks, glad people enjoyed them, over 300 downloads logged from each video.
in the thread, if people check it out i added not so long back a small clip of snakes as there seemed to be a little confussion on what they were and if they were poi related. in relation to poi it would be some sort of isolation, but lets not get into that here.

as far as i am concerned with club swinging, i do partake once in a blue moon, simple reason being my wrists become disslocated and pop out of their sockets if i club swing for long, eventualy from tightening up transitions with my poi my wrists will become supple enough for me to swing with no problems. its getting better.

what are nice to spin are the aerotech juggling clubs retailing £190 each.. if only
oh well at least i got to have a go once.

as regards to moves i have read here i am completely lost, some i understand most i dont, i'm not a club swinger, i just enjoy the company of 2 clubs.

maybe when i have some cash i will buy some practice clubs and a book... damn theres so much i'd like to buy right now, but i have no job

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
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Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

aerotech p2 clubs have just undergone a price drop - they now start @ £123 each.
now they're cheap, lets all go get 9 each!

the old style gloclubs (like pk's ones) are gorgeous for swinging - i think i prefer using them like clubs than as poi even though i can only do like ten decent swinging moves!

by the way pk - i never did get to see that snakes clip due to the dodgy link . i would expect that unless you have had feedback, no-one else has either.

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
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Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

Originally posted by Stone:
Ok, question of the week. Wot's the difference between a waist wrap and a fountain?
i've been watching the gandini dvd recently and have really taken to their naming of moves - cross-follow instead of weave etc.
but this is beside the point...

when it comes to the waistwraps, what we call front waistwraps, they refer to as lower fountains. they also do these high (above shoulders, replacing the waist with the head), still with the 1-2-3-carry counting (upper fountains).

a full fountain as they show it starts (all in wall plane) spinning forward 2bt cross-follow on the right hand side, behind your body and goes across the body in front to behind the left hip in reverse cf. then it goes up behind on the left hand side to behind the left shoulder, across the body in front of the face to behind the right shoulder, then down behind on the right from shoulder to hip (which is back to the the start position).
all of this is spun with your arms moving in a large circle around you.

according to an extremely reliable source, the counting on this section is very dubious.
i am *very* bad with understanding counting systems as i have thus far paid them no attention, however the move itself is spun perfectly on the dvd.

for a waistwrap they show what we have been referring to on hop as a 'full waistwrap'. ie a back waistwrap, a simultaneous in front and behind carry into a front waistwrap, followed by the opposite carry's, back into the btb ww.
probably my favourite move right now even though i do spin it sloppy as you like.
now to work on the other 3 variations...

oh yeah, i meant to say at the start, stop me if i'm wrong

[ 21. May 2003, 21:34: Message edited by: coleman ]

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

pkBRONZE Member
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ok the snake flick doesnt work any more, its on a yahoo server and a lost the original when i lost my harddrive last week. i have started on making some new flicks that i will post, one is ready and i should upload it later as it seems i have nothing better to do tonight, then again eastenders might be on haha.
right i'm off more footage to look over and get my head round.

StoneGOLD Member
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Good to see a bit of club action

Hi Josh, how's it going? I think I got carried away by those vid's. Anyhow, I was wondering if you do that 4-beat waistwrap, you mentioned in the poi section, with clubs? Like you can't wrap, and (hope I've got the right move) it's devilish tricky to do the reverse bit with clubs.

Go, Rozi hope your neighbours are cool. A lot of clubs moves will cross to poi, perhaps even wraps with clubs or snakes with poi To be honest, I'm not that good at opposites. It’s a nice move, but I'm still working on the timing. Have you tried any of those large circle combinations in Richer?

The videos are enjoyable PK, and the settings really add to the feel, like in col 3. Those aerotech juggling clubs sound nice, but phew, too rich for me. I'm gunna try putting a l.e.d in one end of some braided fuel hose, and a cupboard knob in the other, and we'll see how it goes.

I reckon you probably know a lot of the club moves, its just the names are different (familiar story). Although, one thing about clubs is that you generally start with a lot of long arm stuff, and really learn about body parts like shoulders, elbows and wrists. They were/are used for physical education training, gymnastics and stuff (war clubs?).

Hey Coleman, interesting stuff on the gandini names. I've only seen their demo, which has the full fountain, but it hasn't helped my counting Have you checked out of Diana's description? (link on first page)

That bit about the "full waistwrap" was interesting. I haven't tried it, but I get the idea of "simultaneous in front and behind carry into a front waistwrap". But what's a "opposite carry"?

So, for some extremely frivolous information on waistwraps. Schatz calls em fountains. Like lower, upper, full and behind the back fountains. Then he joins them up viz:
Going to the right
Upper to lower fountain. Do an extra circle with the right, in front of the left shoulder.
Lower to upper fountain. Do an extra circle in front of hip with right (front of waist right/front).
Lower front to lower back, bring left arm over back.
Lower back to lower front, pass left arm over front instead of back.
To the right then to the left. Change direction (haven't tried that yet).

He does the upper fountain "in-front" of the head (another variation). You can add a peak by taking the circles in-front of the head, to behind-the-head and then by reaching-up, for circles above the head. After that, you just keep adding stuff like tangles (tie-the knot, twisters), double tangles, under-over, and snakes etc etc for, as Schatz says "combinations of indefinite number" or something like that.

Long post. Hope at least some of it that makes sense.

Cheers, for now

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hi Stone! nice to see some of us old timers are still around

I can *kinda* do the 4-beat WW with clubs, but only if I hold them right at my finger tips - and its not pretty

The wrap is only neccessary when learning the 4-beat WW, the technique can be done once your wrists get used to the action.

Oh yeah - the trick called 'The Swing Thing' in the Richter book? thats the one I briefly tried to describe earlier in this thread (it just clicked!) I think... I didnt bring that book with me to the UK so I cant check.


RoziSILVER Member
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I have really got to work on my throws. I have never been any good at all at juggling, so this is going to be interesting.

I know it is slightly different, because you can make throwing one club and catching it in the same hand look realy spectacular just by combining it with other moves, but I know I need to get the timing right.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

StoneGOLD Member
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Thanks Josh, I was wondering about that rev 4-beat. I find it pretty tough going. Have you tried the ring grip, instead of using your fingers? Suspect there are more beats out the back, so to say. And hey, I thought that juggling trick was the "swing thing", but you added to it, which was pretty neat.

Rozi, I'm not much of a juggler either and mainly concentrate on catching fly aways, but there're a number of juggling tricks near the back of the Richer book.

Coleman, I just been reading Michal's book on poi*spinning and hey all the stuff about waist wraps started to make sense. Seems like I'd been undestimated the significance of the carry

Have you had a go at the snakes? Slippery suckers! Now, I'm not an expert or anything, but I find learning the snakes is about learning about body movements, as well as the wrist. So, the best description I've seen on snake type moves was by Pere in a staff thread on rev shoulder rolls. I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her wisdom here, because it make a lot of sense.

The coiling the wrist thing is not really what I meant by the snake arms thing, which is a middleastern dance/bellydance/raks sharki whatever PC name you want to call it move.

The snake arm is seemingly always taught with the admonition "shoulder, elbow, wrist, and down! shoulder, elbow, wrist, and down!" which is sort of the same thing you do with the above mentioned staff move. To get it smooth you have to roll your shoulder forward to get your elbow to come up and then roll your forearm to get your wrist over the top in that sort of seamless snaky way. You do it with both arms and they say the visualization is sort of like you are rolling a marble down your arm from one finger to the other finger.

I can describe it more if all you guys want to learn it, if you dont know the breakdancing version already...

Lastly, just in case ya having trouble with the snakes. Then just remember that ya all know the horizontal snake. It's the waiter move. Tray-glass, above and below the shoulder.


[ 17. January 2003, 23:52: Message edited by: Stone ]

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

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