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_khan_SILVER Member
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I've completely gotten obsessed with the new show Heroes, about ordinary people (like junkies and webcam strippers ubblol) who develop superpowers. It's kind of a cross between X-Men and Lost. There've only been three episodes but I'm hooked, hooked, hooked. Anyone else seen it and want to geek out? Has it even aired outside the States yet?
EDITED_BY: _khan_ (1162506395)

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

squarefishSILVER Member
(...trusty steed of the rodeo midget...)
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Yowza, big fanbase lurking in HOP,
anyone got a good site to download these on a bittorrent?
only just got the program cos my 'puter was old and weak, but now it has super powers!

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
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new episode tonight...damn my going out on a monday night, what could I possibly be thinking?

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

LostSurferSILVER Member
I'd be in trouble if I had to eat an antelope now
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I was just thinking of posting the same message! Yay for Heroes! biggrin

"Everything in moderation. Even moderation itself. From this it follows that you must, from time to time, have excess. And this is going to be one of those occasions"

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
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Location: WNY, USA

Saw it.

Was *incredibly* disappointed.
It went, well...nowhere.

Peter. Mohinder saw him heal and didn't think about yanking the glass out? No one thought about yanking the glass out? Please.

Mohinder. Sylar is out on the floor and he didn't try 8 ways of killing him just to be sure? If he is such the big bad it would have been done.

Sylar, here's the positive. He uses his telekin powers better than any other "superhero" in any movie or show I have seen. He kicks the crap out of Jean and Prof from the X-movies, and that is how they should have controlled them. That is good.

Isaac. If he truly wanted to change his life and be a hero, then he would have changed the future by relocated and thus being able to produce more hints into the future to actually help the others. Disappointing wimp.

Claire. At least she used her brain.

Linderman. No shock, especially since yahoo news released it before the show aired, which really sucked big rocks. I didn't even read the article, just the headline and it blew it.

Nothing in it was new, fresh or captivating. I was hoping and looking forward to Peter-Syler going head to head in a face off (pun intended) and it just fell flat.

They are trying to keep the twists and confusion of Lost while wrapping stuff up (unlike Lost) so that they don't tick people off, but this episode just felt like they tried too hard.

And from the previews of the next one, both PWB and I feel like they are going to continue to try too hard.


Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
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i tried to watch it last night, but got bored and watched girlfriends and the game instead

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

MandSILVER Member
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Dammit, I now have rehearsals on a monday night. I'm going to have to find it and watch it online from now on.

Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
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Location: San Francisco, California, USA

 Written by: Pele

Peter. Mohinder saw him heal and didn't think about yanking the glass out? No one thought about yanking the glass out? Please.

Mohinder. Sylar is out on the floor and he didn't try 8 ways of killing him just to be sure? If he is such the big bad it would have been done.

Sylar, here's the positive. He uses his telekin powers better than any other "superhero" in any movie or show I have seen. He kicks the crap out of Jean and Prof from the X-movies, and that is how they should have controlled them. That is good.

Isaac. If he truly wanted to change his life and be a hero, then he would have changed the future by relocated and thus being able to produce more hints into the future to actually help the others. Disappointing wimp.

Claire. At least she used her brain.

Linderman. No shock, especially since yahoo news released it before the show aired, which really sucked big rocks. I didn't even read the article, just the headline and it blew it.

It's true that Mohinder saw him heal, and while Nathan might have known that he absorbed Claire's regenerating ability (not sure about that though, I can't remember if Nathan ever knew what Claire's ability was before this ep) it's not too much of a stretch to believe they (Nathan, Mama Petrelli, Mohinder) wouldn't think he could come back from death. We the audience knew that, but none of those characters necessarily knew that. Only Claire knew, from the date-rape stick incident, and so it makes sense that she was the one who thought to pull the glass out.

I agree about Mohinder though, why didn't he just bash Sylar's head in with something? Or stab him in the heart? The big bad is unconscious, you don't just run away with your friend's dead body. On the other hand, that would've ended things with Sylar too easily.

Sylar does make good use of his powers, that's for sure.

I agree Isaac was a lameass wuss. I thought his reasoning was kind of bogus. On the other hand, while I'm disappointed in the course of action the character took, I can't say that I don't agree with what happened with him, big picture-wise.

I didn't see the Yahoo thing, so I wasn't spoiled on Linderman beforehand. I did miss the beginning of the show though, so I think I missed the big reveal. I only know the deal with Linderman from reading the comics.

I did like Mr. Bennet, Matt & Ted's escape from Primatech though...curious to see how all that wraps up.

And I'm also intrigued by what Linderman plans to do with Micah.

Overall, it satisfied me on the plot front, but individual character moments left me wanting. I guess my hopes were kind of high considering it was the first episode back from the hiatus, but despite my quibbles it all kind of made sense for me as the next progression of plot development. I laughed out lout at the end though. But where's the riff in the spacetime continuum?

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

37 posts

OMG.. I too was yelling at the screen when Nathan and Mohinder failed to cut Sylars head off. Wicked bad guy though... and he's kinda cute wink

Maybe I'm a little slow but I didn't understand why the glass in the brain "killed" him.. than once yanked out it was fine.. is like those plastic slips that go between batteries??

Yesss... Micah.. what the hell is gonna happen to him? And I was a little surprised how much Niki cares of Micah, I thought he was more of a puppet for her.. but apparently now. Hmmm..

"Don't be so humble, you are not that great."

YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Claire didn't wake up on the slab till the stick was removed from her brain, so, they can regenerate their own cells, but they can't remove major blockages from such a sensitive area I guess.

Blinded by Hyperlights, please donate generously grin

37 posts

Riiiight. I forgot about that.

"Don't be so humble, you are not that great."

34 posts
Location: Seattle

About Peter, me and a friend had the idea that since Peter has to consciously use his acquired powers, that he wouldn't be able to heal if he was deceased. So I was wondering if they would prove that by the mom (who's powers are unkown atm) pulling out the shard. But no, Claire has to pull out the shard opening up the possiblity that the mere presence of Claire could have healed Nathan rather than proving or disproving that Peter can heal unconsciously. Just a thought that had me thinkin when he died.

I thought Sylar's TK powers kicked ass this episode, but they didn't show his exceptional hearing ability issues. It was also funny when he gave Isaac a labotomy I said "You have just acquired the artistry skill" LOL!
EDITED_BY: pythonjosh (1177520175)

psycotic_furbyBRONZE Member
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So, any thoughts on Momma Petrelli's undisclosed powers?

I mean aside from superhuman WASPishness...

Eww, Liza Minelli...

The communists gave my mother a job, teaching sculpture to limbless children.

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
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Location: San Francisco, California, USA

I wonder if maybe she doesn't have some kind of precognitive/clairvoyant thing that's different than Isaac's power. Remember in the beginning of the series, Peter kept having those prophetic dreams and visions...could those have been the power he absorbed from his mother before he realized he had that talent? She does know a lot about what's going on, partly because of her husband's involvement with Linderman to be sure, but also maybe by these other means...? Just a thought.

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
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I was quite disappointed that I was rigt in my predictions that Linderman's grand plan would echo that of a certain Alan Moore Superhero graphic novel... Angela Petrelli being part of an older generation of heroes seems to augement this...

Pele: Don't under estimate Isaac's intentions. Up until now his talent hs been exploited by mainly by Linderman, despite saving the cheerleader. Who's not to say that Isaac's death and Sylar acquiring his power would set in motion events that would lead to his undoing? People deserve to live their lives without being lead by or manipulating fate to their favour.

I am rather worried as I have a feeling as to who would be next season's villian... All I'll say is 'Power Corrupts'

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

what'd people think of last night's?

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
768 posts
Location: San Francisco, California, USA

*spoiler alert*

I don't know how to talk about this without revealing any spoilers...on the other hand, this was a "what-if" episode so anything that they change in the past (present) will likely disrupt that (possible) future anyway...(like how I rationalize the spoiler-ishness there?) So with that caveat...

I liked it overall. It was a bit derivative of the "Days of Future Past" storyline from X-Men (without the giant robots of course) but it still made sense in terms of the universe Heroes is set in. I would've loved to find out how Niki got rid of Jessica, something they only alluded to (with the mirrors!). And how exactly did Peter get the scar, that he quite prominently has 5 years in the future? Also, future Peter is super hot. Like, really really hot now that he's all tough and multi-powered and not whiney.

I was thinking "man what a jerk Nathan's turned into" until the reunion with Claire. The way things turn out for all of them made a lot of sense. I couldn't believe Claire was in that diner! As I read elsewhere, "Is there nowhere else to eat in Midland Texas?"

While it was interesting to see certain possibilities play out, it's pretty much a given that things aren't really going to turn out that way, isn't it? Unless the rest of the season is all about how Hiro fails and the following seasons show how they get there...that would be depressing. Plus they would've already told us how it ends.

I never really know what to make of alternative reality/possible future type episodes -- they can be interesting diversions and it's often fun to play "what-if?" but you always know that the circumstances depicted in such scenarios will be mitigated.

Oh yeah, I also really liked the nuclear-powered fight at the end...the power of a "hero" who wasn't there being used, there was something poetic in that.

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

It was filler and didn't progress or help the show along in any capacity.

It seems early in a show to be using such obvious tactics and I thought it was lame, especially since we know it won't turn out that way.

I didn't even bother watching the whole thing. I watched something else, channel surfed to Heroes during the commericials and found I hadn't missed a thing.

Very disappointing.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

237 posts

Wow Pele, such a change of heart!

I'm just going to go spoiler nuts, we've done it before on this thread so why hold back I figure biggrin

I personally thought it was one the greatest episodes of TV ever. Me and my little group of Heroes fanatics have been endlessly debating possibilities and how we didn't see certain things coming.

Peter using his powers to free Hiro and Ando was great. There's a dude totally in control of his suite of powers.

The appearance of Sylar - awesomely done.

The whole issue of the time travel thing is a head bender and could possibly ruin the show IMO. At this point, we're kind of all of the opinion that (similarly to Terminator 3) the NY explosion is a significant event that shapes things very definitely. Hiro's attempts to plot key junctures to try and prevent it haven't changed the outcome much (hence him going back and forth to the same 'futures'). Saving the Cheerleader? Not that big a deal really - so it would seem. EVERYTHING pivots around the explosion being prevented and Sylar being killed.

It still comes down to Peter getting nuclear dude's power and not being able to contain it.

Still very much into it. Right up there with BSG for me. Pretty surprised to see how much you've come to dislike it Pele. No-one I know has changed their opinion so much. With Lost yeah but not Heroes ;-)

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

thou shall not blaspheme Lost bounce

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

237 posts

Hey, I love Lost, i have no issues with it rate of progression. I'm just saying, i can understand other's frustration more with that show than Heroes per se.

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
768 posts
Location: San Francisco, California, USA

"My destiny is to shoot you? The universe is so lame."


taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Missed this weeks. In fact, we forgot it was even on.

Used to be we couldn't wait to see it. Now we can't even remember it's on.

Between the wait and what we feel is the stereotypical tactics that tv falls into, what was once refreshing is now just...well...meh for our entire group up here shrug

I'm hoping that something redeems it but since it is entirely on with the comic genre to start strong and back-track and twist into something not-as, well, at least we can say it is honest to the genre.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
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I shall watch this weeks tonight when I get home my mate at work said it was good and can see it building towards the finally in a couple of weeks time, all about sylar.

the future episode was quite good IMO however it did seem to have a few holes in the theory.

when Hiro jumped to the future, future Hiro should have known that claire was saved (else he was crossing dimensions not time.)

so sylar should have died when stabbed but he didn't they are playing with time travel and not covering all the loops in the characters memory, it may have aided the story but my mind was distracted by the way that they had missed fundamental aspects of dynamics of time travel. it didn't work even theoretically.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

1 post

Re the hottest totty, Peter Petrelli gets my vote with his smoky eyes, innocent looks and floppy hair... Yum ubbloco

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

ah but if you know him from gilmore girls you don't think he is so innocent

wait do i have the right guy?
EDITED_BY: faithinfire (1179351271)

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
768 posts
Location: San Francisco, California, USA

faith, you do have the right guy!

i can't believe i know that. redface

although i'm finding the coming together of our ragtag bunch to be rewarding, and really like Claire & Peter's relationship (not like that you sickos!!) there were a couple of things in this episode that really really bugged me because they were clearly done for the sake of plot expediency even though they made no sense.

a) Nathan jumping 28 points in the election results and declared the winner all within the same news segment!!?? WTF??? mad

b) Hiro learning samurai swordwork in a day!!??? WTF??? angry (unless he froze time to do it, which I don't think he did)

c) And DL jumping in front of Niki when he could have just grabbed her and phased was just lame.

Sylar, however, is getting creepier yet sexier the more powerful he gets.

And the whole elevator scene was hilarious.

I'm still liking the show overall though, despite these glaring WTF moments. It's people with special powers! I can't resist special powers.

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Posted: ubblol

Blinded by Hyperlights, please donate generously grin

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam


a) It's just a device called 'Time Compression'. I'm assuming they are two separate news reports. Since the election was rigged with Micah's help there was no point in showing any dramatic tension as to it's outcome. I think it gave the scene a sense of tragic inevitability in the face of prevailing corruption.

b) Don't underestimate Hiro's apptitude, I would assume that Hiro being the geek he is would've spent hours play-sword-fighting after being enamoured with the Kensei Legend his father fed him as a kid. He might've just had natural ability just refined with his father's help. (Maybe that's part of his father's powers if he has any)

c) The gift of hindsight is something that not many can afford. DL might've instinctively stood in front of Niki, perhaps activated his power but realised Niki would be killed if he did, no time to react reasonably. It just goes to show that for all his superhuman gifts he is still just a man who's willing to take a bullet to save someone he loves.

I didn't like how Mr Bennett is so ready to kill her little girl so save his daughter, forgetting she is someone else's daughter, a lazy way to build to a Mexican standoff, which will probably be resolved with the whole 'she's someone else's daughter' angle.

I did like how Jessica acknowledged her own evil, selfish, cowardly nature, but has since developed enough compassion to let Niki take control before she gave in to Linderman's offer.

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
768 posts
Location: San Francisco, California, USA

I'd buy the time compression thing if it had been done differently. But Nathan being behind at 38% to being declared the winner was clearly the same newsreport. And it was daytime, the polls would've still been open and most of the votes would not really have been tallied yet. Sorry, I just can't suspend that much disbelief.

As far as the Hiro and DL points, I can buy your takes on those.

As far as Molly being someone else's daughter...true, though her parents are dead already, a fact Bennett already knows which may mitigate any misgivings he might have on the "someone else's daughter" point. Bennett has already demonstrated the lengths to which he'll go to protect Claire, so I think that his willingness to do it was in character.

I'm sure they won't kill Molly (or at least Bennett won't) but what kind of life is that poor girl going to have now? Her parents are dead, she's in the hands of people who want to use her power for their own purposes...they won't leave her with OWI, but is Bennett going to adopt her? Or Mohinder? Will they ship her off to an orphanage? It's a pretty bleak situation to be in.

Agree about Jessica acknowledging her own, shall we say, character deficiencies. A lot of the fanboys don't like this character or Ali Larter, but I think she's done a remarkable acting job. She had the most difficult character(s) to play, really. The way she switches between personalities, and how different they are in speech and physicality, is really great.

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

DominoSILVER Member
UnNatural Scientist - Currently working on a Breville-legged monkey
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 Written by: _khan_

Sorry, I just can't suspend that much disbelief.

It's a show about superheroes...

Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can beat the world into submission.

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