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GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Now does this mean that all my past discrepancies will be forgotten? wink

Name: Gidg

Sex: Female

Age: Last count 42, and almost the oldest living person posting on HoP

Location: Portland Oregon USA

Hobbies: Spinning stuff biggrin, Polynesian dance, music, camping, crafts (really into bead work at the moment), weaving

Favorite Toys: Staff, Poi, Glow Poi, Flash Sticks, Flags, my guitar and my Fire Fans

Been twirling:

Poi –1997, Fire August 2003

Staff – May 2003, Fire November 2003

Flags – May 2003

Fans – November 2003, Fire December 2003

Music: Most anything except for Trans and Rap. Currently into Country and Celtic style of music.

Musical Instruments: Guitar, recorder, piano, ukulele and flute. I want to learn the irish harp but don’t have the cash for the instrument yet.

Favorite Colors: Purple first, then royal blue, hunters green, burgundy and rust

Favorite Author/Book: Ann McCaffrey and the Pern series. My imagination can run wild. I see myself now; fighting thread on the back of a flying fire-breathing dragon, purple of course.

Favorite Sayings:

Walk softly and carry a big stick.

Learn something new and never grow old

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is NOT

Occupation: Trying to figure out how to make a living without actually working. In the mean time I work as an Engineering Change Order Coordinator for an electronics-manufacturing firm.

Movies: Lord of the Rings and My Big Fat Greek Wedding

TV Shows: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda and Mutant X (yes I like Sci-Fi a little biggrin)

hug hug wave wave

EDITED_BY: Gidg (1092785084)

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


JTSpinnerSILVER Member
Learnin About Burnin
385 posts
Location: Michigan, USA

Ah, thanks Gidg!! See things better glad I am also ubblol ( I learned that one from Yoda eek

I may be crazy but I ain't stupid

Life is to short to waste it on stupidity

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

If you're talking like Yoda you've had too much. Give back the bottle!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


JTSpinnerSILVER Member
Learnin About Burnin
385 posts
Location: Michigan, USA

You said you didn't give it to me so how can you take back what you never gave in the first place???? (As Yoda would say "Have the bottle back you may not") confused2

I may be crazy but I ain't stupid

Life is to short to waste it on stupidity

Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

So the rum is not really gone, then??? (then really gone the rum is not???)

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Oh not you too! *Cover face with hands*

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Just messing with your head, Gidgie!!! biggrin

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Are you anywhere close enough to try to get to this!?! biggrin

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Well two out of four isn't bad I guess. Two of them, of course the closest, no longer has active website connected to their advertisements. One of them is during the Faire Festival and the other has possibilities, it just depends if want to drive two hours to attend a function that I will know absolutely no one.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Well, phooey...that's not the page that I tried to show you, anyway...was one that was specifically about a Ren Faire...!!!

How the heck did that happen!?! Crazy technology!!! tongue

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Well it lead me to a couple possibilities. I went back and took a look at Washington and that lead to one that reminds me of scarborough fair down in Texas. It also lead me to a pirate site, which Moondoggie is into. They have something going in September that he might be interested in.

What specific Ren Faire where you looking at?

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Shrewsbury, I think it was...

Oh,...My son did, indeed polish off all of the fudge that I didn't get to eat...He brought the bowl back home with nothing but dust in the bottom!!!

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Shrewsbury is the one that is two hours away ... but I could make it a weekend. I wonder what they would think if 13th Century garb showed up at a 16th Century event?

Just dust? No crumbs? That must mean that the fudge was liked.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Yep, just dust...and I can guarantee that it was very well liked...I think whether I had been able to eat it or not, he would have made off with it, just the same!!!

I wouldn't worry overly much if your clothing is not period perfect...You see people with all manner of garb on at the one that I go to...even pirates...and just where in the Renaissance do pirates come in??? Is funny that the one's dressed like pirates and the Ren Faire people heckle each other over it!!!

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

awakenSILVER Member
The Evil Pixie (apparently)
716 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Ohhh I want to dress up!!

rock hopping, hop-scotching, pippy pocky stocking - Sureau - wink thanks Jen! biggrin

Ry: I can't hear you. I'm listening to The Spice Girls.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

dress ups! dress ups!!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

In that case I think I'm going to have to shake out my 13th Century garb and take it with me, and you are soooo right. Pirates have nothing to do with Renaissance.

bounce Yep! Yep! We are all going to dress up! Rouge and Pip, what are you dressing up as?

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

I have a french maid costume devil


i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Yeah, no pirates during the Renaissance. wink umm

Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

I dressed in mostly belly dance style...but with more of a tribal look...lots of silver and copper and black...and feathers and fringe...!!! I love dressing up, too!!! ubblove

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Patrick, I have a feeling that you would be the first pirate to walk in. tongue

A french maid Rouge? *giggle* Stop thinking about your boy. wink

Bek, when it comes to the garb I tend to lean to the tradition of a shift and tunic. I have been thinking the tribal look though for spinning. I want to get out of the jeans and T-shirt look into something this is not so main stream.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

We got 'em BABY!!!!

Tasha, my niece, has delivered a healthy baby girl. Cloe is 7lbs 6oz and 19inchs long. Pictures forth coming once I download them from my camera.

bounce We got 'em baby! bounce2

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

Ooh! Congratulations! bounce

Don't you feel old now that you've got a grand-neice? tongue

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

*blows raspberry at Ela*

This is the second grand-niece ... I also have to grand-nephews. nana

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia


Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA


Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

...and afternoon!!! (not really)

Wow, we could write a song!!!

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

*singing* In the morning, in the evening, ain't we got fun! biggrin

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


awakenSILVER Member
The Evil Pixie (apparently)
716 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Sorry - I've been neglecting hop lately! Ok dress ups.. hmm how about.. I'll dress up like... a person who's at work on a sunday rolleyes

Failing that, I'll let Bek dress me up all belly-tribal *bing*

How's you, Gidg?


rock hopping, hop-scotching, pippy pocky stocking - Sureau - wink thanks Jen! biggrin

Ry: I can't hear you. I'm listening to The Spice Girls.

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Hey! Pip is back! bounce Bummer about working on a Sunday though.

Gidg is doing great! Gidg also want to find a bunch of outdoor carpet squares in a lot of different colors and put them down on her balconies. It would be soooo cool.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


Bek66Future Mrs Pogo
4,728 posts
Location: The wrong place

Posted: to the carpet stores and see about getting the old sample squares from them...I know someone who did that in their kids room...turned out wonderful!!!

Pip...I've got about everything we need to dress a whole tribal troupe...and then as soon as I make it over, we'll be good to go!!!

"Absence is to love what wind is to extinguishes the small, enkindles the great."
--Comte Debussy-Rebutin

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