160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

im look for more ides to preform without my feet on the ground...i got xaeda's down (finally) , and this weird move that resembles rolling dow a hill like we did as little kids (passing the staff in front of me then behind me and so on keeping the staff spinning paralell to the ground... sort of. kinda silly... watch out ahead of time for trees, rocks or doggy doo madi know there's lots more, just lacking creative ideas right now...

21 posts
Location: Queensland, Australia

cartwheels are cool- double or single stick.i'm yet to master the one handed one, but looks cool done.backward roll? smileVik

vik... dreaming with 2 stars **

13 posts
Location: Melbourne, AUS

If you can throw a staff high enough, it leave you free to do any sort of acrobatic move underneath, sorta in the style of rhythmic gymnastics.Bear in mind it's really really difficult, and quite dangerous (objects falling from the sky into your head). And then you add fire to the mixture...

160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

working on a super-move that i'm proud to say i did it my frst try (although hours nd hours of practice and i cant do it again...)spinning along in my regular heli, did a heli toss and did a somersault. my staff came down quicker than i anticipated and landed between my feet where i caught it halfwaythrough my somersault then as my feet came down i gave it a little push with my right foot swingingit into a no handed leg wrap and then (because i was standing now ) spiriled it up my body using my hands. love and hugzzzphuzzz[This message has been edited by phuzzz (edited 04 January 2002).]

160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

is it rude to bump your own subject?

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

not at all. If I were a queen and I fancied one of my subjects, i'd not hesitate in bumping them.

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750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

I feel a bit silly replying to a staff thread with a poi move but stuff it! I was watching Josh do a buzzsaw between the legs and I tried it, only I couldn't bring it back out again - so instead I just kept bending over until I did a forward roll - nothing too flash but not too bad. Think I want to move from that into a bridged (arched back with weight on feet and head) butterfly - ooh and when that is down pat, I might try it with fire!------------------Picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,966 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Bendy, I swear one day I will nail your feet to the ground. Then we'll see how you get on.....

[ 24. November 2002, 12:11: Message edited by: C@ntus ]


40 posts
Location: brisbane, queensland, australia?

Hey lluhmas,I guess you should have posted in here - its the only thread that came up in the search of staff moves. The Ground Rolling thread does have lots of info, but it seems to be mainly about poi.Anyway, in Brisbane there is this super duper ground rolling staff twirler who has become Draevon's nemesis - in that good friendly way. Every moonfest he has something new. He is damn spectacular, and verges on breakdancing with staff.He rolls one way in a combination of half forward rolls and sideways rolls, then gets to the end and pushes himself up on his shoulders to spin around 180 while passing the staff back under his legs/body and goes back the other way. I can't even begin to describe his staff moves, but it is completely amazing. He is one of the most inspired twirlers I've ever seen.keep ground rolling, new moves may look silly to start with, but after a while it will be everyones favourite trick to watch.maeon.

Where in the world is the island I'm on?

160 posts
Location: saltspring island, bc , kanada

there is a man named luke (the one with the flaming rod?) who although i only saw a few times when i was beginning, insiped me to practiceeverysingleday. this guy seemed to effortlessly tumble around the park staff whizzing around him at incredible speeds. now if i could only meet him now i could dissect hit moves and study them intently. j/k. but i wouldn't mind a pointer or two. luke! where are you!um. yeah ground stuff. i have a friend who can do head stands wonderfully while he was doing so i spun it around his body/arms/legs/neck the he grabbed it with one hand and spun himself around like a top with the other. fell on his back pretty hard but wow the posibilities.

63 posts
Location: Armidale, NSW, Australia

I havent mastered the ground roll yet but me and my friend Matt have worked out a nice move.He can do a backflip from standing position, but cannot twirl real well. The deal is he teaches me to do a backflip, I teach him to twirl.Needless to say twirling is much easier than a backflip, and having almost mastered a spinning vertical helicopter throw (single staff) hes trying to throw it, do a backflip, then catch it again. He cant throw in the dark though, so weve still got a fair way to go, but it will look awesome when combined with our UV body paint...cheerslluhmas------------------Fire is Love

BAHOOGA! It's the penguin-people!Gertrude, get me my lollypop and we'll lick 'em to death..and?

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