724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

For those interested there will be the first Poi in the Park in Rotherham starting on the Sat 12th July. It will be held at Clifton Park.
We will be meeting at 5ish at the bandstand, then moving on to the main field.
For anyone who is unsure where to go, just email or pm me and i'll help out as much as i can.
Hope to see plenty of people there, Thanx, Astrofaerie.

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

Mr Peteymember
43 posts
Location: Sunny Sheffield

Huzzah - looks like I _might_ be able to make this one after all - we shall see. What sort of time are you starting this time? Is it still 5 or is it later now?

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

its going to be 6ish this time.Hope 2 see u there Petey

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

Great Boomember
12 posts
Location: Rotherham(Leeds soon!)

Just wondering if its gonna be dark enough to play with fire? What time do you guys go home??

All men are born madSome stay that way

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Well, it depends. Some people leave for last orders at the pub. But i'll be staying as long as possible, and i think a few others will be staying late too. As of yet we haven't spun fire in Clifton Park, so maybe this week we will. I shouldnt think we'll be leaving before 10pm-10:30ish. I won't be anyway!. Hope to see you there

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

Great Boomember
12 posts
Location: Rotherham(Leeds soon!)

Good good.well i'll bring some fuel anyway,just in case.Just out of interest,where is clifton park??Might be usefull to know where your gonne be

All men are born madSome stay that way

522 posts
Location: Sheffield


I'll be coming along for this one, look forward to meeting you all. Tired now, catch you all later

136 posts
Location: Sheffield

pssst....Hello folks how is it going there? hope your all well! Pk is moving back down this end to derby and we may have in here in sunny sheffield for the next pip Sat 23rd August! usual time and place, if anyone wants to make a weekend of it i think that there is a free party on the sat night!

hopefully will pop up to your pip at some point

see you all soon!

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Im sory, im just soooooo excited!.
Cant wait for Saturday, its gonna be great!

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

c u all 2morrow.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Thanx to everyone who came to this months PiP. I had an absolutely amaaaaazing time.
Fantastic to finally meet you Liam and Angie.
I hope to see you both again really soon.
Lovely seeing you again Pete, hope you can make it to another one soon too.
I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as i did anyway!.
I think due to an incident tho, we'd probably be better moving somewhere nearer to the car-park in future, just for the safety aspect. So i suggest we meet on the main field in future, near to the car park, that way we have lots of room, people can find us easily, and we can keep a good eye on the cars.
The next PiP will be the 6th of September. Hope to see you all again soon. take care guys.

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

This was a hardcore fire pip with some fire spinning in a large paddling pool then moving on to several hours fire/electro stuff in the car park.

I lost track of time but am pretty sure it was near 1.00 am by the time we left.

I'm exhausted, it's a while since I did that much fire stuff.

Liam and Angie got some good footage including the pool, electric poi/staff, fire meteors etc.

It's great that so many people turned up, especially Liam and Angie from Huddersfield; thanx Astrofaire, Andy and the Rotherham crew for another great pip.

ps Rachaels guitar playing is excellent.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Yup yup and yup. Andrew, Ali, Rachel, Pete and the rest of you, heres one of these and one of these too

Was fun, sorry it was getting dark by the time we got there but hopefully it will be the first of many

Ali, just got home and looked at your prints properly. Delightfull, thanks you so much, i'll add them to my Astro collection

Hugs and spinny toys of death to you all

Give me a few days to organise myself and i'll see what I can do with the footage.

Kou Kou

16 posts
Location: rotherham, south yorkshire

Hey Hey!

Cheers dave

That was wikkid. I shall remember my fire poi next time tho.

those electricy blue glowy toys are v.v. funky. thanx for lettin me play

ive got lots of bruises from staff im determined to learne more stuff with em tho cos doubles look so fkin ace

righty, i have to go back to work now cos they are slave driving bstards.

Take care everyone


ultra violet goblynmember
10 posts

MY NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!


yes dave it was 1:00 in the morning when we left and boy is it reminding me!!!!
my head and shoulders felt like ali had been sat on them

the only things i can say about last nite are-

EXELLENT (nods head while saying this)
(sorry private joke)

dave is mad!!!!!!!!!
(bloody car roof,what were you thinking of man)

liam is a damn show off!!!!!!!
(he's the only one i've seen who's able to handle the tremendous big stick........git )

rach is eeerrrrrrrr.......well the only reason she's pink soot is because of that bloody stick,do you know how long it takes to get that dried up paint out

mind you,its a pity the other staff got a bend in it,but it was worth it,heheheheheheheheh

other than this it was an abolutley stormin night out,and i think we may have to go and do some stuff in that terrifying and wild area in the western lands of yorkshire known as "uddersfield" !!!!!

i take it the next one is gonna be another late one, i may be achey and knakered but man was it fuuunnnnn!!!!

all the best to everyone who attended see you all soon i hope.

OI DAVE....if you are going up to huddersfield next week and we are you more than welcome of a lift,its no problem.....


he's not the messiah ,hes a very naughty boy

Great Boomember
12 posts
Location: Rotherham(Leeds soon!)

Sadly couldnt make it to Pip Rotherham,BUT,instead spend dusk till dawn playing with fire an electrotoys in a quarry on the South coast,complete with DJ,BBQ and free bar!! Watched the sunrise over the ocean before heading down to the cliffs to climb and swim.Then a 5 hour drive back to Roth,having not slept for 52 hours.Just got home.Pretty tired.
Sounds like you had fun last night though.
Its amazing how many people you meet by spinning in a busy place for 10mins.All night people were introducing themselves,chatting,and then fetching their own twirly things.Plus, a hell of a lot of people know of this site,which was nice.
OK,im rambling now.Sleep deprivation is catching up.REALLY hope to see you all some time soon and have a spin.

All men are born madSome stay that way

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by ultra violet goblyn:
dave is mad!!!!!!!!!
(bloody car roof,what were you thinking of man)

No, Dave is sane- it would have made for some classic footage, and any lingering dents in your roof would make great souvenirs of an excellent nights spinning!

Cheers for the lift offer, not sure if I can make the weekend but we'll discuss it if you're at Western pk 2 morrow.

hope your nose is recovering

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Due to the Rotherham show being held on the 6th of Sept, I am having to change the date of the next PiP. Its going to be brought forward to next week, Sat 30th August. Sorry for the change, but i thought it would be for the best. Any problems, dont hesitate to contact me, cheers guys, see u all soooon.

[ 24. August 2003, 23:06: Message edited by: ASTRO FAERIE ]

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

*sniff-sniff* looks like i missed a really good PIP!

i am deffo gonan try for this weekend, and then go to workon my first day on monday!


started the footage and now am workingthorugh it

later days

Step (el-nombrie)

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Just to remind people the Rotherham Poi in the Park is now this coming saturday, the 30th Aug. Also gonna be a fun day.... look......;f=5;t=001171

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Should be good, weather forcasts ok and it's Astrofaeries birthday!

I've also been working on a variation on the Hammerhead electric poi which looks quite nice, I'll bring them along.

Astrofaerie- can you confirm the start time, is it 6.00 pm?

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Yep! its 6pm at the main car-park!.
Ill be there earlier though. Its my birfday on the 2nd, but this is gonna be my celebration, so gonna be fun!

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

Great Boomember
12 posts
Location: Rotherham(Leeds soon!)

Good to finally meet eveyone tonight.I was the guy with the camera for those i didnt speak to. I'll try and get the piccys developed as soon as pos and post them on the net,though this might be while as from tomorow i wont have access to a computer.
Could i ask a favour from you kind,kind people??If i give you my mobile number could someone give me a ring/txt when its time for PIP Sheff or Rotherham?Will probably be back in the area on the odd weekend an it'd be great to play together again.It is:07718535834
Cheers folks.

All men are born madSome stay that way

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

Thanx to everyone who turned up to the PiP, it was a quiet one, but great fun nonetheless. Lovely to see a new face too...Great Boo:). Thanx to everyone who showed up for making my birfday celebrations go with a bang. Thanx for all the wonderful presents too, they are very much appreciated and i know you put real thought into them. I had an absolutely wonderful day. And thanx again to Mechhead for organising such a great little kiddies party for me, lets hope the photos come out!
Big Hugz all round.

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

724 posts
Location: Rotherham, UK

The problem we had on Saturday was not a personal attack on anyone. I for one actually welcomed you and asked how you were, so we didn't treat you like something we scraped off our shoe.
We thought it very rude that none of you even thought to introduce yourselves before helping yourself to our parraffin, but we let it go.
If you had turned up with a freindly and sensible attitude then there wouldnt have been a problem.
We had to make a decision based on what we thought was the responsible thing to do. If you want to spin fire while drunk thats your decision, but all we asked was that you moved away from us if you were to do so.
You didnt have two cans at all, and not one of you at the time seemed to us sober enough to handle themselves responsibly while spinning fire.
Now there was only your group that has ever had a complaint about the Rotherham PiP, so at the end of the day it's up to others to make their mind up wether it should be missed or not. We are all friendly people, and i hope people who know me know me better than this.
None of us that night felt comfortable with what you were doing, so as a group we made the decision, which is what it should be about. I'm sorry, but some people take the view that being responsible is a lot more important than having a drink. Im sorry this is the way you feel, because you really didnt give enough time to think on what we were saying and get to know any of us.
I'd rather know we are taking correct safety measures and people are safe, than worry all night because people are spinning fire while drinking.
My other worry is this:
The poi in the park is made open to all public, which means we could have children and their families there, children love watching people spinning fire, and on occasion they stop and watch. What would happen if you made a bad judgement while spinning fire a hurt a child, it could happen.
The park is a public place, and we have to be responsible in it. It isn't just about us having fun, we are responsible for everyones overall safety, and none of us want anything to go wrong.
We are not against people having a drink or smoke, thats a personal choice which we have no control over, but spinning while intoxicated is extremely hazardous in our opinion, and i think instead of thinking it was an attack on yourselves, you should see that it was for overall safety, including your own.
I'd hope that people please read this thread with an open mind. I appreciate the views of others as i would like to have the Rotherham PiP be as successful as possible.
If anyone has any views on this or any other concerns regarding the Rotherham PiP please bring them up.
Thats all for now.

Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realise that we
cannot eat money.

Cree Indian, 1909

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Sounds like the right decision was made.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by TheSilverShadow:
Well well what lovely people where at the pip rotherham yesterday...

and get ****ing told we cannot spin with them saying we were a danger to them as we had had 2 ****ing cans of beer.

...and basically talking to us like we were somthing they found on the bottom of there shoes.

I think that the people who were there have a different view of the events you're describing.

As we made our position as clear as we could at the time, in as polite a fashion as we could, I'm not going to go over them again here.

For anyone reading this post and thinking of coming to future Rotherham PIP's let me put your minds at ease, if you turn up in the afternoon to meet some pleasant and friendly people, swap skills and have a spin, you will be most welcome.

If it's obvious you can spin well and safely then we'll be quite happy for you to join us in some fire. If you're new to it we'll even lend you a set of small wick poi and act as safety on your first fire spin.

If however, your priority is to get caned, turn up when it's dark, barge into the fire session unannounced, then stagger over drunkenly expecting to use our paraffin; you'll be better off spinning elsewhere.

As for this: -
Originally posted by TheSilverShadow:

...and basically talking to us like we were somthing they found on the bottom of there shoes.

no one treated any of you like that, we explained in a calm fashion our feelings; if you recall a couple of us even legged it halfway across the park to give you the rucksack that you left behind.

Like we said at the time, no disrespect, but we have to make judgements about safety at this event. Our impression of your group was that you'd had a lot more than 'a couple of cans'. Whilst your group may be well used to 'hitting yourselves in the face' when doing fire, it's not the way we do things and we don't really want to watch anyone else spinning that way.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

TheSilverShadowBRONZE Member
Uncle Chop Chop
213 posts
Location: Time is the Fire in which we burn, United Kingdom

Ok i admit my first post was a bit strong,so i have deleted this so i cause no offence to anyone but when we arrived you did talk down to us which nobody liked.

Looking back now we did look a bit dodgy not introducing ourselves but i cant remember anyone using your parrafin but if u say so appologis all round, but it did seem when we did try make conversation u didn't seem to try make any back, for example we asked how your rope poi were made and u wouldn't even let my friend look.
We should have introduced ourselves properly which we would have done but we just seemed to argue about being drunk.

As for getting there early we were in the park from 6:00 looking around but found nobody as u said the main car park which there is two of and we didn't think that you would be on the car park the farthest away from the town centre and there is a lot of trees and stuff round ther which can obstruct we thought i either hadn't turned up cos of the short notice or would be in one of the main fields.

if u had bothered to ask us though you would have found that non of us were too drunk to spin as all of us are very experienced spinners, but when my friend said he had hit himself a few times he only meant this as in there was no need to worry about us.

Anyway i understand you were thinking of the overall safety of your group which i respect but i think that some sort of notice on your website about people bringing alcohol to your gatherings.
And some better instructions to where to find u all i am sure u are all very nice people and were just looking out for yourselves safteywise.

Maybe see u next time we'll bring a few cans (joke)

oh and many thanks for bringing the bag back

[ 02. September 2003, 02:37: Message edited by: TheSilverShadow ]

"Do you know what the Phantom is??"

FlameChildSILVER Member
136 posts
Location: Norway (Way way up North, on the left side of Swed...

I totally agree with you, Astro.

If these dick-heads wanna get drunk and spin fire, then they can do it in their own backyard.
And stay away from you folks who wants to have plain fun without havin to risk a burning wick down their neck.

A PiP should be a no-alcohol gathering.
The whole concept of spinning poi is the ability to coordinate and control your body to perform these art.

When drinkin you lose these abilities, so I really don't see the point in spinning poi when your are influenced.

So don't drink & poi, just...whatever..

-= I am the god of Hell-fire =-
-= And I bring =-

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Originally posted by TheSilverShadow:
Ok i admit my first post was a bit strong,so i have deleted this so i cause no offence to anyone but when we arrived you did talk down to us which nobody liked.

Looking back now we did look a bit dodgy not introducing ourselves but i cant remember anyone using your parrafin but if u say so appologis all round, but it did seem when we did try make conversation u didn't seem to try make any back, for example we asked how your rope poi were made and u wouldn't even let my friend look.
We should have introduced ourselves properly which we would have done but we just seemed to argue about being drunk.

As for getting there early we were in the park from 6:00 looking around but found nobody as u said the main car park which there is two of and we didn't think that you would be on the car park the farthest away from the town centre and there is a lot of trees and stuff round ther which can obstruct we thought i either hadn't turned up cos of the short notice or would be in one of the main fields.

if u had bothered to ask us though you would have found that non of us were too drunk to spin as all of us are very experienced spinners, but when my friend said he had hit himself a few times he only meant this as in there was no need to worry about us.

Anyway i understand you were thinking of the overall safety of your group which i respect but i think that some sort of notice on your website about people bringing alcohol to your gatherings.
And some better instructions to where to find u all i am sure u are all very nice people and were just looking out for yourselves safteywise.

Maybe see u next time we'll bring a few cans (joke)

oh and many thanks for bringing the bag back

That's cool, I'm sure a lot of this was due to misunderstanding and the confusion of night.

Your idea of an alcohol notice is a good one. We can't speak for all PIP's but for the Rotherham one we're definitly not into alcohol.

We've had situations in the past where drunken non spinners are drawn to the fire, it's kind of understandable but a real pain cos' we have to deal with it when we really just want to be spinning.

As a result I've become a bit fed up of the sight of the stuff and so have some of the other Rotherham PIP-ers.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

TheSilverShadowBRONZE Member
Uncle Chop Chop
213 posts
Location: Time is the Fire in which we burn, United Kingdom

I can understand as we spin in the park most nights we have the same problem but you were spinning in a very dodgy part of the park near the museum is the best place to spin as there is not usually any idiots up there, anyway if we had known there was not to be any beer we would not have brought any.

Hope we will be welcome next time we'll bring our own parrafin and no beer but maybe next time u could be clearer about where to meet as we did trek about for a fair while but u were in the only part we didn't look.

take it easy

"Do you know what the Phantom is??"


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