Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > Leeds, Huddersfield, Bradford or sumwhere...

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PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

I wanna c if there are any ppl in the vicinity of these places cos I wud love 2 see if there is a chance of ppl meeting up for a twirling sesh. Could become regular... Sheffield has poi in the park after all....

43 posts
Location: Harrogate, Yorkshire, England

I'm in harrogate, which ain't too far away from Leeds, and as I don't know one single person who spins in this god forsaken town, I think that'd be a great idea. I know a few performers from some of the nightclub there who might be interested too. What sort of thing did you have in mind?

Is this were Im supposed to write something interesting.....errmm.........AVOCARDO!!!!!!

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

Well we could stand in a park and avoid wackin each other wi poi. lol
Other ppl can join in too have a club thing goin... u know staff, jugglin etc...
I know sum jugglers who mite b interested but I'm wanting to improve my poi if anyone in the vicinty is most likely better than me.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

why not just look in the poiinthepark thread??? its been running now since december 2001!
if you want to get a taster then go to the poi section an download morning coffee!
you wont regret a visit to sheffield, and in answer to another thread its generally on the same weekend as headcharge or zogg and some one will offer floor space... like spiral?
only people that are near you is Jo and Tempest, other than that probably a few randon twirlers or loads of twirlers in sheffield and probably the biggest poi comunity in the north.

mrFlibbleSILVER Member
455 posts
Location: York, UK

i live in york.
i know there are several, if not more twirlers here.

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

Thats 2/3 train stops 4 me... other side I am... near hills arent i? give it abt 50 miles.

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

I don't think you should be worried about how good you are or aren't snowy, just spinning with other styles however good they are is beneficial in my opinion.

If you know of couple of people close then lets start with that. My first PiP was only a couple of people, my last one was masive and had some of my most favprite people in it. All that was started from one certain Rasclatt some people like to call PK.

[ 02. May 2003, 15:19: Message edited by: TEMPEST ]

136 posts
Location: Sheffield

come visit us in sheffield it would be great to meet you! the next sheffield pip is on the 31st may which is headcharge weekend ... if you want to make a weekend of it that is...

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

Dunno.. money problems ey? I can go anywhere in west yorkshire, got one of those pass thingys.
Yeah it'd be ace if we cud arrange summat. Suggestions 4 places nebody?

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

<<<< rasclat/pk and loads of other id's.

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