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Profile for Claire

Registered on: 19th Jan 2001
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

Some friends brought the fire idea back with a couple of colapsable staffs they brought whilst traveling a few years ago. But for me the poi/fire thing took off after going to Glastonbu...

do we need therapy for this addiction? I think not. Better this than many other addictions, and really isn't it therapy in itself. Possibly the best kind! (well ok there are some better...

I have a set of double head fire poi with the second head on a split ring futher up the chain, but we also made last year a set called "big boys toys" which was a short chain and handle...

Follow your Friends

Inward Twirls
Fire in the sky
Cancun nights
Dancing derby dames
A Light in the Dark
Shared Cascade
Sunset Island Burner
cold fire
Hellraiser Pinhead
Heels over head
Flower City Vaudeville
🌲🔥follow me into the forest🔥🔱🌲
it is the shoulder, dont understand me
Fire Silk
fire at the vondelpark
💚💛❤Love 💚💛❤
Snake flower
Hoop flow
Dont let go
Give me your hand
Beauty in still flame
dancing with fire
A spin in the park
A Circus Fable
Fire tango
Lady Crow
Fire fans 🔥
Giko Magiko fire

HOP kreisförmig

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